
Reborn : I Don't Need You To Take Responsibility !(Dropped)

After an unseen passionate night with her new employee,mafia leader Riya Hope realizes that she is pregnant.After three months of hiding this fact she decides to let the baby daddy know about his new responsibility.But what's this?On the day she decides to tell him a bunch of unknown people came and called him boss?Then another group came and called him mister CEO?But why did they start shooting everybody?!Riya died confused in the middle of a gunfight she knew nothing about. Only to be reborn in the moment of them doing the deed! "W-wait!What if I get pregnant!?" A certain CEO paused in his actions. "Then I will take responsibility" he said seriously. Riya was then effortlessly turned over and her legs where widened further.'But I don't want you to take responsibility!' she shouted woefully in her head. Riya wants nothing to do with this CEO who she thought brings nothing but trouble,but what can she do when he won't leave her alone? COVER NOT MINE!IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER!

SweetCupcup · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

"Are you hungry?" Colson asked Riya when he finally went into the kitchen.Riya glanced at him ,"Are your hands clean?"."Ofcourse!" Colson said "I'm going to wash them again anyway when I start cooking..do you want anything to eat ?".

Colson had decided to spoil Riya even more to make her fall for him.After all it was only through doing that had he had been able to reach here now when Riya wasn't looking at him coldly every second of the day.And since he had almost ruined this, he absolutely couldn't take any risks.

Riya continued to stare at him,before making her way towards him.Colson stiffen a bit wondering what she was doing.Once she was in front of him,Riya raised her head a bit and gave Colson a small kiss on his cheeks.Riya was almost Colson's height.Colson being only half a head taller than her so she did this with ease.

Once she was done she made her way to sit behind the dinner table.While Colson stood there in shock.Truth be told she was really relieved when Colson had told her that it was a fake pregnancy.She also knew that Colson wasn't lying.From what she had seen so far,he wouldn't lie.But if in the future, if she had ever found out that he lied...

"Aren't you going come hear what I'm going to say?" she asked the still dazed Colson with a smirk.Colson snapped out of it and nodded.Riya noticed his face was a bit red when he came in front of her."You asked what I wanted to eat right?" she asked ,and Colson nodded."I want hot dogs." "Oh! I can ma-" "No" Riya cut him off."There's a shop a little down the road,I want those hot dogs." "Are you sure ?" Colson asked , looking a bit reluctant.

Riya noticing this smiled evilly ,"What?You don't want to go?"."It's not that!"Colson immediately said "I'm just asking...if your sure?"."I'm sure."

Colson gave a helpless look before he went towards the front door. Riya slowly following behind him.She watched as he reluctantly put on his shoes and opened the door."I'm going" he said in a quiet voice "En,make sure you get three or more!" Colson nodded and shuted the door behind him.Behind the door Riya gave a small evil laugh before she went to watch tv.

Outside Colson was dejectedly making his way towards the shop Riya told him to go to.He followed her instructions and sure enough after a little while of walking down the street he saw a little shop selling hotdogs.Only...there were alot of people in line.Colson sighed and got behind the last person in line.There were about 15 person's in all so he would be waiting for awhile.

When it was finally the person in front of him turn,Colson sighed in relief.It was only the two of alone left in the line after all."Give me 20 hot dogs" the man in front of him said.Colson raised an eyebrow before shrugging.The man in front of him was after all a very big and muscular guy,so it was normal for a guy like him to order so much ."Well ..." the vendor replied "If I gave you that amount..the person behind of you.. wouldn't get any.Thats all I have left.".

"So?Give me-" the man was cut off by a tap on his shoulder."Excuse me?But would you mind letting me buy 5 of those?It's urgent.".'This should be enough ' Colson thought to himself.Riya did say to bring three or more.The muscular guy glared down at Colson."You think I care?" now it was Colson's time to glare at the muscular guy.His glare was especially fierce as this had to do Riya."Sir , please don't be unreasonable." Colson said in a calm yet cold voice.The muscular guy shivered a bit before gulping.

He then turned around,"F-fifteen hotdogs please." he said in a low voice to the vendor.The vendor who had watched everything go down quickly nodded his head.When he got his hot dogs the muscular man immediately walked away with his head bowed down in shame and embarrassment.Now that it was his turn , Colson asked for the last five hot dogs and the vendor gladly gave him.

With the hot dogs in hand Colson quickly made his way home.

When he went through the apartment door,Colson was a little sad to see that Riya wasn't waiting on him.When he went inside he saw Riya laying comfortably on the couch while she watched tv.'Well,it's better for her to be relaxing than stressing herself ' Colson thought as he made his way over to her.When Riya saw him she immediately got up and scooted over."Come sit" she said as she patted the space beside her.When Colson sat down she took the bag of hot dogs away from him.She was about to stuff one into her mouth when she saw Colson looking at her ."Do you want some?" she asked.Colson nodded "I'll take one" he said.Since Riya said she wanted this specific hot dogs it was better for her to have the whole thing.Riya gave him the hot dog she was about to eat and went for another one.

Colson chuckled a bit as he took a bite out of the hot dog handed to him.