
Chapter 302 Zhao An's Ambition

Chapter 302 Zhao An's Ambition

  "This place can be built into a resort. In this way, not only will it be comfortable to live here, but it will also slowly boost the economy around it. But I don't plan to boost the economy. I just want to have fun. In the future, I will invest in building a school nearby, as well as large amusement parks and other entertainment venues. It will be very convenient for children to study in the future, and your children will also study here." Zhao An said lightly, blowing smoke rings, feeling a bit like a domineering president.

  Huang Lin's heart trembled when she heard this, "Our child?"

  "Of course, it must be you and me. You can only be my woman." Zhao An said domineeringly. He just wanted to possess Huang Lin and take this enemy's sister as his own!

  Huang Lin looked at the empty space in front of her shyly, "Not getting married?"

  "Except marriage, I can give you everything else. Are you willing?" Zhao An suddenly hugged Huang Lin's waist, feeling the touch of her slender waist. This is a beauty!

  "You've treated me like this, do I have any choice? Haha, as long as you don't mind my old age, it's fine." Huang Lin turned her head away, feeling a little shy. Does this count as being kept? This feeling is a bit bad and a bit shy, and even a little bit strange.

  "You won't grow old. I said, I will develop a way to keep you young and beautiful." Zhao An said with strong confidence. This is the benefit brought by the system, and it is also the confidence given by the system. As long as the system is there, he can get everything.

  If someone else said this, Huang Lin would just think that person was a lunatic. But Zhao An's words were hard to say. It is indeed possible to delay aging, but to stay young and beautiful all the time is a bit of an exaggeration.

  It was just that Zhao An's strong self-confidence infected Huang Lin. This man would not make empty promises or brag. If he said he could do it, then he must really be able to do it. Which woman could resist such temptation? Even she herself would probably find it difficult to escape this law of truth.

  "Really? Then I'll wait and see. As long as you remain strong enough and your strength can protect me and shelter me, I will always be loyal to you and will never betray you." Huang Lin also reiterated his attitude that they can share wealth, but it is difficult to share adversity.

  "Really? What if I really need your help?" Zhao An's expression was a little playful, as if he was testing the other party.

  "Of course I will do my best. I don't want another man to climb on my body. This kind of thing is very dirty, so I hope you can always be strong. I don't mind sharing you with other women. You are destined not to be bound by a woman. I just hope you can always be strong, so that I can live freely and comfortably." Huang Lin leaned her head on the man's shoulder and spoke her mind. No matter how much she worshipped money, she just wanted to find a good family, a reliable and safe shoulder, a harbor that could shelter her from the wind and rain.

  Huang Lin's confession also made Zhao An not feel disgusted with her, because Huang Lin's inner words were all true, and she really didn't want to be climbed on by other men. Although she didn't resist having sex with Zhao An, she still hated other men as always. Before, she could refuse other men's unspoken rules by relying on her father's relationship, but now she can only rely on Zhao An's relationship.

  "I will do this. I plan to let you supervise the completion of this project. My real estate company will not participate in any project engineering competition. It is entirely for the purpose of building my back garden. This will be where you will live in the future, so there must be someone to supervise it. As long as the quality is guaranteed to me, everything else can be pushed aside. All you have to do is supervise the quality issues." Zhao An stroked the woman's buttocks. The short skirt and stockings really made it hard to control himself.

  "Okay, I understand, husband." Huang Lin nodded, her body trembling slightly, and she was a little wet because of being moved by Zhao An's promise.

  "Do you want to be fucked?" Zhao An said with a lewd smile, his words were somewhat crude, even vulgar.

  Huang Lin's beautiful eyes flickered for a few times, and she said with a sweet smile, "You haven't come to see me for a long time, of course I miss you."

  Just as the two were being affectionate with each other, a cool red sports car drove over from a distance, as if it was coming specifically for them.

  Zhao An hugged Huang Lin's slender waist and watched the sports car approaching. His large palm gave Huang Lin full confidence.

  Soon the sports car stopped in front of Zhao An. Zhang Qiaorong, dressed in casual clothes and sunglasses, got out of the driver's seat and was not afraid of accidents while driving.

  "Zhao An, what a coincidence, what big project are you preparing? After all, we are partners in cooperation, so why don't you introduce a way to make money to me? I won't cheat you, I can make you trust me absolutely." Zhang Qiaorong took off her sunglasses and tilted her head. This action made her more feminine, compared to the cold expression of appreciation, this is what a great beauty should look like.

  Li Qian also got out of the passenger seat. She was wearing tight leather pants today, showing off her perfect peachy buttocks. She leaned against the car window and said, "Hi, handsome guy, long time no see. Did you miss me?" She blinked her eyes after saying that. A seductive woman knows how to play to her strengths. This is also a habit of playing with men's feelings for a long time. At least, except for Zhao An, no man can take advantage of her.

  Zhao An sneered, "Okay, don't try that on me. I know you hate men the most. There's no need to pretend in front of me."

  "That's not necessarily true. I hate other men, but I'm not that disgusted with you." Li Qian was not embarrassed at all. She continued blinking her beautiful eyes. She still had a good impression of Zhao An. This man was interesting enough and could arouse a little interest in her to get to know and tease him.

  "Forget it, I won't fall for it." Zhao An waved his hand, indifferent to Li Qian's seduction. It's easy to get Li Qian, just get Zhang Qiaorong, let Zhang Qiaorong obediently lift her ass for him to fuck, then Li Qian, as a good girlfriend and lover, will also be obedient for him to fuck. This is a chain reaction, so if you want to get her, you have to get the other one, either you have nothing, or you kill two birds with one stone!
