

'White Demon Worm Bloodline acquired!'

Dorian smiled as he heard the notification from Ausra, moving away from the broken corpse. Around him, several other dead White Demon Worms could be seen.

However, they weren't in the same cratered area from before. Instead, they were several kilometers closer to the castle, only a stone's throw away.

They had made fast progress as they moved across Moria. On the way, they were ambushed twice more, by the same White Demon Worm hordes. Each group of them was deadly and powerful, but completely unable to get past Dorian's elite army.

The Demonic remnants didn't seem to have much purpose beyond attacking outsiders and defending the Blighted World. Despite the fact that Dorian and his army made quick work of them, more kept on coming out to attack.

And as Dorian looked out at the stone castle before them, he could sense an ominous Aura fluctuating off of it.

Something was inside this castle.