
Reborn : I Don't Need You To Take Responsibility !(Dropped)

After an unseen passionate night with her new employee,mafia leader Riya Hope realizes that she is pregnant.After three months of hiding this fact she decides to let the baby daddy know about his new responsibility.But what's this?On the day she decides to tell him a bunch of unknown people came and called him boss?Then another group came and called him mister CEO?But why did they start shooting everybody?!Riya died confused in the middle of a gunfight she knew nothing about. Only to be reborn in the moment of them doing the deed! "W-wait!What if I get pregnant!?" A certain CEO paused in his actions. "Then I will take responsibility" he said seriously. Riya was then effortlessly turned over and her legs where widened further.'But I don't want you to take responsibility!' she shouted woefully in her head. Riya wants nothing to do with this CEO who she thought brings nothing but trouble,but what can she do when he won't leave her alone? COVER NOT MINE!IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER!

SweetCupcup · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Colson froze.Riya tched and walked away before Colson could say anything. Colson was just about to call after her when his mother's voice came from his phone."Why aren't you answering Colson?!"Colson gave out a frustrated sigh.Not bothering to answer her he hanged up the phone.

He took a step forward when Dr Dragson came out of his office."Colson right?" Colson stopped in his tracks and nodded.Dr Dragson smiled,"Now,I don't why you weren't here the first three months but I'm glad you are coming with her now.Women need all the support they can get during pregnancy.".Colson nodded and smiled "Well I'll be on my way then.".

As soon as he left, Colson turned around and sprinted down the stairs.He looked around in worry as he ran to the parking lot.'What if she left? What if she got the wrong idea?What if...'all sorts of worrying things sped through his mind as he went towards his car.

It was while running towards it did he noticed the familiar figure sitting in back seat of the car.Leaning against the driver's door ,Colson breathed in relief.Riya glanced at him before turning her eyes away.As Colson got in the car he turned back towards her,"Listen,I can explain."."You don't need to explain." Colson looked at her in shock "I don't?" "No" . Colson searched her eyes for any hidden emotion ,yet Riya merely stared back at him with an uninterested look.Colson again sighed in relief,"Well that's good then.".

As he started the car he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.He shook his head and slowly drived out of the parking lot,'It must be my imagination.' he thought.




Back at the apartment,Riya had wordlessly went to her room and locked the door.Colson again felt that something was wrong,'Is it me?Or did she became colder towards me?'.Colson once again shook away the thought,'It's just my imagination.'.He then went inside his own room to change.

When it was dinner time he again asked her how the food tasted ."Alright." Riya answered blandly.Colson blinked.He again felt that something was wrong,'Was it him ?Or did she sound as if she didn't mean it?'.Colson continued to eat his food while he stared at Riya observantly.Riya ignored him and continued eating.

This was how Riya used to behave when he first came here.She ignored him .Colson was now pretty sure that something was wrong.He ,an experienced CEO,knew all about how to read expressions, the atmosphere and what not.Yet when it came to Riya,he was so lost.

Colson couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion,'Is it because she's my first girlfriend?' he thought."Is there something wrong?" he asked.Riya stared at him ,and Colson stared back.They stared at each other for a while before Colson began to sweat from nervousness.The only person who had ever made him react like this was his father,and that was in middle school!

Riya continued to look at him before shaking her head.She then got up."I'm full." without another word she went towards her room and slammed the door.Colson blinked 'Did I say something wrong?' he asked him self.He was so lost.

Meanwhile ,Riya was inside her room pondering.She couldn't stop thinking about what Colson had said.'Did he get someone else pregnant and chose me instead of her?Or is it a side chick he was talking to?Or...'.Riya was pulled out of her thoughts by the ringing of her phone.It was the latest model so it's ringtone was quite loud and unique.She glanced at the caller id and smiled.


"Hey bestie!"

"What's up?"

"Wow!Not even a how you doing?" Lin Nuan laughed and Riya shook her head."Anyway...we got a call from that mafia gang in Russia."With such a serious turn in their conversation,Riya sat up in her bed."What did they say?"

"They said that they wanted to do business with us,you remembered that new drug Nissa developed?"

"Let me guess,they heard about it's effectiveness?"

"Yeah,and they want some .So they wanted to make a deal."

"Hah!Yeah right!Do they think I'm stupid?Everyone in the underworld knows what they do to gangs when they make a deal with them."



"Alright then , I'll relay the message."




Riya hanged up the phone and placed it down .Now with nothing to distract her,those thoughts came back to torment her.She bit her lips and decided to not think about it .She could only continue to observe.She stood up and decided to take a bath.'Maybe that will take my mind of things ' she thought as she looked for her favorite pj's inside her closet.It consisted of a short comfortable shorts and an even more comfortable top.They both were light green and had pink laces at the end.

She them and went towards the bathroom.Colson who was going inside his room saw her and called out to her.Roya ignored him and slammed the bathroom door behind her.Colson was left in the hallway with a shocked and confused expression.'I really find out what's wrong !' he thought.Riya's attitude now was even worse than when he first got here!