
Making Sense

Alan looked at the massive egg in front of him. It was glowing in a rhythm that resemble a heart beat. It was black, with purple lines running all around it. Alan reached out his hand to touch it, and at the same time, the orb within him glowed brightly as if responding to the egg. Slowly, crack lines appeared around the egg, as it began to shake slightly at first, than gradually get stronger till the hard shell completely shattered leaving a huge fifteen meter tall beast that was black as night. It's scales were made of a black substance similar to obsidian but only stronger. It had two horns on its head with two large purple eyes while it's breath was also purple. It had huge white teeth and had a wingspan of thirty meters. It's head sat on a neck that was ten meters long and it's body was the size of of house. It looked down at Alan as if it was sizing him up. Suddenly the orb in Alan started to glow as if communicating with the beast, and as if in response, a crest lit up on the beasts chest, with similar colors to the orb in Alan. Alan instinctively raised his hand and the beast lowered his head to allow Alan to pat him on his nose. Alan had no idea what kind of beast this was, but he assumed it to be a rare type beast. Little did he know this would be a fact that would shock the world!

"Can you speak?", Alan asked telepathically.

"Of course if can! do you think me dumb?" The beast rolled his eyes as he replied, "first things first, give me a name. I want a name that's not too fancy, but not too lame. Also it must speak of heroism, it must speak of legends".

"Really dude?" now it was Alan's turn to roll his eyes. "Erm, let me think....OK I'll call you Stoney, because I have a feeling you're going to stubborn and very cheeky in the future." A wide grin appeared on Stoney's face as he heard his name.

"Stoney sounds good! oh! before I forget, I'm supposed to give something to you. Hang on". With that, Stoney closed his eyes as if focusing on something, then in front of them both appeared a ring. "That's for you, wear it" Stoney said as soon as he opened his eyes.

Alan nodded as he took the ring wore it on his pointer finger. Suddenly he appeared inside a huge room. It had a table, some papers in it, and rows and rows of books. As he looked around, he saw a door to which he walked towards and opened. He walked into another room and realized it was similar to the first one, only this one had all kinds of weapons on the walls, in the middle and some hanging from the ceiling. He noticed another door, and went through It and this time it was a room full of different plants and herbs, with a study table in the middle. There was another door as well in this room but this one he couldn't open it for some reason. Alan decided to walk to the first room and explore it further, then he would do the same to the other two rooms. Sitting on the table, Alan read though some books and realized this room contained various magic techniques and magic skills that he could learn. Low grade skills to high grade skill that involved all the elements were here in this room. Alan found a section for Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Space, Dark Magic and Healing Magic. Alan read through a few of these books and somehow, he felt he knew these skills, like he had practiced them already even though this was his first time reading them. It was an odd feeling he was feeling, a sense being familiar with these books and skills, so it was as if reading them again was a refresher for him.

Six hours had passed since Alan came into this room and while exploring he came across a book in a secluded place in the room. The book stood out from the rest because It was glowing a purple halo around it. Alan cautiously approached and again, a sense of familiarity hit him, like he had seen this book before. Like he knew the contents of this book. Alan saw a marker in the book and immediately opened it. As soon as he did,the book glowed brightly and all the words in the book shot towards Alan and were greedily absorbed by the orb in Alan. It was also at that moment he heard a screech from somewhere. "Stoney!!"Alan's heart skipped a beat, but then he realized the screech wasn't from pain, but from excitement. Then the spells and skills Alan absorbed began to make sense to him. He suddenly knew them, skills from every element from the lowest grade to the highest. however,there was a tier above the rest, which was black and white, just like his orb. These skills were a combination of the lowest to the highest level of every element. Alan could use them individually or together, be it two, three, four or all of them at once, if he wished. There were also instructions of how to use them and the different effects of each when used individually or together. Apart from the effects of these skills, there were also instructions on the best times to use them individually or together, instructions on what effects they will have on the wielder of these skills and also how to use them with a beast. Alan was dumbfounded and then realized how great the power was that he had.