
Reborn as villain in a fantasy novel.

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read just before his death, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality

Akuma_675 · Fantasy
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19 Chs


A young girl 18 years old around 160 cm with long purple hair that was tied into a very beautiful decorative style,wearing a light blue formal dress that outlined her curves with a captivating pair of purple eyes was sitting inside a flying car with an irritated expression

suddenly the driver said

"Young lady were arriving"

She slightly tilted her head and looked outside

a very large villa on top of a hill with many glowing lights and cars around it soon came into her view

Thinking about how she ended up coming to this ball pissed her off even more with clenched fists

She was thinking about his father

"That annoying old man i swear ill make you regret this!"

'Threatening me with cutting off funds for my researchs just wait until i get stronger ill wipe that smirk off of your face!'

Her father Marquise Berkeley two days ago barged into her laboratory and asked her to attend a ball but she refused and an hour later a letter came to her with seal of Marquise stating that her funds were cut off

Soon car landed in front door

She got off car and the first thing she saw was numerous ladies with their partners escorting them towards the villa

for unknown reasons this even pissed her off more

Suddenly someone called out to her

"Sophie is that you!?"

'Ah not her goddammit!'

She turned around with forced smile and looked at a couple, hands locked walking towards her although the girl wasn't that remarkable but her partner was decent

"Hello Stella fancy seeing you here

"You too Sophie i hope your doing well"

After exchanging sme formalities Stella noticed that Sophia was alone

with a sneer she said

" you dont have a partner Sophie..oh where are my manners let me introduce you my partner for tonight Andrew this is Sophie one of my friends"

The man beside her took the initiative and kissed the back of Sophie's hand with a meaningful look which disgusted Sophia

"Its nice to meet you young lady Berkeley i heard a lot about you from Stella"

Sophie with a stiff smile replied

"Yes me and Stella know each other for quite some time

"Yes anyway Sophie are you alright alone?

i mean if you want i can find someone to accompany you"

She secretly pointed towards some unknown guys on the corner

Sophia which couldn't take this anymore

"Your so kind Stella but i came here for some private business, not having fun, so if you excuse me ill be on my way"

Sophia without waiting for her reply quickly turned around and left

'This frigging snake!! just wait until i find someone handsome even if i have to pay them money ill embarrass you!'

Sophia with an annoyed expression walked gracefully towards the villa and entered the massive hall filled to the brim with nobles

She went towards two seats and payed her respects to Marquise Lorraine,since her father is the same rank as him she didn't neeed to bow

However she needed to congratulate his daughter on coming of age ceremony

Soon Her captivating curves quickly did the job for her and brought many nobles wishing to accompany her for tonight

After refusing all of them which didn't meet her standards she quickly found a spot to drink some wine when she heard some whispers among the ladies

"Have you heard this time someone from the Duke family is invited?

"Yes i heard it but do you think someone with such an Status will attend this ball?

"Of course not but its Duke Lancester were talking about,its a maybe,but

what if... its ,Young master Aamon maybe he will come

"Oh even if he attend do you think he will dance with you?

"Huh what do you mean? Am i not attractive enough

"No not that, but as long as im here he wouldn't even look at anyone

"You devil!"

Then sound of them giggling soon followed

Sophia heard thier conversation and got interested,even if she wasn't interested in partying and dancing she heard some rumors about him

His talent in Swordmanship and magic has made him quite popular,they already call him the future swordmaster of Lancester duchy

'Hmph I bet his one of those arrogant bastards that thinks world revolves around them'

Then a loud announcement came which surprised her a little,she looked over

"The heir to Lancester duchy!!

Aamon Lancester has arrived!!"

This arrival surprised many nobles they didn't expect that someone of a higher nobility would attend this ball they all looked over

A young man wearing a Gray suit,a red necktie and a long coat on his shoulder slowly walked in,his ashen blue hair combed to his left and a pair mesmerizing light blue eyes coupled with a noble demanour gave him an otherworldly feeling

Nearly everyone was looking at his direction and soon whispers were heard

Sophia which was stunned by his looks and temperment still stared at him for quite some time before noticing his gaze on her

'Huh am i overthinking or is he looking at me?'

She realized his mistake and turned her head sideways to hide the red haze on her face

'Huuuh nobody said his that handsome!'

