

Maimuna_Abdallah · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"No,I said fucking no"she said into the phone,glaring at the now damaged glass plate.

"Just meet him once ,I'm sure you won't regret it,please"a female voice said from the other end of the phone.

She rubbed her forehead longing for this conversation to end.

"Belle Listen,I'm not meeting with him Okay?,I've got a lot going on at the moment and I'm not ready for that yet "

"Ready for what?"

"A relationship of course "

Belle burst out laughing and she furrowed her eyebrows trying hard not to snap.

"Belle you know I hate it when someone laughs at me"

Belle's laughter got stuck in her throat and she coughed

"I'm sorry , but he's not here for a relationship "

"Then what's he here for ?"

"Just a one night stand"

She gasped ,the other piece of the glass plate slipping out of her grip and slamming into the tiled floor ,breaking into pieces

"W-w-What are you saying belle ?,you know who i am and you kno-"

"Wait"Belle cut her off "he has a lot of Money to offer,both you and I know you need money more than anything,I would have offered myself but he made it clear he wanted,so please agree to this "

She sighed

"I'll think about it "

Belle squaled

"Alright,Call me up when you're done thinking madam" she played

She smiled


Soon they ended the call

She walked back to the old rusty bed ,it made a creaking sound as she sat down.

A girl not over 12 ran into the room panting heavily

"Mama Aunty , Raihan Raihan-"

She jumped up on her feet her body trembling

"What's wrong with her?,"

"She-she" The girl stammered swallowing hard

"Lets go"she grabbed her hand and they ran out of the room.

The house had one living room a small kitchen and two bed rooms

They both went into the next room, A little girl laid on the bed almost lifeless,she was coughing so much,she had no hair and she was really skinny.

Tears stung her eyes and she looked away from her sisters eyes she needed to be strong for all of them,her siblings and herself.

The little girl cried upon seeing her Sister .

"Mama *cough* Aunty ,pa *cough* pain pleash (please )make itz (it)to go away"

She nodded vigorously

"Don't worry Hmm?,you're a strong girl right?"

The little girl nodded admist the pain.

"Get the pills for me "she directed her words towards the girl,the girl nodded and went ahead.

She turned her attention to the little girl and petted her head.

"You'll be alright"

Shortly the girl came back with a pack of pill and a rubber cup filled with water and a spoon she removed one and took the cup in her hand putting some water in the cup and then putting the pill in so it could melt

"You need to take this for me Okay?"

The little girl shook her head slamming her face with her shoulders

She licked her dry lips

"Please take it ,you want the pain to go away don't you?"

The little girl nodded

She nodded too

"So you need to take this and the pain will go away in a flash"

The little girl opened her mouth indicating she's ready

She smiled Admist tears and fed it to her,she watched as she scrunched up her face

"Itz sho bitter (it's so bitter)"

She laughed


Soon the little girl drank it all up and she sighed happily

"Now that was easy wasn't it?"

The little girl nodded and sank back into the bed her eyes closing slowly

She watched her as one thing clouded her thoughts

'She needed to do Something '

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