

The Draconic Tribes and the Borrel Autarchy had long since been at each other's necks. War had broken out between the two Major Powers multiple times, and even when they weren't at war, skirmishes were commonplace.

As of right now, the Tribes and the Autarchy were technically not at war. The Blackgold Tribe, the strongest Tribe at the moment, though not the leader of the other Tribes by any means, was in negotiations with the Autarchy for a ceasefire, alongside a few representatives from other Tribes.

That didn't mean that the Tribes could move freely through the Borrel Autarchy or act unrestrained, however.

Aiden glared at the Head of the Diamond Department. His eyes flashed with golden light as he jumped up into the air.


Aiden's body morphed, instantly abandoning his Humanoid From and transforming into a huge, hulking Golden Flame Dragon that radiated pure, raw energy.


Species: Golden Flame Dragon

Class - King Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 1,047,412
