

Cruella groaned as Carly kept shaking her. She had barley shut her eyes and it was morning already?

“Wake up sleepyhead! You'll be late on your first day!” Carly scolded, shaking Cruella even more.

“Just five minutes please.” Cruella groaned, covering her face with the duvet but Carly immediately yanked it off.

“Get your lazy ass off that bed missy!” She yelled and Cruella finally opened her eyes.

“Gosh I hate you.” She groaned as she reluctantly got off the bed. The sun was already out and she kept wondering how morning came so fast.

“You can thank me later.” Carly said with a wink as she ransacked Cruella's box, finally bringing out a butterfly flay gown that stoped just above her knees.

“I don't want to wear that.” Cruella said with a frown as she entered the bathroom.

“I never asked for your opinion. You're wearing this and that's final.” Carly said in a dictatorial manner, causing Cruella to laugh.

Soon, they were both dressed and out of the room. They first headed to the cafeteria for breakfast where they spotted Sebastian with some other witches.

“Hey Ella! Come over here.” Sebastian called and Cruella froze in her tracks. He had called her Ella, the same way Swayer addressed her. She really missed her best friend so much but just as Gwen had advised her, it was time to move on.

She turned to Carly for approval and Carly smiled lovingly at her.

“Go on, I'll just eat with the wolves. Since your first class will be with the witches, it's best you hang out with them and get to know them.” She said and Cruella bounced her head.

“Come join us then, we can all eat together.” Cruella suggested but Carly shook her head immediately.

“This is the only place where we can't mingle. The wolves like to eat amongst their fellow wolves and the vampires like to have their privacy while they devour their blood bag. Also no one wants to be sitting near them while they do that, it's terrifying.” Carly said, shaking her head and Cruella chuckled. She looked really cute when she's scared.

“Alright alright, I get it.” She said before walking away and joining Sebastian on the bench while Carly went to join her pack.

“Look who the cat brought in. For a second there I thought you'd follow her and dine with the witches since you've been onto her like a leach.” China said in her usual taunting manner.

Carly chose to ignore her and eat up. She didn't want any trouble especially with the alpha watching.

“What? You're not going to say anything? I thought so. You've always been a coward and even with someone like Cruella as your friend, you're still pathetic and useless.” China said and everyone at the table laughed at her.

Carly could feel her eyes getting filled up. She didn't want to cry Infront of them and make herself look more pathetic but she couldn't help it. She might be a beta wolf but with the alpha on China's side, she's as good as useless. She couldn't possibly attack China, that would get her kicked out of the pack and that's the last thing she wanted to happen.

Meanwhile, Cruella's hold on her fork tightened as she listened to China's taunts. She wanted to get up from her seat, walk up to China and shove her face in her meal but each time she glanced at them, she would see the alpha and resist.

She wasn't afraid of him, she just didn't want to get on his bad side since she'll be joining his pack. Once she's in, she'll definitely teach China a lesson she'll never forget.

“Cruella are you listening?” Sebastian asked and Cruella finally returned her attention to him.

“Sorry I wasn't. What were you saying?” She asked with an apologetic smile.

“Are you perhaps interested in Jason?” Sebastian suddenly asked and Cruella choked on her saliva.

“What?! Where did that come from?” She asked after taking a sip of water from the bottle close to her.

“I noticed you were staring at their table often and mostly at him. You do know he's dating China right?” Sebastian asked with a plain face. Cruella somehow felt he was jealous but she chose not to assume such since they only met two days ago.

“Trust me I have no interest in that dauntless man. I was only worried about Carly, she's about to have a melt down there.” Cruella said worriedly and Sebastian smiled slightly.

“Carly is a strong lady, she can take care of herself.” He said and Cruella bounced her head.

“Do you want to see a cool trick?” He asked and Cruella bounced her head immediately.

Sebastian smiled and mumbled something and a few seconds later, Cruella's fork which she had earlier dropped on the table, rose form the table, taking a handful of spaghetti from her plate and giving her to eat. It was like an invincible person was feeding her.

“Oh my!” Cruella exclaimed before opening her mouth and the fork went in, just enough for her to eat the food.

“That was amazing. How did you do it?” She asked after swallowing the food.

“It's a simple object to life spell. I can teach you if you like.” Sebastian suggested.

“Yes definitely and other spells as well please.” Cruella said and Sebastian bounced his head.

After breakfast, everyone retired to their various classes and Cruella joined the witches since it was her class for the first week. They were all friendly and offered to teach her new spells and she was happy to learn from them all.

After that, they assembled to the main hall where the principal announced about the upcoming alpha challenge which would take place in three months. This was just a friendly competition between the alpha's of the two wolf pack, red moon and black moon. This was to demonstrate their strength and know which alpha was the strongest of them all.

“That sounds promising.” Cruella said and Sebastian bounced his head. Then she finally realized she hadn't seen Carly since breakfast.

“Seb have you seen Carly?” She asked and Sebastian's eyes widened.

“Seb?” He chuckled.

“What? You can shorten my name but I can't do yours?” She asked and he shook his head.

“No that's no what I mean, I was just taken by surprise.” He said and Cruella bounced her head.

“Alright now back to the question. Have you seen Carly?”

“No, she's probably with the other wolves.” He said with a shrug and Cruella hit his shoulder hard.


“Do you see her amongst any wolf pack? How can you be her best friend and yet you're not observant? When it comes to Carly you need to be more observant!” Cruella snapped and got up from her seat angrily, leaving the hall.


It's been thirty minutes now and Cruella had still not found Carly. Her entire system was on alert and she silently prayed she was okay. She wouldn't be able to bear it if anything happens to Carly. They might have just met but she already felt connected to her like she had Swayer's spirit in her.

She finally decided to go to the store room since it was the only place she was yet to check and the moment she opened the door, she gasped on seeing Carly on the floor all tied up and unconscious.

She immediately rushed to her and untied her arm, tapping her face to get her to wake up.

“Carly! Hey Carly wake up!” She yelled and Carly weakly opened her eyes.

“Cruella.” She called weakly.

“Yes it's me. What happened? Who did this to you?” Cruella asked, silently hoping she wouldn't mention China. She had been trying her best to avoid China today but if she was really responsible for this, she would beat the hell out of her.

“Take me back to our room.” Carly said instead and Cruella scooped her up in one go and with her vampire speed, she took her back to their room, placing her on the bed.

“Tell me who did this Carly.” Cruella said, cupping her face. Carly was afraid to speak as she knew what would happen next but her eyes betrayed her.

“It was China wasn't it?” Cruella asked and Carly could see the vein on her neck pop a bit.

“Please I'm fine. Don't go causing any trouble.” She begged but that only angered Cruella the more. The fact that Carly wasn't going to do anything to that bitch angered her. Why was she always bullying her anyways? She's a powerful beta wolf and deserved respect.

“If she wanted peace, she would have avoided the lion's tail. I'm not going to let her get away with this.” She said with gritted teeth and before Carly could say another word, she was gone.