
Reborn Dragon

Akira a man who didn't deserve to die was killed along with his girlfriend Hana, but both of them were reincarnated Hana as a princess and Akira as a Dragon. Akira finds berries, but these berries are dangerous because when eaten in large amounts you die. Instead of Akira dying his body changed to a beautiful female dragon girl.

DemiCake · Fantasy
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5 Chs

CH 1 - Reborn

Akira was an overworked man, but one day his luck got way worse. Well, Akira was walking home from work late at night he gets a call from his female friend's number.

"Hello Akira," said a male voice.

"Who is this where's Hana?" asked Akira confused.

"She's tied up right now and she's going to die unless you come to this address," said the man and he tells Akira the address.

"Oh and no police," said the man and Akira can tell that with he calls the police Hana will be killed once the man hears them.

Akira goes to the address and he bursts through the door.

Akira hears muffled crying, so he goes toward it to see Hana tied to a chair and gagged.

Akira doesn't see the man anywhere so he quickly runs and tries to untie Hana.

Hana tries to say something, but she was still gagged.

The man sneaks up behind Akira and knocks him out.

Akira wakes up tied to a chair beside Hana.

"Akira do you remember me?" asked the man.

"Daisuke!" said Akira knowing the man because he was in the same school as him years ago.

"You treated me like dirt my whole life, but nothing was more worse than you getting Hana's love," said Daisuke.

"Daisuke you don't have to do this," said Akira.

"No I don't, but I will," said Daisuke.

"Then please kill me and let Hana go," said Akira willing to trade his life for Hana's.

"You Will Both Die!" said Daisuke and he stabs both of them to death.

Akira and Hana see endless darkness, but they both see a blinding light.

Hana POV:

Hana opens her eyes to see that she is a baby, but not just any baby she is the daughter of the most powerful king in the world.

Akira POV:

Akira opens his eyes to see that he's in a forest. Akira looks down to see giant egg shells on the ground, but he also sees his body which is not human, but a dragon with black scales.

Akira sees a blue slime coming toward him.

"So Cute!" said Akira and he picks up the slime.

Akira realizes that he's in a world with monsters and that he's a dragon.

"I'm guessing your friendly because you haven't attacked me," said Akira and a tentacle shakes as if a head is shaking yes.

"I see you have some intelligence are all monsters this intelligent?" asked Akira wanting to know with it's normal.

The tentacle shakes no and Akira's stomach growls.

The slime uses it's tentacle to touch Akira's stomach and another to say to follow.

Akira follows the slime to where there are 3 dark wolves.

Akira knows that he will have to kill to survive so he doesn't mind killing other monsters.

"Stay here im sure you aren't strong enough to take them down," said Akira and he jumps out of the bushes.

Akira fires a flame out of his mouth and it kills all 3 of the dark wolves as soon as the flame touches them.

The slime comes out and uses it's tentacles to rip out 3 black orbs.

"What are those?" asked Akira and the slime uses it's tentacle to touch his stomach.

Akira eats one of the orbs and he feels a boost in power, but he also gets the abilities of a dark wolf.

"You eat the other two you need them more," said Akira and the slime eats the orbs.

The slime goes into a deep sleep, so Akira finds a cave.

Hana POV:

Hana starts to wonder if Akira was reborn as well and when she was wondering she hears a voice in her head.

[Yes he has been reborn as well]

Who said that? thought Hana.

[I am your system a helper that belongs to you]

Can you tell me where Akira is? thought Hana.

[Yes he's in a forest near this kingdom]

Hana wants to go find him, but she's too young to even walk.

What am I going to do? thought Hana.

[I can speed up your growth to age 12, but it will take a few months]

Then do it? thought Hana because a few months is better than waiting years.

I hope you like my novel.

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