
Reborn, I'm spoilt by a rich, domineering tycoon.

She is betrayed by her best friend, causing her family's death, and is set up by her evil best friend, leading to the destruction of her marriage and her own death, until she finally realises that the husband she betrayed is the one who loves her the most, and is willing to give up his life for her. After her death, she is reborn and resurrected, decides to love her husband and take revenge by unmasking her best friend's disguise.

LittleTiger · Urban
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48 Chs

Anna is a drama queen

Anna's footsteps followed Alexander into the restaurant's private room.

In this instant, she couldn't ascertain Alexander's mood, pursed her lips to keep quiet, and dutifully sat beside him.

It was the best room, with floor-to-ceiling glass on three sides and an unobstructed view.

Alexander was looking at the menu with his tablet, not missing the sight of Anna watching him all the time.

Abruptly, he lazily turned sideways to look at each other and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Say it."

Say what?

Anna was caught unprepared by his question and frowned her eyebrows in serious thought.

Then, she looked down at the edge of her leg-baring skirt and self-criticized, "Honey, I was wrong, I shouldn't have worn such a short skirt, and from now on, I'll never wear anything you don't like."

This was not something Alexander inquired about.

However, instead of correcting it at first, he followed up the statement with, "What do you think the reason is?"

"That it must be that I'm hurting people by wearing such a short skirt, and that everything that makes Honey feel uncomfortable is wrong anyway, and I'll correct it."

Even Anna herself found it a little too much to bear when such meaty words were said.

But it can't be helped, Alexander is such a character, his own Honey, no matter what, he has to be coaxed to settle down.


I didn't expect Alexander to laugh.

And this laugh, I don't know whether it's a sneer or a sinister laugh.

Anna's suddenly somewhat nervous back stiffened slightly, and said with a straight face, "I'm serious, and you don't believe me."

Abruptly, Alexander raised his eyes to look at her, the curve of the smile still at the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't it true that you don't trust me when you're constantly worried that I'll be angry?"

"But aren't you angry that your tone is angry when you think my skirt is too short?"

Alexander has such a nice smile.

Anna realizes she can't take her eyes off it, and lets loose with unrestrained admiration.

To this, Alexander didn't stop and replied, "Didn't you notice how many men were just looking at your legs? I'm not trying to restrict your freedom of dress, just reminding you that you should be careful."

The way he said this was with a hidden anger in his voice.

It wasn't until then that Anna reacted to the fact that Alexander was jealous.

If it was her previous life, she would have resented Alexander's strong possessiveness, but now she felt inexplicably pleasurable instead.

"Oh~ Honey is right, I'll pay attention in the future."

Her smile hid wanton thoughts, even her eyes were hot.

Alexander looked at her and was really thinking that Anna was completely different from before.

Even these deliberate actions of hers that were full of caution seemed adorable.

"Anna, I just asked you, I was asking what you want to eat."

"Honey, you order your favorite dishes, I want to know your preferences."

Anna expressed unabashedly.

Alexander then ordered the restaurant's signature dish in his tablet.

The signature dishes that had fish and seafood were removed by the restaurant manager when he served them himself.

He remembered that it was food Anna didn't like.

During the meal, Anna didn't realize that she was being taken care of by Alexander and she was familiarizing herself with Alexander's preferences by observing and asking questions.

This was sort of the first time the two of them had dined in the world of two, after their marriage.

"Honey, what time is your ribbon cutting event this afternoon?"

"Four o'clock."

"Luckily, my being late today didn't hold you up."

Anna was struggling with various topics of conversation.

She suddenly wondered why it wasn't obvious at all if Alexander had taken a liking to herself after the wedding.

Could it be that the time wasn't right yet?

But come to think of it, in her previous life, she didn't have much contact with Alexander after marriage.

Even if they did meet and talk, it was all because she was causing all sorts of trouble, so how could he have fallen for her?

Anna thought about these things and subconsciously frowned, even her meal stopped.

Abruptly, Alexander put down his knife and fork and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to eat anymore, you can leave first, and you don't have to deliberately find a topic to stay here with me."

When she heard these words, Anna blinked her eyes in confusion.

Then, with a suddenly shocked expression of resignation, she asked, "Honey, do you dislike me for talking too much and being annoying?"

"Is your comprehension not so good?"

"Honey, you still think I don't have a high IQ, don't you?!"

Anna leapt over the ground and leveled her questioning.

It was because she was thinking that if Alexander was the heavy-handed one who liked to act and make a scene, she would have to try flirting with him in a different character.

In the next instant, she intentionally played on the subject and said: "People are kind enough to accompany you to dinner, everything is obedient to you, why are you still not satisfied? Humph, I don't care, you hurry up and coax me."

Alexander held his forehead and helplessly chided in a deep voice, "Anna, speak properly to me."

He really doesn't like to make a fuss.

Anna lowers her head into tangled thoughts.

She didn't see that Alexander looked over with a gaze that couldn't hide a smile.

This woman ᆪᆴᆪᆴᆪᆴᆪᆴᆪᆴᆪᆴ is really a troublemaker's playwright.

Lunch didn't end until 2 o'clock.

This made Jason, who had been fidgeting in the next room, unable to sit still.

In the end, he couldn't help but walk over and knock on the door, saying outside the door, "Brother, it's time to go back to the office."

After saying this, he sidled up to hear the sound of footsteps inside, and his expression was instantly elated.

Knowing that eating with Anna inside was definitely like a second, he should have come knocking on the door earlier.

As a result, when opening the door, Anna was caught off guard and startled to see Jason's smiling face as well.

"Why you?"

Jason instantly changed his face when he faced her.

However, Anna blinked without a care in the world and said, "Honey told me that he's not busy this afternoon, and we haven't finished eating yet, there's one more dessert to go. If you want to wait, then go ahead and wait, but don't ever come in and disturb us."

"Who says I can't come in and wait?"

Jason had been targeting Anna.

But, Alexander's dangerous gaze over was a reminder and a stop to Jason's move.

Anna ordered the restaurant manager to bring over a dessert, completely ignoring Jason, who stood in the doorway with a mournful expression.

"Honey, try this pudding cake, it's delicious."

"My brother doesn't have a sweet tooth."

Without closing the door, Jason, who had been turned away, still managed to ruin the atmosphere by chiming in.

Upon hearing this, Anna opened a pair of fawn-like eyes to gaze at Alexander and said softly, "Honey, Jason is bullying your wife again, don't you feel any pain at all? You really don't want to taste this cake to prove how important your wife is in your heart?"

She passed a piece of cake to his lips with the spoon she had just eaten.



Surprisingly, Alexander didn't actually refuse her feeding.

"Well, it is sweet."

The spoon still had her lipstick mark on it.

"I feel sweet inside too."

Anna was happy.

Jason, standing in the doorway, was silent and depressed.