
Chapter 7

(Third Pov)

Evelyn wakes up in a white hospital room, she sees her family unconscious on a few beds next to hers.

She quickly looks around before calling out

"Hello? Anyone there?"

A nurse quickly walks in

"Mrs.Merian, You're awake! Don't worry, you're safe and unharmed"

But this didn't calm her down, instead, she became more agitated.

"Wheres my son? Is he ok?"

Soon the rest of the people in the room woke up.

But the nurse seems hesitant to answer.

"Wheres my son? Where is he?!"

"Mrs.Merian, we don't know where your son is."


This stuns her as she processes what she just heard. Her body slumps over lifeless and defeated.

Soon she starts to cry, Leon quickly jumps off his bed and supports her.


The tears thundered down her face.

Leon comforts her before she passes out from exhaustion. He lays her on her back and takes in the sight of a mother who just lost her son.


The door opens as a doctor walks in.

"Hello Mr.Merian, please sit down. I am Dr. William Grant and I am here to answer any questions you may have"

"What day is it?" His was voice coarse and worn out

"April 27th"

He sits down on a nearby chair and rests his head in his hands.

"What happened?"

"A mutated cursed falcon was released upon Kassic city at 12:17 pm on April 25th"

"The terrorist attack seems to have been done by the Orikil Nation as a diversion to kidnap your son"

Silence follows as a defeated and pale looking Leon process the information

"And they succeeded? They took my son?"

"Well...not exactly"

"What do you mean?"

"We found the body of two of the kidnappers and the crashed get-away shuttle. There is no sign of the third kidnapper or Collin."


"There's a chance someone saved your son. There was evidence of a third party at the sight of the crash"

"...Thank you, That's all I need right now"

"Very well, if you need me Ill you can ask a nurse to get me"

The doctor leaves the room as Leon contemplates the news.

At first, he was worried that Collin would be a danger to the people around him. But he was his son, and he couldn't bring himself to hate a child.

A hand rests on Leon's shoulder. He looks behind him and sees Evelyn's father. Mathew K. Merian, the patriarch of the Merian family, a powerhouse in his own right.

"Leon, I know it's tough losing a child, but Collin isn't dead. If they couldn't find a body then he's most likely not dead."

"I'm scared for Evelyn. Do you remember what happened when we lost Noah 3 years ago?"

"Yes, I do"

"Then what do you think she'll be like when she loses a second child. Ripped from her very arms"

"....We can watch over her. At the main facility, I can have people take care of both of you"

"Take her to the facility, I'm going to find my son"

"Are you sure?"


"I will also send some people out to find him, Good luck"


(First Pov)

My vision is filled with a village made of wooden houses. The roads are either dirt or stone. The village had blacksmiths, tanners, merchants, tailers.

I am carried past an archery range and barracks. I see hunters coming back from a hunt, carrying a large bluebird.

As we move, the eyes of the villagers follow us, no


I realize that everyone in this town has either brown, red, or blonde hair. No one has black eyes or black hair like I do.

We reach a large house and the woman knocks on the door.

"Come in" An old and weary voice calls out.

"Hello Matriarch, I have brought the baby."

In front of us is a very old woman, she is skinny and seems to have her eyes closed. Her hair is white and frail-looking. She is dressed in gray robes that seem to have never been dirtied.

"Give him to me"

The woman walks over and kneels, placing me in the old woman's stretched arms.

As I am being held by the matriarch, I can feel her bony arms and fingers. I stare at her face and she tilts her head towards me.

"Oh? You're a cursed one, yet you have already been dealt your punishment"

Cursed one, is she talking about being a Crystallyn? That term was used for people like me in my past life but no one has called me that since I had been reborn.

As I was deep in thought, the matriarch opens her eyes.

Blue eyes with no pupils, eyes that are littered with stars and planets.

In her eyes hold galaxies and universes, vast voids beyond belief.

She closes her eyes and I break out of the enchantment. Chills creep up my spine, a mere look into her eyes had caused me to lose all thought besides how beautiful her eyes were.

"The child is no danger, but we cannot return him to the lower plane. The winter sprites are moving erratically and we can't risk sending him back."

"Then what do we do about him?"

They both look at me, one with worry, the other with pity.

The old woman is silent but looks up before making a declaration

"Aria Korin, He shall be in your family's care until he is able to make the journey back home."

"But what about his name? I am not his mother I can not name him"

"He knows his name, but he shall be known as Silas in this village" The woman looks faces me, I cant see her eyes but she knows a lot more than I can tell.

Maybe even about my past life.

"Very well, I shall let my husband know immediately"

Aria picks me up and carries me out of the house. But on the way out I could feel the gaze of the matriarch trained on me.

She is someone I can't afford to mess with.

As we walk back to the house, I contemplate the new life I have gotten, after getting a new life.

I need to get back to my family, I need to know if they are ok. But I'm too weak right now. The old woman said that I would need to journey back to my family on my own.

I don't know how much time the journey would take but I need to be stronger to even take the first steps.

I need to master my Crystallyn ability first and foremost. If I lose control again, I don't know how much destruction I would cause.

And even though the people here had defeated the kidnappers, I don't know if they would be able to stop my power if it goes rampant.

But only time would tell.