
Reborn Hearts: The Billionaire's Devoted Wife

Kendall, a well-known assassin, that struck terror in the hearts of her enemies. Kendall was known for being the best among the best, and her alias 'Phoenix’ was whispered all over the underground scene. However, the Phoenix’s reign was short-lived and by her own machinations, nonetheless. It is a horrible thing to lose your most loved person, especially in a tragic manner. It seemed she was spurred by the complete depression over having nothing and no one to live for. Therefore, she gave it her all and completely destroyed the ones who took her younger sister from her.However, after sacrificing herself to save her younger sister. one would not expect a killer to be reborn as a caterpillar or even a dung beetle, but here we have Kendall. Maybe she saved a country in a past life. Or was it good karma for destroying an organization of assassins, she finds herself reincarnated as a timid and obedient rural high school girl. Bullied by classmates? Double standards from teachers? Looked down upon by her fiancé? As challenges arise and pressure mounts from powerful conglomerates,she meets Damien Knight, a man with a very straight-forward personality. He meets someone like Kendall and can’t control his intrigue about her. The young lady was a complete mystery to him and everything she did always surprised him. Both their personalities are quite similar to a certain degree. Though her request could make anyone struggle to keep a straight face. She calmly rubs her wrist and delivers a warning, “I hope you won’t regret provoking me.” Behind her, a noble and handsome man appears out of nowhere, willing to go to any lengths to protect and support her.”Why?” she asks. “You saved my grandfather, so I offer myself in return. Any problem?” he replies with a low chuckle.

black_flowertrend · Urban
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282 Chs


Due to the disruption caused by the hooligans and his gang, Kendall was running a bit late in returning to school.

Now, it was the peak time for students to come back to campus, and she inevitably became the center of attention due to the incident during the assembly.

Groups of students gathered around, pointing and whispering about Kendall. Some looked at her with admiration, while others murmured excitedly.

"Look, that's Kendall, so cool!"

"She looks amazing with her new hairstyle. The girls at our school have been bombarding the stylists in Rosemont with phone calls!"

"The students from Class 7 even put her on the 'Campus Beauty Rankings,' and guess what? She made it to the top fifty in just one made it to the top fifty in just one morning!"

"That's understandable. She taught Lisa and her mother a lesson, which was satisfying for everyone. Even I voted for her!"

"But as a student, shouldn't studying be the most important thing? Her grades were already not great, and now she transferred to Class 7. What future can she have?"

"And she canceled the engagement to the Johnson Family. That's the dumbest decision she has ever made."

That comment received nods of agreement from many students.

The class divide was a challenging gap to bridge.

For someone like Kendall, a common farmer's daughter, it was incredibly difficult to climb up the social ladder within the limited span of her life.

The Johnson Family was her only shortcut, but she gave it up.

It was such a foolish decision.

A boy approached Kendall, rubbing the back of his head shyly. "Hi, Kendall. I admire what you did during the assembly. Can we be friends?"

His words sparked a chain reaction, and suddenly, many students flocked toward Kendall.

"Can I add you as a friend? Here's my WhatsApp number…"

"Kendall, let's exchange WhatsApp and hang out sometime!"

"Do you use Twitter or any other social media, Kendall?"

"What's your phone number?"

Asher widened his eyes and quickly joined in, "Goddess Kendall, I don't have your contact information yet!"

On the second floor of a restaurant.

Gloria held a cup of fruit tea, her voice gentle. "Kendall is quite popular now."

"She gained temporary attention with her video recording trick, but it's nothing compared to you," Austin commented, his gaze fixed on Kendall, his eyes narrowed.

Every time he looked at her, he couldn't help but recall the incident earlier this morning when she called off their engagement and told him to get lost.

"Are you still upset that Kendall called off the engagement with you?" Gloria lowered her eyelids slightly, her profile exuding a soft and graceful charm.

"I simply don't understand why she dares to treat me, the Johnson Family, like that!" Austin sneered. "I am more than happy to see her call off the engagement!"

Gloria pondered for a moment. "Maybe it's because she liked you so much, but you always gave her the cold shoulder, and her sadness. eventually turned to hatred."

