
Reborn as vice captain of straw hat pirates

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Blaze_56 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Battle for Alabasta

"It seems like you truly don't have a face, Mr. 2."

A voice suddenly rang behind Bonclay. This voice made him stunned as he turned around with Zoro's face. But, the next moment, feet struck his face.


"Damn! I wanted to do that for a long time."

Sanji's voice was filled with anger. After all, this was something that he truly wanted to do but never got a chance.

"You bastard, how could you hurt your friend?" Bonclay jumped up from the ground and shouted. He didn't expect that Sanji would use all of his strength against his friend's face.

"Humph! I wanted to beat down that Green-Haired Bastard for a long time. Now is the perfect opportunity."

Sanji jumped and swung his leg. A powerful green energy burst out of his foot in the shape of a sword.

"This is Marine Six Style."

Bonclay's eyes almost popped out upon seeing the attack. He quickly raised his foot and jumps forward. His body spins at a great speed, blocking the attack but at the same time, he was actually attacking.

"Strong Kick"

This was a powerful attack but Offense is also a great Defense. For a flying slash, this was his only defense.


But he underestimated the power of that slash. When he tried to block it with his feet, it tore his skin but because he had already blocked most of it with his leg, it didn't reach his muscle.

"Damn it! My power has decreased." Bon clay spun and shouted as if he was making an announcement.

'Why does Zack want to keep someone like him?' Sanji tilted his head in confusion. With his strength, he could easily defeat Bon Clay and even kill him.

But, Zack told him not to kill this person. Although he didn't understand the reason, he would still do it. He took a deep breath and stomped his foot on the ground.

His body suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Bon Clay.

"You can't sneak on me."

"Musou- Memoir of Summer Days"


He spun his body and his foot kept striking Sanji with amazing strength. Even with his bleeding leg, his strength hadn't dropped.

Sanji was simply blocking it with his foot. But as soon as he finished blocking, he raised his foot and kicked forward.

"Chest Bone"

"Waist Meat"

"Shoulder Paste"

"Final Taste"

With the new set of attacks, Sanji kicked his chest and then slapped both of his waists with his foot. He raised his right leg after returning to the ground and kicked his shoulder. For the final attack, he used the sidekick on Bon Clay's chest.

Whoosh! Bang!

Bon Clay flew away like a cannonball and struck the wall. When he fell on the ground, he coughed out blood before falling on his chest.

Sanji dashed forward and in an instant, he reached in front of Bon Clay. He took out a handcuff. He puts the handcuff on Bon Clay and finally sits next to him.

"I don't understand why our vice-captain didn't want you to die. But, with you, it would be easier to stop the rebels."

"Hehe! It seems like your vice-captain truly has an eye for people. That's good!" Bon Clay chuckled with a painful expression.


"You should simply lay down." Sanji kicked his head and spoke.

"Ugh! You truly are a ruthless fellow. Not only you don't have any mercy for your crew, but you also don't have any mercy for your potential friend." Bon Clay weakly lay on the ground as he spoke.

"Who would want to be friends with you?" Sanji scolded him and stood up. He picked Bon Clay and walked toward their Pirate Ship.


"Chopper, this time you just watch from the sideline. I will take care of them." Usopp held a massive hammer that had written '100T' on it. It was a hammer that should weigh 100 tons.

"Wow! Usopp, you are so brave." Chopper screamed in shock when he saw Usopp holding 100 tons massive hammer.

"Of course, I am the brave warrior of the Sea, Usopp. Waaaaa!"

Usopp screamed as he struggled to lift the massive 100 tons hammer. After he lifted his shoulder, he looked at Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas.

"Mr.4, you need to attack him from afar. If we get hit by such a hammer, we will definitely die." Miss Merry Christmas looked at Usopp with shock and shouted.

Mr.4 who was previously dumbfounded looked at Usopp's strength and quickly asked Lassoo, his dog to attack him.


Lassoo understood his owner's command and released a small baseball toward Usopp with great accuracy and speed. But, suddenly, Chopper rushed in front of Usopp and kicked the bomb with his feet.

