

2 weeks later

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Fate moves forward like an unstoppable river. Its progress can swerve, it can have dips or drives, turns or branches, but it can never come to a still.

Fate is inevitable. Fate cannot be destroyed. Fate is the bedrock of life itself.

My Fate is one I have railed against, struggling to surmount.

It is my greatest failure.

To have fought against Fate, and realized in my present form, I could do naught but lose.

I stand here today humbled and determined.

I will force Fate to bend its knee to me.

Maybe not now. Maybe not in a hundred years.

But one day… Fate itself will bend to my will alone.

- Excerpt from the Shorn Journey, found in the Grand Library of the Wizard King Arthur Telmon

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On a planet far from Blizzaria, a Giant Black Bat shook its wings as it settled down, resting atop a small hill. Tall trees dotted the woodland landscape around the hill, quietly teeming with wildlife.