
The hearing...[1]

The happy chatter inside the van died down when it came to a halt on arrival at their destination. Immediately, tension began to run through Phoebe's veins especially when Santos announced that they had arrived, cementing firmly what Phoebe was already aware of.

One by one, they exited the van, Phoebe was the last to do so and immediately the surprises started, the venue was quiet which wasn't what she expected. She thought that she would be welcomed by flashes from the cameras of the paparazzi but no, the place was rather thinly crowded by founding families that had come to participate in the hearing.

Where is everyone, she asked herself. These were the founding families for crying out loud, a hearing before the council was a big deal. Where were the sneaky individuals with their sneaky phones that were ready to keep the founding lane gossip mill active?

For a moment there her eyes moved around to observe the place where power in Fog country originated.