
Sibling connection

He began by clearing his voice. "Uhmm...Pheebs, there is something that you should know. It's about your heritage....uhmm....I mean family. About these people, your parents..." Andre struggled to find the right words.

He wanted to be honest with her but how do you break it to someone that the people that raised her were not her real parents? He started rethinking the decision to open up because it didn't seem to be the appropriate time as well.

His right hand touched one of his pockets in which he had the DNA test between her and Luke. Maybe she needed to look at the proof first and then he could break it to her slowly.

Phoebe chuckled slightly and bumped her shoulder into his.

"I know everything about them and my heritage so you don't have to fight with words."

She was calm and her words confused him. He didn't think she knew everything because there was no way she would be so calm if she knew the truth.