


Dorian let out a deep breath as he awoke from his meditation, energy boiling about him.

"Ahh." He blinked as he looked around. Their room was on the second floor and set near the outer wall of the mansion, with a window letting sunlight filter in. Dorian walked up and looked outside. The light was just barely falling in from an early morning sunrise.

Dorian looked out at it, taking a few more breaths. It was a refreshing, peaceful sight, something he didn't see often in his hectic, fast-paced adventure.

"It's very pretty." A feminine voice caught Dorian's attention as he turned around.

He smiled, waving at Helena. The Vampire was still resting atop the large golden bed. Her face was still pale, but there was a hint of a rosy complexion hidden within her withered appearance. The rest she'd gotten over the past few days seemed to be working.

"That it is, Smalls." Dorian walked over quietly, sitting on the bed next to her.