
Reborn, I'm spoilt by a rich, domineering tycoon.

She is betrayed by her best friend, causing her family's death, and is set up by her evil best friend, leading to the destruction of her marriage and her own death, until she finally realises that the husband she betrayed is the one who loves her the most, and is willing to give up his life for her. After her death, she is reborn and resurrected, decides to love her husband and take revenge by unmasking her best friend's disguise.

LittleTiger · Urban
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48 Chs

Sharp counterattack from Bella

Last night, she showed her love to Alexander in front of the entertainment reporters, and she didn't expect to be on the cover again today.

The female lead is still her, the male lead is still Alexander, but there is a third party, Alan.

[The richest man Alexander's new wife cheated on the young actor, exclusively revealing the scene photos.]

[The Wright Family's fourth young lady who cheated on her third day of marriage cuckolded Alexander, eloped without success, and is suspected to be imprisoned by The Fort Family.]

[Exclusive revelation of Anna's secret cheating history with the young actor, hotels, parks, luxury cars everywhere are traces.]

At this moment, Anna's eyes widened slightly as she looked at the entertainment news that filled the pages condemning her for cheating.

Although it was a different newspaper, the photos used were the same ones back and forth.

All of them were blurry pictures of her and Alan in the same frame, as well as intimate pictures fabricated with visual mismatches.

Obviously there was Bella present at the meeting, but the only photos taken were of her and Alan.

Obviously, this is a sneak peek that Bella and Alan intentionally prepared early.

Falsely accusing her of failing to elope and cheat on her last night, they even tried to use the media's public opinion pressure to discredit her.

Sure enough, bitchy men and women have no moral bottom line.

Having just been scolded and kicked out, I didn't expect Bella's counterattack to move so quickly.

"Anna, is something wrong?" At this time, Jack noticed his daughter's cold face and inquired.

Upon hearing this, Anna turned her cell phone off and replied, "Dad, I have something to take care of, so I'll ask the driver to send my things directly to The Fort Family."

After saying these words, her feet hurried out the door.

These negative news had to be dealt with quickly, if Alexander saw it, it would not be conducive for her to continue to repay her kindness.

"Good noon, Miss Four."

"Prepare the car to drop me off." On her way out the door, Anna took a car to the newspaper building.

She had checked the newspapers that had smeared her, and they were actually all from the same big company.

It seemed that Bella and Alan had teamed up and didn't have an abundance of money to buy more entertainment reporters to write the news.

But she was different, she was Anna, the very rich Anna.

Sitting in the back of a moving motorhome, Anna goes straight to the mysterious hacked website to place her order.

Customer Service 1: "Customer, what do you need?"

Anna: "I want to delete a couple of entertainment news articles, quickly and cleanly."

Customer Service 1: "Customer, sorry, our side is in accordance with the order of the order queue, you order now, we will arrange for your deletion as soon as possible."

Anna: "Three hundred thousand dollars to delete a post, a few minutes can be done?"

Customer Service 1: "Dear customer, please wait for three minutes of your time, we will delete the news you specified cleanly."

Anna's solution proved to be simple and crude.

When she received the message and then searched for her name in the entertainment news, she really couldn't see the scandals anymore.

Luckily, it hadn't been posted for long, and she had reacted quickly enough that the shutdown hadn't caused a very serious proliferation.

Anna then made the payment without even blinking.

Immediately afterward, customer service number 1 panicked and sent a message saying, "Dear customer, we only deleted four press releases, you seem to have overpaid by half a million dollars."

Anna replied, "There is no more, the rest, is that I want you to supervise the entertainment news for a week, and when you see my black material you have to delete it cleanly at the first time."

She only set a period of one week.

It was because she was going to settle Alan within a week, and wouldn't give him another chance to pester him.

In the next instant, looking at the location of the newspaper building that she was about to reach, Anna flipped to the phone number of The Fort Family's housekeeper and called it.

This phone number was still left for her in the morning, when the housekeeper arranged for the driver to send her out.

The housekeeper quickly picked up the phone and respectfully asked, "Mrs. Fort, do you have any orders?"

"Does The Fort Family have a lawyer? I need it now."

Anna didn't want to contact The Wright Family's attorney or she would alert her big brother.

This kind of thing should still be handled in a low-key manner.

At that, the butler on the other end of the line thought in a brief hesitation. Until now, he did not know how to treat Mrs. Fort, and more importantly, he did not dare to speculate on Alexander's thoughts, and did not dare to make a decision easily.

"Mrs.Fort, please wait for a moment, I need to make arrangements."

"Good, then I'll wait for your news."

Anna didn't know what the housekeeper meant by arrangements. By this time, she had already reached the newspaper building, and she could only tell the driver to stop at the curb and wait.


Bo's Group Building, 60th floor, President's Office.

The large office only has gray and white tone decorations and furnishings, and the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window glass reflects the bright atmosphere.

At this moment, four highly tense department managers are sitting here to report on their work.

Behind the desk, Alexander lazily closed his eyes.

The customized black suit has a stern aura, and the collar of his shirt is meticulously fastened, full of intimidation, and he sits here as if he were a king overlooking the world.

Today, Mr. Bo is not in a good mood, and everyone in the company is cautious.

At this moment, Alexander frowns lightly and invisibly, which causes the manager who is reporting to work to immediately break out in a cold sweat.

"General Manager Bo, are you not satisfied with this proposal?"

"Go on."


The manager of the publicity department can't guess General Manager Bo's likes and dislikes and is so nervous that he doesn't even dare to utter a breath.

However, a sense of fatigue flashes through Alexander's deep pupils. Because of Anna, he didn't sleep well last night.

Obviously, this affects his working condition. Just at this time, the housekeeper's phone call reached his private number.

Abruptly, the assistant standing next to him sees Mr. Bo pick up his cell phone and immediately signals the managers to go out first.

Alexander closes his eyes and leans against the seat, taking the time to rest.


"Sir, Mrs. Fort just called and asked me if I could arrange The Fort Family's lawyer for her, I wasn't sure exactly what it was about and didn't dare to agree directly."

When he heard these words, Alexander slowly narrowed his eyes, his complexion slightly austere.

"Anna is Mrs. Fort of The Fort Family, give her whatever she needs, and you don't need to ask me about such things in the future."

"Yes sir, I know."

The butler responded shakily, realizing that he had made a mistake.

The implication of Alexander's words was that no matter what rumors there were in the outside world, in The Fort Family, Anna was the most honorable Mrs.Fort.

It was he who was not sure enough about Mrs.Fort's identity to be reminded and warned by Alexander.

So the butler immediately went to arrange a lawyer for Mrs.Fort.

But after hanging up the phone, Alexander was curious about Anna's need for a lawyer.

Just then, the office door is suddenly pushed open.

A white bodysuit teenager with blonde hair still in pigtails ran in and said furiously, "Brother, look at the entertainment news, that Anna who is married to you cheated on her!"