
Reborn at Naruto

Angel_4729 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

First day of being reborn

I'm Mai Kagami. 12 years old. I'm being bullied at school but I could take it. I'm being bullied because of my looks and I'm really not talented. I had a crush on Haruko Yugi. His the top athlete and smartest guy in our school. His really also popular and talented. Also not to mention his super handsome looks. Even tough I was like this, my family loves me. Except my sister, Mei Kagami. She also bully me at school. I had a best friend. Her name is Sara Fukatochi. Me and Sara are always together. She knows everything about me, even my crush. But one day, after school I had my bag packed and ready to go. I swung my bag to my back and walk outside. Then I feel a ring on my phone. I checked it out. "Sara?", I whispered. She said that I need to go to the back of the school.

I headed to the back of the school. At the middle of the hallway here goes my sister. She looks at me with angryness filled her eyes. I just walked past them but they just trip me. "What do you want?", I asked with tears falling down my face. "Aww are you gonna cry?", she teased. "Such an idiot", she said then pulled my bag up and opened it. She just let my things on the ground. She got my cellphone. I got shock of it. She throw it down and stomp on it to break into pieces. then she left.

I just cried on it. I did spent so much money for it. I just wiped my tears, fix myself up and went on my way. I just got shock on what I saw. My crush hugging my best friend. My tears fell down and it feels like my world broke into 100 pieces. I felt more hot liquor fell down when they looked at me. Then, smiled at me. I ran away with more hot liquor falling down. I felt them chasing me. I was in the cross roads. I ran to the middle when they called me and I stopped. I didn't realize the car running towards me. The driver was really tired made him to fall asleep. The last thing I remember was the car bumped into me. That's the last thing. Then everything went white.

"Is this her time to leave?", I heard them speaking but I can't open my eyes so I only hear them. "No, I'll take care of it", another said. Another light came up. "Enjoy your new life, little girl", the same person said. I thought they were doctors but they're not. I felt a soft surface under me. I opened my eyes when a light came towards.

"Honey, wake up its your first day at the academy", a man said or we should say my dad. "Good morning, dad", I yawned. "Good morning, Y/n", he said then he walked out of my room. So, here I reincarnated as 'Y/n Uchiha'. A girl from Uchiha clan. Black colored hair with raven colored eyes. She has a friend named Naruto Uzumaki. A boy with a blonde hair. He's the holder of the nine-tailed beast. That is why he had no friends except you. Naruto knows your an Uchiha and with all his respect, he accepted you of whoever you are. Y/n's father accepted him cuz he had a trust on him. Y/n the last girl from Uchiha clan, was adopted by her father, F/n L/n. He never wanted to give his last name to Y/n. He wants to bring Y/n to her own clan, one day. I got dressed by her everyday outfit. A raven colored hoodie with a Uchiha sign at the back and under was a t-shirt. Ripped jeans and the blue slippers or whatever it is called.

I went down stairs. "You ready?", my dad asked with a smile. "Yes I am!", I said confidently. "Come let's eat", he stated. I finished eating. "Bye dad!", I waved while running. "Bye Y/n!", he waved back. After a long time of running, I finally reached the academy and there goes Naruto. "Naruto!", I called him while running towards him. "Y/n, good morning!", he greeted as I stopped running in front of him. "First day hm", he teased. "Nah this is going to be easy", I confidently said. We walked every hallways until we reached the classroom. It's very noisy inside not gonna lie. I covered the Uchiha logo at the back of my hoodie by covering it by my hoodie not to reveal my real identity that fast. We entered and all our classmates turned to me.

"Why do I have a dirt in my face?", I teased. Then all of them turned to whatever they were doing. "Naruto, where is your seat?", I asked him shoving my two hands inside the two pockets of my hoodie while smiling. "There", he pointed his index finger to the second to the last row at the middle. "Let's seat together", I offered and he nodded as response. I was walking to the seat when I feels a chakra of a boy ready to grab me by the leg. I kicked him high until his back bump hard in the roof. I turned to him. "Oh sorry", I said softly. "Just don't do it again", I continued with a death glare. He stand up and jump into me in surprise. I couldn't move in shockness. Luckily, Naruto grab him by arm. Then, punch him in the chin.

The boy just stand up in fear and run out of the room. "Nice!", I said with a high five. He gave me a high five in return. All of our classmates were shock. "One down", I said continuously walking to my seat.