"Woah! It's coming back. It's coming back." Miss Merry Christmas screamed and quickly ran inside the ground, leaving her partner alone.


The baseball returned to the owner and exploded in his face. The explosion was quite big but Usopp knew that it wouldn't be enough to take down his enemy.

He blinked his eye at Chopper. In an instant, Chopper changed his horns into the shape of antlers and dug inside the desert. He quickly found the way where Miss Merry Christmas has gone and dug her out toward the Explosion.

"Mr.4, strike to left. He is there." Usopp impersonated Miss Merry Christmas's voice from close up as he spoke.

Hearing his words, Mr.4 swung his baseball attack at the left side and suddenly Miss Merry Christmas jumped out of the desert and got in front of his bat.


Mr.4 bat struck her so hard that she flew out with her teeth broken into pieces. As she fell to the ground, Usopp launched an attack against Mr.4.

His 100 tons hammer slammed against his back and sent him flying. But, Usopp didn't stop there.

When Chopper came out of the ground, he tore apart the 100 tons hammer. There were two fifty tons of hammers on each side. He took out just one, used the rubber band on Chopper's antler, and then threw the hammer toward Mr.4

The hundred kilograms hammer struck Mr. 4 head when he had just landed on the ground on his butt. The hammer broke his skull.


At the same time, Lassoo threw a baseball at Usopp and Chopper. Unable to deflect it, the baseball came just in front of them. But, it was a timer-based bomb so it didn't explode immediately.

Usopp held the bomb in his hand and threw it back at Lassoo who had just opened his mouth to throw another bomb at them.


The bomb exploded inside his stomach.

"We won." Only after that, Usopp reacted.

"Usopp, we won." Chopper also screamed at the same time.

Usopp suddenly burst into tears.

"We truly won without getting injured. Huhu! Vice Captain, you truly are amazing."

These were the tears of happiness.

"Woo! Wooo! Zack is really amazing. We didn't even get hurt and we won against the Baroque officers." Chopper also screamed with tears of joy.

Suddenly, he turned his head at Usopp and asked.

"Usopp, do you think I will have bounty after this?"

When he heard this question, the tears instantly disappeared from his face. He once again filled the 100 tons hammer with air and proudly lifted it.

"Chopper, what do you think of this pose? Does this look cool?"

"Wow! Usopp, you are amazing. I should also do this."

Chopper also changed his form and used Heavy Arms, posing like a bodybuilder.

"What are you guys doing?"

Suddenly, a voice rang from behind which startled both of them. Chopper and Usopp turned around with anxious breaths but only when they saw the person standing behind them, they sighed with a breath of relief.

"It's you, Sanji. Did you already capture your enemy?"

"Mossi-Mossi, can't you see me? I am not a ghost." Bon Clay suddenly appeared behind Usopp and Chopper as he puts his hands on their shoulders and spoke.


Usopp and Chopper screamed with their guts coming out of their mouth. But, Sanji jumped and slammed a kick on Bon Clay's face.

"Don't scare them with your scary face. Anyway, let's return to the ship and wait for the others. That green hair bastard must have finished his battle. As for Nami-swan, we don't need to be worried at all."

Sanji turned around while holding Bon Clay in one hand.

"What did you call me, you erotic cook?"

Suddenly, a roar came from afar. Sanji turned his head and saw Zoro hundreds of meters away. He was surprised that Zoro was able to hear him from that far.

But, his gaze only stayed on him for a few seconds. He quickly saw Nami and shouted.

"Nami-san, did you finish your battle? Look! I captured our enemy but I can't find the other one." Sanji jumped around while swinging Bon Clay on his hand like an idiot in love.

Unfortunately, Nami didn't reply to him but rather shouted at Zoro.

"You idiot, we are walking straight. Walk straight, not to your left!"

Somewhere in basement of palace,

Cough! Cough!

A middle-aged man coughed out blood. He raised his head and looked at the eyes of the young woman with a cowboy hat, asking.

