
Miranda's ambitions.

"One of the tenants told me that they saw Phoebe going into an alley with a kid and then a van sped away with that kid inside but she didn't come out of the alley. I followed as soon as i could but all these police stops delayed me. Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" His eyes looked at the men that were lying far behind.

He had called in a favor from a friend to hack into the cameras and track the van, which is how he had found her. Still, it looked like he was a step behind the Saxon. It was always like this.

"I am fine, thanks for coming. You are an awesome landlord." She grinned broadly at him. "It's a wasted trip sadly, the police are on their way, you should leave now to avoid being caught up in this mess."

Then she turned and looked at David who had his face twisted.

[Jeez, get over it Saxon.]

He was all sour over nothing. "Are we leaving or what? We are late for the state funeral already."