

Gerulf slammed down on the ground, cracking the ice as he landed. The white leather hides that covered his body were glowing, his sharp Aura wrapping around him like a pointed lance.

"Siegfried!" He bellowed, charging towards the steel bubble that covered his comrade and Jasper.

He only barely caught a few hurried movements as their targets fled inside the Ice Keep, the door slamming shut behind them.

In just a few split seconds he sprinted over towards the warping steel pillars, his chest heaving from exertion.

They had started sprinting here as soon as they found the place Jasper had set off a Dark Signal Orb, the tell-tale leftover aura still present. They'd charged off towards the Ice Keep, eventually finding a trail of dead Grakons, and faint traces of Slowing Strob Rays, a slowing Darkness Spell that was used to slow enemies. Siegfried had an artifact that allowed him to cast a limited number of those, and hence they knew they were on the right trail.