
Reborn? Give Her Earth

Series description: What if the path to immortality and ultimate power suddenly opened up before you? Would you take that road? What if just moments before it appeared your world, your everything, was suddenly lost? Would you still take it? Would you forget everything you lost and try to build a new life in this new world? Wei Yao took that road, but he ignored the new world and the many opportunities to build a new life. Instead of sparing anything new even a single glance, he held only the past in his heart and continuously searched to regain what he had lost. While others wished for power so that they could relish in it and live forever as a king above all, Wei Yao was different. He felt no joy in anything on this road. Even when he passed by those at the very end of this road and could get anything that existed, he disregarded it all. All to search for what he had lost. What only existed in his heart. That is, until he returned. To before the road began. To before he lost everything. To Her. Volume 1 Description: He came back. To her. To before he lost everything. Now he has the knowledge of treading the path of immortality before even starting. Now, he will protect her and give her everything, even the earth. For the rest of the novel's first volume, please support me in buying it on amazon or kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Reborn-Give-Her-Earth-Same-ebook/dp/B0BXPFBJWY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BSC15389KYNR&keywords=Reborn%3F+Give+Her+Earth&qid=1678278111&sprefix=reborn+give+her+earth%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-

NascentDude740 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 Even Earth Pertains To The Natural Laws

He worked until 1pm when Shi Fei came in.

Liao Yun would only let him work for six hours on Saturday and not at all on Sunday.

She did this so he would have at least some time to enjoy himself and time to study.

He had tried to get her to budge on this before but she was very adamant about it.

So all he did when Shi Fei showed up was tell Liao Yun, "I'm gonna go study for a while and then go meet up with a friend."

She nodded and said, "Study well. If you keep up your good grades, I will buy you something."

Wei Yao could only shake his head at that.

Just wait a little longer. I will show you something that will make you change your attitude.

He went up to his room and once again started cultivating.

This lasted for two hours and the phenomenon in his dantian increased in size by fifty percent.

As cultivation goes on, it takes more and more resources. I should be able to enter the second, even third layer on my own without resources, but after that, if I want to build a firm foundation, it will take a long time. I need resources.

With that thought he got dressed and went downstairs where he said goodbye to Liao Yun before leaving.

He didn't immediately go to find Lin Zhong as there was still some time before their meeting.

He walked towards the trading marketplace district while thinking, even if I dont have much money now, I can at least go scout out some materials.

It should take me around ten minutes to-

Just as he was thinking that, he heard a slight yelp from an alleyway ahead of him. There were others on the street walking to places who seemingly heard the same thing, but decided not to get involved as they hurried away.

Feeling curious and not afraid of what might be happening, he kept on walking before peering into the alley.

What he saw made his mood sink. Three thug like twenty something year olds were currently surrounding a man similar in age to them. Except, this man's appearance was much different.

He was wearing a suit, glasses, and holding a leather bag. It was obvious that he was just someone who was either going to or leaving work.

Not only that, he was currently trembling as he reached into his pockets for his wallet.

Seeing this, Wei Yao couldn't help but walk into the alley and yell, "Hey!"

Instantly all men in the alley had their attention grabbed and looked only to see a thin and weak looking teenager.

Instantly, the thugs had their moods dampen before brightening immediately after as one responded, "You came to give us your money too!?"

At that the other two couldn't help but laugh as one started walking towards him.

This man was sharp eyed and slightly lankier than the other two who looked like muscle men.

Wei Yao just calmly walked toward them as he said, "No, in fact I came to take your money."

Instantly, an eerie silence littered the alley while the man walking towards him stopped and questioned himself if he heard right.

The smile on his face turned into a grimace as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an object before flipping it open to reveal it was a knife.

Even after this Wei Yao just kept on slowly walking forward.

Seeing this the lanky man became slightly unsettled but just threatened once more, "I don't mind cutting you up a bit before taking your money! If you just hand it over though, we'll let you go."

Wei Yao however treated his words as if they were air and kept on walking. At this point he was only ten feet in front of the man who was currently pointing his knife at him.

The entire time from when he entered the alley until now, his face was the picture of serenity as if he did not care about any of the things happening in front of him nor did they have anything to do with him.

He took one more step before stopping. Instantly the lanky man breathed a sigh of relief thinking he surrendered, but his thoughts were short lived as Wei Yao then said, "Give me your money or I will come and take it."

His anger finally getting the better of him, the lanky man rushed forward while brandishing his knife and saying, "Then I'll just have to hurt you a bit first!"

While this may look incredibly scary to others, with Wei Yao's great experience or even just his slight step into the qi refinement realm alone, this was no different than child's play.

Once the man got close to him, quicker than the man could react, he reached out and grabbed the wrist of the hand that was holding the knife, just barely dodging a cut to his arm. He squeezed and the man dropped the knife.

At the same time, he extended his leg and kicked the man's shin causing him to fall face first.

While he was falling, Wei Yao swiftly and accurately grabbed the knife.

After the man was on the ground, he put one foot on the man's back before bending down and putting the knife in front of the man's face.

Then, he calmly said, "Your money. Where is it?"

At this point the man was terrified and yelled out, "Left pocket! Left pocket!"

Wei Yao reached into his pocket and took out his wallet.

Ignoring the other stuff inside, his eyes lit up as he took out and counted ¥2,900 yuan.

Then he put the knife back by the man's throat and asked, "Any other money on you?"

The man who had once again breathed a sigh of relief was once again, terrified.

Hurriedly he spat out, "No! No!"

Not thinking he was lying nor caring, Wei Yao stood up and looked at the two other men.

The two of them had moved closer about fifteen feet away but were afraid he would hurt the other man so they stayed where they were. Their faces were displaying their extreme anger.

The two of them were much better fighters than the lanky man and had much more muscle. They didn't think they would lose too, especially two on one.

Seeing them fuming, Wei Yao understood their intentions and said, "So I have to take it from you too."