
Reborn in a World of Martial Arts

Lin Feng finds himself Transmigrated into another world in the body of a sixteen-years- old high-schooler. In this world Dangerous Ferocious beasts and humans live alongside to fight for territory and a peaceful life. In this world, martial arts are everything. It is a world where the law of the jungle prevail, while the weak are cast aside and discarded only to be used as cannon fodder. And Lin Feng finds himself in a situation. There are two path infront of him. The first choice is to remaining a weak citizen and live his rest of his life behind the walls that keeps the ferocious beast away, or to choose a path where he can become strong and conquer the vast world! However he finds himself awakening a system cheat that assists him in his journey to power and to become a supreme martial artist in this world!

HappyBubble · Eastern
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. Basic Fist Talent

The moment he entered the lobby, he froze on the spot.

What did he see?

Around 100 transparent bubbles of different colors were floating above the ground.





Lin Feng blinked. The bubbles were still there, floating around, but the other people in the lobby couldn't see them.

This was his special ability?!

He was not sure, so he pulled a person that was walking past him nearby.

With an irritated expression, the person asked.

"What do you want!?"

"Did you drop something on the floor." Lin Feng pointed towards the bubbles nearby.

They are floating at the height of his torso. He could see them quite easily by just slightly moving his head.

As if he cannot see the bubbles the person looked at the floor and then at Lin Feng with an angry expression.

"There's nothing there what are you trying to do! When did a fool like you come here!"

The person cursed at Lin Feng for disturbing him and walked away without looking back.

Lin Feng pondered for a while. From that person's reaction, he obviously couldn't see the bubbles. That meant that he was the only person who could see them.

Looking around he saw that the others are also like that, they simply walked right through the bubbles. To them, the bubbles didn't exist.

Lin Feng walked closer to the bubbles closest to him to test if he could walk through it.

But the instant he touched it, the bubbles was absorbed into his body and a series of notifications popped up in his mind.






Lin Feng's heart palipitated as he stared at the blue screen. He felt as though his heart was going to come out of his throat.

That was simply mind-blowing.

Lin Feng felt really happy, he can feel the aspects of his body increase as soon as he absorbed the bubbles. He was dazed for a moment as he felt the power coursing through his body.

He couldn't control his emotions and laughed loudly which made a few passer by's confused.

This must be his cheat ability.

In this dangerous world, martial artists are the main stream. If one doesn't have the power to protect himself, they can either be stepped on by others or be eaten by ferocious beasts and become food for them. And strength was the only path to remain carefree of the dangers and live his life peacefully.

His cheat ability allowed him to absorb attribute bubbles from other people and turn them into his own strength. This was simply a heaven-defying ability!

Other people had to arduously train themselves and cultivate diligently for many years to become strong, while he can simply collect a few bubbles to reach the same level as them in a mear seconds.

In simple words he has a clear path to success laid infront of him.

One day he would be at the top of the world and fly freely unobstructed in the sky!


After all this thinking, Lin Feng was ready to become strong.

At first he only came to see if his assumption was correct or not. But now, he was getting ready for picking bubbles.

He observed the bubbles for some time and noticed a few bubbles on the ground were dropped during the disciples' training process. And he also noticed that the dropped bubbles have time duration. They would disappear after a few minutes if left unpicked.

Just now as he was in a daze, a dozen or so bubbles have disappeared infront of his eyes. This made him feel a little pain in his heart, as if he lost a few million credits at this moment.

But this didn't discourage him, he could just wait for more bubbles to drop.

Before he even became a basic martial disciple, he always training in the mountains and has never trained like in this training facilities. He walked around looking at the various machines and equipment in the floor, as he causually picked up bubbles in the process.

As he was collecting bubbles happily, he came across a huge machine with a few words-strength testing machine- written in big words.

He curiously walked over to the machine. It was big and shiny. He looked around and saw no one was watching. He took a stance and punched hard in the middle. The numbers changed and displayed 150 points. Clearly his strength has increased after he absorbed a few strength bubbles. It was so easy to increase his strength like this.

Next he tested his speed and reflexes and got satisfied with the results. He had clearly improved a lot in just a matter of minutes. Imagine if this continues like this he might become a Advanced martial disciple in a matter of days.

