
Reborn Blade: Chronicles of the Soulbound Assassin

In a world where power and technology intertwine, meet Sia, one of the illegitimate daughters of the country's wealthiest man. From the moment she took her first breath, her life was destined for darkness and bloodshed. Trained since birth to become a lethal tool and a loyal slave to her family's desires, Sia's skills in assassination and manipulation knew no bounds. Her life took a tragic turn when the Gustavo Brothers, her half-siblings, betrayed her. Their treachery led to her untimely demise, but for Sia, death was a long-awaited respite from her tormented existence. In the embrace of the afterlife, she found solace, her soul finally freed from the shackles of her past. However, fate had other plans for Sia. Against all odds, she was reborn 3000 years into the future, a time where technology had reached unimaginable heights. As her consciousness awoke in this new era, she found herself in a world of wonder and marvels.

Midzangel · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

A Celebration of Baptism

The day of Siathena's baptism had arrived, and the Conal family, like everyone in the Empire, gathered at the baptismal hall where newborns from all corners of the empire were to be baptized and receive the sacred data for their neural implants which they call Neuro Imprints. The Baptismal Hall's exterior, a fusion of sleek metallic surfaces and translucent panels, exuded an aura of modernity. Upon entering, one was greeted by a spacious and well-lit atrium, adorned with holographic displays showcasing the Empire's history and achievements.

The hall's architecture exuded an elegant simplicity, with clean lines and minimalist design. Large circular windows allowed natural light to flood the space, creating an atmosphere of openness and transparency. The walls, adorned with intricate patterns of shimmering light, gave the impression of being surrounded by the stars themselves, a reminder of the Empire's vast cosmic influence.

The baptismal area, the heart of the hall, was elevated on a dais, providing a central stage for the sacred ceremony. The dais was embellished with ancient symbols representing unity, knowledge, and progress, paying homage to the Empire's rich heritage. Here, families from all walks of life gathered to celebrate the newest members of their society, their newborns.

At the heart of the stage stood an ornate pedestal, adorned with intricate carvings and glowing crystals. This pedestal held the sacred data that would be transferred to the newborns' neural implants, symbolizing the connection they would forge with the Empire's collective knowledge.

The hall's ambiance was further enhanced by the soft hum of advanced technology and the gentle melody of ethereal music. Holographic displays adorned the walls, projecting images of the Empire's diverse landscapes, the grandeur of its cities, and the benevolent figures of its leaders.

As Siathena's family gathered near the stage, Lady Aresha whispered, "Our daughter's baptism is a momentous occasion. The Neuro Imprints will connect her to the Empire's vast database, allowing her to access knowledge beyond our imaginations."

Keith Conal nodded, "Indeed, it's a privilege to be part of this interconnected society. She will grow up with the collective wisdom of the Empire guiding her."

As they waited for their turn on the stage, the twins, Azure and Azura, fidgeted with excitement. Azure leaned closer to Siathena and whispered, "Sia, you will be a part of the Empire's network, just like us. We'll share thoughts, and it'll be amazing."

Azura chimed in, "Yes, it's like having our own secret language, only we can understand."

Siathena's eyes remained distant, observing her family's enthusiasm. She responded by showing them an image through her Neuro Imprint, asking how old they were. She made sure to send images only to convey her questions as that was expected of newborns, since they haven't been given a data for language because they cannot speak yet. The twins understood her nonverbal communication, and Azure smiled, holding up three fingers to indicate their age.

Lady Aresha smiled and joined the interaction, "Sia, Azure and Azura are three years old now. They will be your loving older brothers, always there to protect and care for you."

Soon, it was their turn on the stage. As the high priest gently placed the data on Siathena's Neuro Implant, a momentary flash of discomfort crossed her face.

"That hurts, this feels like a rush of knowledge that they want me to automatically know. This is convenient at the same time dangerous. " Sia thought while creasing her forehead as she felt a second of electric shock.

Noticing her discomfort her parents reassured her, "It's okay my love, you are fine."

Azul, her brother, observed his sister. He was impressed to see that his sister only creased her forehead from the pain since most of the babies who received the data cried. His sister is brave, he thought.

The high priest continued with the ceremony, sealing her connection to the Empire's collective knowledge. With a voice that carried the weight of tradition and wisdom, the high priest spoke, "Today, we come together to welcome these young souls into the embrace of our Empire. Through this sacred bond, may they access the collective wisdom of generations past and contribute to the brilliance of generations to come."

"As their 'Neuro Imprints' connect them to our shared history and values, let us foster compassion, respect, and unity in their hearts. As they journey through life, may they find strength in the unity of our Empire, knowing they are never alone."

"With the data now imprinted, let us pronounce them cherished members of our Empire, bound by the interconnectedness that guides us. May their actions reflect the harmony and prosperity of our society."

As the ceremonial words echoed through the hall, Siathena's family beamed with pride and joy, while she observed the proceedings with a stoic contemplation.