"Why are you attacking me?"

The young woman was none other than Robin. She simply stared at him and said.

"Take me to the place where you have kept Poneglyph otherwise your daughter will die."

Although Robin knew that she had no means to kill Vivi, she didn't hesitate to threaten the man in front of her.

"You….. what did you do her?" Cobra panicked. The fear of losing his daughter emerged in his eyes.

"We still haven't done anything to her but if you don't do what I said, our leader won't hesitate to kill her. Now, you only have two choices. Choose your daughter or a stone."

Robin narrowed her eyes with killing intent and spoke.

"Robin, it seems like you are having some difficulties here."

A voice rang from behind that startled Robin and terrified Cobra.

"Y-y-y-you are Crocodile. Are you the one behind all the rebels?" Cobra looked at him with shuttering tone as he asked. Although he wasn't sure about it, he didn't want it to be true.

After all, Alabasta already treats Crocodile as a hero. To some extent, Crocodile's fame has even surpassed his.

"Cobra, I don't have time to waste here. Tell me where you hid the Poneglyph or I will kill your daughter."

Although Crocodile didn't have her in his hands, he was sure to kill her. After all, he didn't believe a group of newcomers can stop him.

On the other hand, Cobra was completely terrified. It wasn't because he fears that Crocodile will kill him. He was afraid that his daughter will die too.

He gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't touch my daughter. I will take you to the place where poneglyph is."

"Good choice!"

Crocodile grinned as he looked at Robin. She released Cobra from her clutches and let him move.

Cobra with no choice in his hand walked toward the Tomb of Kings.

"Gator, you bastard! Stop"

Suddenly, a roar came from behind. This roar startled everyone and the veins in Crocodile's head popped out.

"You go with him and decipher the Poneglyph. I will return after killing this kid."

Right now, he didn't want Cobra to know that he didn't have his daughter in his hand.

"Yes, Boss"

Robin nodded, but there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She didn't expect Luffy to chase after Crocodile so far and find him as well.

Crocodile ( I don't know about your opinion but I am turning him in crocodile from post time skip )turned his head at Luffy and made a cruel smile.

"This time, I am going to kill you, boyyyy."

Suddenly, the smile on his face froze.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

He saw Luffy running towards him with his stomach big as a water tank. For a moment, the excitement that was inside his heart made Crocodile feel betrayed but thanks to him being cursed by Zack after their call , he had trained enough to match his previous self along with haki .( He is still underestimating luffy)

The veins in his forehead started popping out. He was angry. He was truly angry at this moment. But, as Luffy started running toward him, he found the red steam coming out of Luffy.


Suddenly, Luffy disappeared in front of him, and this surprised other but not Crocodile. Before luffy could find hit him, Crocodile appeared above him, but luffy threw a water bomb from his mouth, and clenched his fist.


[Jet Pistol]


The moment water fell on him, Crocodile reacted. Unfortunately, his speed couldn't match Luffy's speed as underestimated him . A powerful punch smashed him on the ground.

"Sorry but this time, I can not lose."

Luffy had seriousness on his face. He truly can't lose, not at this moment at least.

After all, losing against him means he wouldn't be able to live up to Zack's trust and that's enough for him to give it his all.

"Bastard, don't think you can win me. You are just a measly newcomer."

"Desert Spada"

Crocodile coughed out and slowly stood up from the ground. Luffy had already landed on the ground so he quickly launches an attack. A sword made out of desert moves toward Luffy.

But in Luffy's eyes, this move was too slow. Before even it could reach him, Luffy once again disappears in front of Crocodile and suddenly appears above him once more.


[Jet Pistol]


Although Luffy was fast, this time Crocodile managed to dodge and his fist only struck the ground. But, at the same time, Crocodile's body was also wet.

Luffy took this as an opportunity and rushed behind him.

[Jet Whip]


This time, his attack actually landed on Crocodile. His kick struck Crocodile's waist and threw him away. But, it didn't end there.