Aamon's POV

As soon as i walked in i noticed many gazez on me it gave me a feeling that me, being here was out of the norm

My attention quickly went towards a corner of the hall where a Short girl with Purple hair was spacing out

I quickly recognized her

'Sophia Berkeley the future sword king of Kreoris kingdom,she will be hailed as one of the strongest warriors in history of mankind'

I retracted my gaze and slowly walked down towards the Marquise and his daughter which were equally surprised as others

Noticing me coming down all the nobles performed a respectful bow

i went towards Marquise Lorraine and his daughter to congratulate him

With a bow Marquise and his daughter stood up

"Young duke Aamon its an honor to have you here tonight

I smiled lightly

"The pleasure is all mine,i found it difficult to not attend such a joyous occasion"

Then we exchanged some formalities

After that many other nobles male and female approached me to strike a conversation

'Well I've known as the perfect noble in this circle'

After sometime and talking with many nobles with diffrent agendas i got quite tired after some chit-chat i quickly went towards the balcony

I pushed open the doors and walked towards the guard rail and leaned on it

The moonlight was very bright, unlike my previous world there are two moons in the sky

Thinking about this i remembered a poem of my previous world

"The full moon

Breaks the blanket of black

And stars sweep the sky


The lonely path to dawn"

I took a deep breath the air inside felt so stuffy that i couldn't take it anymore and talking with so many nobles and expanding my connection is a very tiresome thing

As i heard someone gasping behind me i quickly turned around,and saw someone that i didn't expect at all

"Ah...i-im sorry Young master Aamon i didn't mean to.."

As she started explaining i smiled lightly

"Its alright, lady Berkeley,i understand

"O-okay,...can i accompany young master for what happened?

"Yes,i was getting tired of being alone

"Then excuse me"

With that she walked a couple of steps away from me looking at the sky

"I didn't know that young master Aamon also writes poems

"I dont, i heard this from a friend of mine,he was a very passionate writer

"if I'm not being rude can I ask where is your friend with his poems he should be very famous

"his in somewhere very far away, we're world apart"

After this we talked about some random things

Suddenly the sound of music came from inside

I saw how she was fiddling with her little fingers, seemingly trying to ask me something

but this damned bodies traits wouldn't let me ignore this,

sigh~..I put on my black half gloves,and with a polite gesture of hand i said

"Lady Berkeley would you give me the honor of dancing with me"

I observed her and her stunned face was quiet an spectacle,like she didn't expect me to give her this offer


I took her hand which was quite small and slowly walked towards the ballroom

Many women were starting daggers at her if eyes could kill she would have died many times by now

This body has learned many kind of dances Tango, rumba,waltz, quickstep,and others but it should be alright if i tease her a little

I started my dance with waltz which is usually used in weddings, her movements wasn't half bad but i decided to change things a little

I used an aggressive style of Tango dance and took the lead,in this kind of dance woman is displayed more then man, im the frame and she is the picture,i control her, like a rock to woman act like water around me, strong and confident yet secure enough to be gentle and tender

I heard many nobles talking and whispering

"Wow is that even possible?

"Look at young master Aamon wow!

"Compared to her isn't that lady quite sloppy?

"Yes but his moves are so domineering that she cant resist him at all

"His so aggressive!"

I took a sneak peek at her face while dancing,she was beet red with shame

has she didn't expect this?

the more I moved the more her breathing became rough she was already out of breath but still,her dignity or maybe pride didn't let her falter

Then after another move i ended this dance which made all the stage empty for us,with a slight bow towards each other

We separated

the sound of claps filld the hall which surprised me a little

clap!! clap!! clap!! clap!!

After that dance it didn't took long for the ceremony to end , i was about to leave when Sophia approached me

"Young master Aamon

"Lady Berkeley i hope that i didn't make you uncomfortable with my dance

"N-no not at all,im just curious

"About what?

"Dose young master Aamon planning to attend Royal academy?"

I put on my buisness smile this dumb girl dose she think that anybody would give up this chance

"Yes lady Berkeley ill be attending i cant miss this chance can i?"

She muttered something under her breath which i couldn't hear clearly

"Then i hope we meet again

"Yes i hope so"

Then we bid each other goodbye i quickly left since i was very tired from all the work ive done

'sigh~being a Villain is very hard'