

The falling ash lightened up, though the gouts of steam and boiling magma remained ever-present. The path they took was one of the larger ones, several hundred meters wide. It slowly raised itself above the Magma Sea, leading away from the sweltering heat slightly.

They made fast progress, quickly leaving behind the Striped Magma Tigers that had swarmed them. They passed by a few other groups of beasts, but strangely enough, no other humans or humanoids, despite being on a direct path to Tomo City.

Soon, they'd been running for several minutes, growing close to the Oasis City.

'I guess this is what counts for night here, huh?' Dorian thought as he looked up at the sky. It was dark up above, the sun nowhere to be seen.

The glowing Magma around the path was constantly throwing light upward, keeping the path well lit, though a few odd shadows stretched out, here and there.