
Not a date.

"Dear diary, his eyes, looking into them is like gazing at the stars. Oh what's my poor shaman heart to do? I just can't look away. No man has ever been as perfect as him EMHO."

Phoebe was feeling slightly vexed and she was seriously considering kicking David in the ankles. He had not stopped his dear diary jokes on the car ride, helicopter ride and now they were walking through Gundam forest and he was still going.

With the way he was describing himself, she was not sure if he was joking or simply being a big old narcissist praising his own physical appearance.

"What's EMHO?"

"Eating my heart out."

Phoebe stopped walking, she turned and stared at him, her eyes filled with confusion. First of all, if she had a diary, nothing he had just said would make it onto any of the pages and two, who the hell used 'eating my heart out' in abbreviation form, especially because it made no sense in relation to what he had just said.