
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Winner of the Junior League Finale

(Last Time of Dragon Ball Vegeta Reborn...Stop! Stop what you're doing! Just play the damn show! Sorry about that folks, enjoy the new chapter.)

The two finalists had shown their powers and experiences were far beyond their age. They handled themselves as expert fighters should.

The announcer raised his hand and dropped it while declaring the battle to, "Begin!"

They both stood in their martial arts stance and powered up as they stared at one another.

Rad suddenly made 12 Clones split off from his main body and had them all had started to perform the fusion dance.

Raunch powered up to True Super Saiyan God Blue and started attacking the clones with beams fired from her gun fingers.

Rad's main body did something that shook the crowd, including some of the strongest spectating martial artists.

Rad used the Times 100 Kaio-Zenken and stacked it with another Times-Fifty Kororo-Ken. "I'll think I'll call this Grand-Kaio-Zenken...Stage 1."

"Not bad. He managed to multiply his power by 5,000 times," Goku commented.

"He's on par with a newly transformed Super Saiyan 4, and he can use my magic spell," Vegeta followed up.

Tien smiled as he said, "Do you see this Goku, the true power of three-eyed people is the ability to see through all falsehoods. Not only can we see the methods behind an attack with a simple glance, but we can even improve them by removing the flaws. Of course, our kind needs to rely on our own comprehension to decipher and recreate a technique."

Everyone was flabbergasted, not even Vegeta could know that the Three-Eyed People could do such a thing.

"Why couldn't you use it before?" Vegeta asked.

"Because I didn't know how to awaken my third eye. Our species needs to perform a ritual of sorts, we have to be pure of heart to be recognized by our ancestors." Tien recalled the room he entered when he went to Planet Metamor.

He was attacked by every clan head and forced to fight without Ki. Once he passed their test, he was forced to meditate and remove all the darkness from within his consciousness. Only then did his Third Eye truly opened.

With Rad's sudden heightened Ki, he dashed towards the female Saiyan and managed to grab onto Raunch's hand, interlocking his fingers around hers before she could fire the blast.

Seeing as she couldn't move properly, Launch decided it was better to fight back with brute force and began to exchange blows with him.

The ones performing the Fusion Dance were executing the permanent variant of the technique. So, it would take a bit of time to complete.

Raunch could see what he was up to. She knew that if he succeeded, victory would be difficult if not impossible.

However, she was also surprised to see how much Tien's split body technique had changed the Metamorian soul-cutting technique.

Whatever they did to the technique, it allowed them to cut their souls and power much quicker and less painfully than the technique's previous form.

Rad already had a monstrous Base Power Level. If all of his clones perform the Permanent Fusion Dance, their powers become tens of times stronger per-fusion.

The twelve clones were then cut down to six as each pair fused into one.

Raunch fought as best as she could without transforming into True Super Saiyan Purple. However, seeing the current predicament she was in, it left her no other choice but to unleash her most powerful form.

Transforming into a True Super Saiyan God Purple, Raunch's energy spilled into the air and caused the entire arena to quake.

Jumping at her opponent, Raunch threw her fist out at the Metamorian with a 2500 times boost to his base power.

While Raunch fought, she was constantly looking for an opening. A loud bang was heard as numbers of Rad's clones dropped once again.

Now, only two remained. Getting desperate, Raunch let one of Rad's hits get through her defenses and struck out, taking a hit to earn a hit.

The moment Rad's fist rammed into her stomach, blood leaked out of Raunch's lips as she put everything she had into her next attack.

"Kiao-Ken Times Twenty!" Raunch shouted as pulled her wrist that Rad was holding on to, and forced him to lean into a flying kick she launched towards his face.

Before the Metamorian could act, he was hit into a chin by a magnificent high kick.

Raunch's foot landed directly on the bottom of his chin and sent Rad flying towards the top of the arena's barrier.

He stopped just before hitting the transparent screen and saw Raunch launch a blast at the two remaining clones.

Rad raised his hand and used the Instant Transmission ability to stand in the center of the two clones.

Raunch's blast hit them as their hands touched.

A loud booming explosion shook the arena, and smoke filled the air while the spectators held their breaths.

"Do you think he's knocked out?!" A random audience member spoke out loud.

"I think he's dead! Will this be a disqualification?" Another spectator questioned while scratching his head.

A sudden gust of wind erupted from the middle of the ring. The smoke cleared to reveal Rad standing there in one piece and with a smirky smile on his face.

Rad's power shook the whole arena.

He then stared down Raunch with a smile as he charged towards her in a blinding flash of speed.