With even more energy he ran from one spot to another absorbing bubbles...






Basic Fist Talent*5


As he was absorbed in his work, his attention was attracted by this sudden notification.


Lin Feng has picked up an attribute bubble that he never saw before. He felt his body heating up for a moment he saw himself practicing fist techniques and felt a sort of affinity towards it.

"I've got a Basic Fist Talent?"

Lin Feng was in disbelief.

A martial artist practice many forms of martial arts like swordsmanship, spearmanship, saber arts, archery, staff, fist techniques and so on. If a martial artist that has talent in spear arts practice sword skill he will not reach high realms of mastery, but if he practiced the spear according to his talent, it will be like adding wings to a tiger.

And so, many people practice only a single path that they are suitable for.

Lin Feng has easily managed to get a fist talent, which makes it easier for him to master fist related techniques.

Lin Feng turned to look at the 18-year old youth who was practicing the his fist techniques not far away from him, and his eyes lit up.

Although he has gained a Basic Fist Talent, he was not well-versed in it. And he also did not practice any fist techniques until now. He had learned the-Military Boxing-technique yesterday. With the help of the system he has learned it in an instant, but it was just at the Basic Mastery.

Then a sudden idea popped up in his mind. What if he absorbed bubbles to increase his proficiency of the technique?

Pa pa pa pa!

The young man punched the sandbag forcefully, swinging it left and right. His every punch formed a small guest of wind to form in its path.

To Lin Feng's amazement, the thin youth was performing the-Military Boxing- technique and from the power behind his punches he seems to have a reach a high proficiency in the technique.


This was the only thought that came to his mind. Suddenly he saw a few bubbles drop from the youth.

It dropped!!

Lin Feng didn't know if it was coincidence that he saw someone practice the same technique he learned. But nonetheless he was happy to see the bubbles drop from the youth.

He quickly picked up the bubbles and absorbed them.

Military Boxing*7

Military Boxing*10

Military Boxing*5


Slowly but surely he saw the proficiency of the technique increase and at the same time he felt memories of him practicing the -Military Boxing- technique, which he didn't practice at all, has suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This person is very talented! He's amazing!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

As the youth continued to practice his proficiency of the technique increase steadily.

But at this moment the youth suddenly stopped and sat down on the floor. He unwrapped the bandages on his fist and walked away outside. This disappointed him a little bit.

Lin Feng had no choice but to turn his attention to other people. He must not neglect his other attributes.

He walked around the place and saw two people fighting in a ring and a small crowd formed at the place.

A girl with black hair and black eyes was standing opposite a tall youth. Both are staring at each other with battle intent clear in their eyes.

"Hehe, little girl it's not too late to change your mind, or else you'll get injured." The tall youth said with a playful smile.

"Hmph, I, Xiao Mei will never go on a date with someone like you. You pervert!" The girl retorted harshly.

Hearing this the tall youth was instantly enraged. "Good, good! You got guts. To think that you reject me, Lu Jingtain."

He quickly drew his sword and rushed towards the girl, his sword was swung at a high speed. It has reached Xiao Mei very quickly, the sword tip was just inches away from piercing her, but the girl didn't dodge the strike, and Sword sliced through her body.

The youth for a moment thought that he succeded in his attack, but quickly turned around and blocked a kick that was coming towards him with his sword. After the kick was connected the youth was pushed several meters by the power of that blow. He lifted his head to see the black haired girl Xial Mei safe and sound and has also launched a successful attack on him. This made the tall youth named Lu Jingtain angry.

"Hmph it seems that I have underestimated your capabilities." With that he once again rushed forward swinging his sword in a tricky angle. But this time the girl Xiao Mei didn't wait and also rushed at the youth, she jumped in the air and launched herself towards the youth, she landed her foot on the oncoming sword and jumped on Lu Jingtain, which offset his balance. But Xiao Mei didn't wait of the him to regain his footing and launched a kick to his face which landed on him. The force of the kick has sent the tall youth flying out of the ring and the victor was decided at this moment.

From the start to the end the youth named Lu Jingtain has never been able to touch the black haired girl named Xiao Mei and the fight was over in just a matter of seconds. With her Swift movements, she was able to dodge the attacks and strike her opponent swiftly like a cheetah.

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