
2. Meeting

Alan immediately turned into a ball of light and shot towards the sky before moving West. Alan stood there, completely lost as to how he would follow Fred. There was no instruction manual on how he could unleash his powers. {Right, I might as well do this then. What have I to lose?} Alan let out a weak smile because it was true. There was nothing to go back to, no one to go back to at his small town. No wife, no parents, no brothers or sisters. Alan crouched down and jumped up into the air, only for gravity to drag him back. He tried again, this time with one foot only. Nothing. He stood straight as a pole, with both heads straight above his head and his face looking up at the sky. Nothing. Alan laughed at himself while scratching his head. {Seventeen years of my life I've been a simple normal person and now I'm expected to fly,ha! Still, I know I can do this}. Alan again stood still, this time he looked into his body and approached the orb. It was glowing and the black and white seemed to be playing together (like how dolphins intertwine with each other in the sea.) Alan watched this scene for a moment because he instantly felt happy seeing how playing both colors were, as if they had a life a their own. Alan touched the orb and power surged through him again. This time, instead of pain, he felt a soothing sensation flow through him. {You've given me your power, yet I don't know how to use it. What good is your power if it cannot be wielded} Suddenly the orb glowed while pulsating as if responding to Alan. Alan opened his eyes and willed himself into the air. His body started floating... five meters, ten meters, twenty, hundred meters into the sky... He then turned his head towards the west and his body shot in that direction. Alan was so happy he flew up, down, spun around, stopped then took off again, did somersaults and more. He felt the breeze flow over his body, saw the clouds appear then vanish, he saw flying beasts both big and small. He locked onto a familiar aura in the sky a followed it till fifteen minutes later he caught up to Fred who rolled his eyes when he saw the biggest smile on Alan's face.

They both landed and walked for ten minutes before reaching a ruined town. Building were torn down, huge craters were scattered all over and it was completely desolate. Alan felt a shiver down his spine as he looked around. It looked like this place had seen better days. It was clear to see that this City played host to a deadly battle, even this there were no skeletons of beast or people. Alan was curious how such a large city could be laid to waste like this. As they walked further into the city, Alan saw more of the same. Fred didn't bother to explain anything and approached a temple that was also in ruins.

in the center stood a two meter alter. There were four dragons facing the West, North, East and South at the corners of the top part of the alter. After climbing a few stairs, Fred walked up to the alter and placed his hand on the dragon face West. Immediately some hidden runes written on the alters post lit up and then the dragon started to glow and emitted a powerful aura that could crush a small mountain. Alan suddenly felt a stirring inside him and noticed that the orb inside him started to glow and spin crazily as if responding to glowing dragon. A portal soon opened up beside the alter. Alan looked at the red portal that opened up and then he looked at Fred. The latter didn't say anything but simply gestured towards the portal for Alan to walk through.

"You're not coming with?" Alan who was rather confused looked at Fred.

"In time, when you get stronger, you will be able to sustain me in other dimensions. Right now, the level of power you have can only sustain you when cross to different dimensions ", Fred replied, with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Alan nodded and stepped into the portal. After two minutes of walking in a straight line with red light everywhere, Alan arrived in a valley. Looking around, he saw mountains that reached the sky, instead of a blue sky, it was red, the air seemed heavier with a taste of sulfur in it which made breathing quote difficult. A normal person would've had their throat and lungs burn with every breath they inhaled. Alan did not face this problem due to the "maintenance" that had taken place earlier and the glow that surrounded his organs. The whole valley seemed to have been burned by fire as there were no trees, no grass, not even wildlife as far as Alan could tell. While taking in his surroundings, Alan heard a loud and long screech. Up in the sky, there was a beast that was descending toward Alan, as it screeched again. Alan turned pale as he noticed the beast while it was a kilometer away. It was the same beast that he had seen in his memories of when that great battle took place. Alan was stunned and immediately felt a pressure coming from the beast even from a kilometer away. {oh shit, what now..} was all Alan thought.