Raunch put her cross guard up and took a full-powered hit from Rad's flying punch.

As her body flung back in a violent jolt, she felt like she had taken a hit from her father.

Raunch then let out a cry of pain as lost control and stumbled back into the sky.

After regaining her balance, Raunch forced herself to stop mid-air and floated in place.

Raunch barely had time to sense the incoming danger danger before she ducked at the last second, narrowly avoiding Rad's second attack.

The flying kick flew over her head and she felt a burning sensation rush over the skid mark it left on her scalp.

As her face was leaned down, she sensed his powerful Ki coming from below and aiming for her chin.

It sounded like a lightning bolt hitting the ground as the tip of Rad's foot slammed into the tip of Launch's chin.

With a rapid response, Raunch took the force from the attack and twirled in the air as she redirected the force from his blow.

Before he could respond, Launch kicked him to the ground with a backflip kick to the inside of his armpit.

Landing on the ground, Rad tapped his hands agans the arena before he lept to the side, dodging the flying elbow Raunch launched before skiddeding to a halt behind him.

With her back to his, Raunch ducked down and swept her leg around in an arc, forcing the Metamorian to jump over her leg.

Following after hir opponent, Raunch leaped to his side with incredible speed.

Just before she attacked, the Saiyan Warrior upped her Kaio-Ken's multiplier to times 50 for just an instant.

She then proceeded to throw out a massive barrage of punches, all hitting Rad dead center in the weakest spot on his ribs.

The force from her attack sent Rad flying off to the side and made him almost crash into the out-of-bounds area.

Floating at the arena's edge, Rad gripped his waist in pain before calming his nerves.

"She definitely broke some ribs there," Rad thought before he commenced a barrage of Ki blast.

Waving his hands' side to side, Rad sent out thousands of Ki blasts that formed into a wave of deadly explosions.

Raunch flew forward and started to doge the attacks when Rad suddenly appeared behind her by via Instant Transmission technique.

The Metamorian thrust out his arm with an open palm, aiming for Raunch's shoulder blade, or more precisely, the joint holding her arm up.

Raunch waited until the last second to make her move, at the very moment of impact.

Raunch felt the sting of his palm as she suddenly spun around into in the direction of his attack.

Redirecting his power to better augment her own strength, Raunch teleported behind him while using the kenetic force from his attack to land spinning backhand to Rad's face.

At the moment of impact, she temporarily upped the strength of her Kaio-Ken to times 50, once again.

Rad took the hit and went flying into the sky again. This time, he almost didn't recover.

Using all his strength to stop his fall, the Metamorian's nose hovered a few inches away from the barrier while Raunch stood back in the center of the Arena with her eyes closed.

Rad frowned as he wiped the blood off of his chin, he looked back to Raunch and teleported to her side.

Once more, his fist was aimed for the side of her jaw, but the moment he hit Raunch, her body spun with the force of his attack, and her knee slammed into his side of his waist.

Rad was once again sent flying back, this time half of the ribs on his other side were broken.

The announcer began to explain Raunch's methods, "Incredible! She appears to be redirecting the force from young Rad's attacks and countering them by powering up to the Kaio-Ken for very brief moments during the impact of her punches and kicks. If I had a seat, I'd be hanging on the edge of it like you folks, what skill, what power!"

Although she was redirecting the force from the attack, Raunch wasn't able to mitigate one hundred percent of the damage. Bit by bit, every attack she countered, left her with residual damage.

Every time Rad attacked, he was met with a painful counter. It looked like Raunch had turned into a spinning top.

Every time he punched, she inflicted serious damage to his mid and lower body, every time he kicked, his mid and upper half would suffer.

In the short span of two minutes, Rad had suffered under the pain of a thousand blows. The two looked positively worn out. Sweat and blood dripped off of them like rain while their breathing was haggard and disoriented.

If it weren't for what little Ki they had left holding their broken bones in place, the two would have suffered far more fatal and internal wounds.

Rad suddenly fell to one knee, the Announcer started his count, "One, Two, Three..."

Through his groggy vision, Rad grabbed his shaking knees and saw that Raunch couldn't move either.

"Just one more hit!!!" Rad shouted mentally. "Stand up Rad! STAND UP!!!"

He started to lift his spine as he heard the Announcer suddenly shout, "10!"

A look of desperation ran across Rad's face as he noticed that his body wouldn't move.

Mr. Announcer ran up on stage and lifted Raunch's hand into the air, "The Winner of the 'Greatest Juniors Under the Heavens Tournament' is decided. Ladies and Gentlemen! