



The sounds of various birds squawking loudly echoed in Dorian's ears as he entered the seaside city, giving the guards a friendly smile.

The guards waved him forward, staring at him curiously.

Dorian smiled as he took a deep breath, looking at the bustling city.

Oceapal City. One of the largest dock cities on the continent, and, in actuality, a City-State in its own right. It controlled the land roughly 40 miles out from the city, a small nation. Despite its small stature, it was a popular, thronging trade area.

As the city on the westernmost point of the continent of Orba, and one of the largest cities on the coast, many passengers or travelers would stop in Oceapal on their way across the seas to Pashal.

Dorian needed to cross the more than 1,000 miles wide sea, and land on Pashal, making his way to a World Bridge in the north.

"Fresh fish pies! Get your fresh fish pies, right down the street at O'Mans Cookery!"