Luffy instantly appeared in front of him.

"Desert la Spada"

Crocodile gritted his teeth, took a few steps back while bearing the pain of the attack, and immediately released his sand. Although he didn't know why Luffy foolishly appeared so close, he didn't care. He just wanted to attack Luffy.

And, massive four blades made out of sand appeared in front of him, moving toward's Luffy. It was so close that it was impossible to dodge. But, at this moment, a fist pierced through those four sand blades.

[Compressed Jet Pistol]


This time, his attack tore apart Crocodile's proclaimed strongest attack and managed to release a powerful impact that made Crocodile fly.


Luffy once again disappeared and suddenly appeared above Crocodile. He coughed out all of the water at once and then pulled both of his hands.

While being soaked in water, Crocodile couldn't move at all. Seeing him preparing for his attack, Crocodile gritted his teeth and gather all of the sand that he could control into his palm.

It changed into a tornado as he threw it toward Luffy at an extreme speed. Luffy unfazed by this attack still stretches his hands and when they reached their limits, he pulls them.

"Sables Pesada"

[Jet Bazooka]


His jet bazooka pierced through the sandstorm and rushed toward Crocodile. It slams so hard on the crocodile that Crocodile falls into the ground with broken bones.


Luffy who was caught in a sandstorm screams out loud. His body swirls around the sandstorm and suddenly two arms stretch out of the sandstorm and catch a building top far away.

But before he could reach that point, Luffy finds his eyes slowly closing.

'Damn! I lost too much energy. Did that gator finally fall? If not….'


While he was thinking, he falls into the sand, and without any energy to stand, he decides to sleep for a while.

On the other hand, Crocodile who had suffered quite a lot from the previous attack slowly stands up. Seeing that Luffy wasn't around, he gritted his teeth. And then started laughing, he haven't felt like this in his years seclusion. He enjoyed it but also felt shame on his current self .

"That bastard. Why does a newcomer who had just gone out into the sea develop his devil fruit to such height? Not to mention, an ordinary devil fruit like this."

"And, it seems like that bitch finally betrayed me. Or, is it that guy who found out my weakness before even the battle started?"

Crocodile had a lot of doubts in his mind. But right now, he just wanted to get to the Tomb of Kings and finally find the location of the Ancient Weapon Pluton.

But with broken bones and bloody skin, he barely could walk. If it wasn't for his immense endurance, he wouldn't even be able to move. Absorbing the mineral from the ground he quickly recovered.

He eventually reaches the Tomb of Kings. After seeing his condition, Robin was truly surprised. She didn't expect Luffy to be so strong that he would push Crocodile to such injuries. Although not knowing crocodile has recovered .

At the same time, she was also thankful. After all, she didn't plan to tell him the location of the pluton.

Crocodile quickly asks her about the location of Pluton but because she only tells him the history, he finally decides to kill her.

It didn't surprise Robin. She was more than ready to attack him and she does attack him but her surprise attack doesn't work at all.

"It seems like you are the one who told them about my weakness. But that doesn't matter. I never trusted you from the beginning."

Crocodile finally decides to land a deadly blow on her. But, at this moment, a shadow suddenly appears next to him and smashes his stomach.

[Water Tempest]

It was a kick, wrapped with water.


And, it managed to strike him so hard that Crocodile flew away and landed several meters on the ground.

"Cough! Cough!"

"It seems like my captain truly injured you to such an existent. But, it is remarkable indeed. A man who was once said to be Bullet's Equal was heavily injured by my captain who just arrived in the sea for a few months."

"No wonder, you wanted the Ancient Weapon so bad. You never believed that you could win against those people with your strength. If so, even if I tell you the location of Pluton."

"You can never get it from the territory of that man."

But got an unexpected reply from crocodile"

Haaaaaaa Hee Haaaa I have been waiting for you brat , although straw hat is strong for rookie in East blue he is still weak to give me a fight . Now that you arrived entertain me , Mr. 6 why don't you give me a show with him while I deal with some serious matter."

His voice getting cold.