"Hate me if she wants!" Austin's handsome face turned cold.

Considering Kendall's intense three–year infatuation with him, Gloria's speculation made sense.

Love unrequited bred resentment? How absurd!

Outside the restaurant, more and more students surrounded Kendall, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Kendall lightly said, "I don't enjoy socializing."

With those words, she left, leaving behind a graceful silhouette that captivated everyone.

"God, she's so cool. I love her so much!"

Kendall's fanboys and fangirls whispered in excitement.

The bell rang on time, and just as Kendall thought the afternoon classes would be self–study like in the morning, a gentle–looking man in his mid–thirties walked into the classroom.

He was Mathew, the teacher in charge of and language teacher of Class 7.

Mathew dressed modestly, wearing glasses, with a few teaching books in his left hand and a thermos cup in his right hand. The fragrance of wolfberries wafted from the cup, a typical teacher's setup.

"Before we start the class, I want to introduce our new classmate, Kendall. I want you all to be nice to her, got it?"

"Got it!" The students replied lazily.

They were already busy protecting Goddess Kendall.

They weren't like those brats from Class 2.

"Good. Now turn to page 25 of your textbooks." Mr. Mathew switched to teaching mode.

The students yawned and snacked, showing little interest.

Nevertheless, Mr. Mathew taught diligently, fulfilling his duty.

Kendall quickly skimmed through the textbook, not paying attention to Mr. Mathew's teaching.

To her, Mr. Mathew's teaching method was too templated and only suitable for true beginners.

When the bell rang for the end of the class, the previously drowsy students came alive again. Mr. Mathew stood at the podium, looking at those youthful and innocent faces, filled with concern.

The students were still young, at an age where they needed to acquire knowledge. He had to convince the other teachers to come back and teach, even though he had already tried several times.

He returned to his office and left a pack of cigarettes on the math teacher's desk.

"Mr. Zorn, it's been a while since you went to Class 7. The kids miss you…"

"It would be crazy if they miss me. Mr. Mathew, haven't you realized the truth yet?" Mr. Zorn stopped writing.

"Let's be frank about it. Those kids in Class 7 are nothing more than abandoned children that the prestigious families and corporations couldn't care less about. They were simply sent here to attend school. If their parents wanted to nurture them, would they let them stay in Class 7?

They can't even handle themselves properly. All they do is mess around, play on their phones, or sleep. Why bother trying to control them? Why not find a way to get the principal to transfer you out?"

Mr. Mathew fell silent.

As the evening approached, hues of rosy colors scattered in the sky.

Kendall declined the escort offered by the Class 7 students and walked out of the school alone.

"Ms. Parker, Damien Knight sent me to pick you up." A casually dressed man approached Kendall.

"He is worried that rumors about the two of you sharing a bed will circulate and attract unfavorable comments toward you. So he asked me to keep a low key. Please come this way."

Kendall lifted her gaze slightly and saw an inconspicuous black car.

Although she never cared about public opinions of herself, it was considerate of Damien to arrange it like that.

She also didn't want the news of her sharing a bed with the Damien of the Knight Family to spread. That man was too famous.

She just wanted to get some good sleep during completing 30 trial missions.

The car drove towards the outskirts and stopped at the entrance of a magnificent villa.

The driver quickly got out of the car and respectfully opened the door for Kendall, who was sitting in the backseat.

Damien Knight had said that the Knight Family owed Ms. Parker a favor, and she must be treated respectfully.

Kendall entered the villa, where the dining room was already prepared with a table full of delicacies, emitting a mouthwatering aroma. A servant stood by with a basin and towel in hand.

"You're back?"

A pleasant and deep male voice sounded, and Kendall saw Damien walking down the stairs slowly with his long strides.

Perhaps due to his noble temperament, even a simple staircase felt like a runway for him.

There was another man in a black suit behind him.

The man was of similar age, with an ordinary appearance and a deep scar on his forehead that extended into his hairline. He exuded a restrained aura.

With just a glance, Kendall knew that he was her counterpart.

He was also an assassin, or at least had worked in the profession before.