

"Whew." Dorian exhaled, catching his breath as he looked down at the corpses.

Three dead Grakons littered the ground. All of them, like the ones he had encountered before, were Lord Class, at the Early stage.

"Absorb em', Ausra." He ordered as he bent down, kneeling from exertion.

With these three killed, that would be 8 Grakons he had defeated in total over the past several miles.


Ifrit - Growth Stage: (4/4) Elder Ifrit -

Growth Progress - 86,231/0 -


"Not bad." Dorian muttered as Ausra absorbed the leftover energy points and other remnants.

He then walked over to the corpse of each Grakon, placing his hand on each of their oversized blades.

"Absorb." He muttered, using his will and commanding the energy in each blade to come to him.

Immediately, a rush of energy filled him as he absorbed the latent power in each of the magic, shapeshifting swords.


Ifrit - Growth Stage: (4/4) Elder Ifrit -

Growth Progress - 91,231/0 -


He smiled again.