
Arrival at Icicar

Dorian breathed a deep sigh of relief, the horror in his heart fading as he watched the monstrous skeletal Giant move off towards the city.

He recognized the King Class undead, from the research he'd done before coming.

On Blizzaria, there were a nigh uncountable number of Lord Class undead, a testament to how powerful the fallen Grakon and fallen Giant race were. The Western Cave System was originally home to the Grakon Race. Most of the enemies Dorian would encounter would therefore be undead Grakons.

However, there also existed marauding undead Giants that would sweep through the caves, waging their eternal war against the Grakons. No matter how many Grakons or Giants died, there were always more remaining.

A few of the undead on the planet had gained some renown, sticking around for thousands of years.

The skeletal Giant Dorian had just encountered was one of those legends.