*Time skip into the test*

It was the test of being a genin. As usual, we were all lined up to do a transformation jutsu as the test. They don't still know my last name hehe. But now they will. "Sakura Haruno", Iruka-sensei called. She transformed as Iruka-sensei. "You passed, pick your forehead protecter", Iruka-sensei praised. "Huh! See that Sasuka-kun!", she proudly shouted. "Hm", is only he said. "Sasuke Uchiha", Iruka-sensei called. Ugh, that Uchiha Sasuke again. He just turned into someone but I didn't look anyway cuz I don't wanna see. As usual, he passed and all fan girls just screaming into the whole room and Sasuke on his usual annoyed face. Gosh, so annoying.

"Next, Y/n Uchiha", heh finally. All of them except Naruto got an 'o' shaped mouth. Sasuke stopped and looked at me in shock. How are they not going to be shock? They all know that Sasuke is the only Uchiha but no. They're absolutely wrong. "You got it Y/n!", Naruto cheered. I stepped forward to face them. I made a peace sign at Naruto. I made the transformation hand sign. I transformed as Naruto. "Ok, Y/n Uchiha you passed", Iruka-sensei said and gave me my forehead protecter. I turned to my own self. I tied it in my forehead, of course. I walked to the first seat. "Naruto, if you pass I'll treat you ramen later!", I shouted at him. He made a peace sign at me. I walked to Sasuke. "Shocked, huh?", I teased him. "Are you really an Uchiha?", he suspiciously asked. I waved my hoodie that covered my Uchiha simbol for him to see. "Happy now?", I asked him sarcastically. He just nodded at me. And he return to his emo face. "Excuse me, I'm not your fan girl for your information", I said to him. Then, I walked up into my seat.

Unfortunately, Naruto didn't pass. But I'm there to comfort him. My dad said that I was called by the hokage. I jump from roof to roof until I reached the hokage's building. I walked inside and knocked on the hokage's office. "Come in", the hokage said inside. "You called Hokage-sama?", I asked. "Yes, take a seat", the hokage gestured me to seat down. "What's the matter?", I asked as I seated. "Let me get this straight, you are going to live separated to your father", the hokage started. "But why?", I asked. "Your adopted right?", the hokage added. "Yes", I answered. "You had to go back to your clan, but since they were destroyed, you were going to live on an apartment the same building as Sasuke", the hokage added. "But why him?", I asked not satisfied. "You two are the last Uchihas in this village so we had to protect the two of you, how we would protect the two of you if you were separated? and also, you two had the same clan so treat the two of you well", he finished explaining. By that I didn't get satisfied yet and one more thing. "How about my father?", I asked. "He will be a new ninja in our village since he pass the requirements of being a new jonin in this village and he will be fine don't worry", he started with a smile. I sighed in relief and get satisfied.

"Ok fine", I said and stand up. "Your apartment is the same as Sasuke, he's outside, you can dismiss", he said. I bowed and walk outside. There time I walked outside the hokage's office's door, Sasuke was there. "Hey, I assume you know everything", I greeted him boredly. "Your father told me everything", he said and walked. "He knows everything?!", I got shocked of the said. He just continued walking and being faster every step. I just continue following him while looking at the ground cuz I wanna sleep. It's so late, it's almost 10 pm. Me is so sleepy. I bump on Sasuke's back hard enough for me to step back. I rub my forehead, it hurts ya know!

He looked at me. "Why did you stop?", I annoyingly asked. He rolled his eyes then take my hand and walk quickly. "So slow", he shortly responded. We stopped on a building. "Go to your apartment it's late", he said and walk away. "Wait", he stopped. "Hm?", he asked but not annoyed, wow this is the first time. "Where's your apartment?", I asked. He pointed his index finger to an apartment. And pointed his index finger to the apartment next to his. "There's yours", he said then walked away. But then I realized I don't have the keys. "Waaahhh I don't have the keys", I cried out. "Where do I gonna sleep?", I cried out more.

"Sleep with Naruto", Sasuke interrupted. "Yeah your right, thanks for the idea", I tell him. I quickly ran towards Naruto's apartment. But it's really late and I think collapsed while I'm running. I really think it's 10:30 pm. But I sleep 8:30 pm. So, yeah I collapse because of being sleepy. But I felt someone catch me.

'Next day'

I woke up on a bed. I hear someone's cooking. "Where am I?", I asked. "Your in my apartment", he said. "Who are you?", I finally asked. "It's me....."

to be continued....

Dear reader,

So uh, first story so please don't expect anything cuz I might not pass on your taste in stories but please read this. I actually made it every night because of answering modules so this might have some late uploads. I hope you understand.


Author Angel_4729

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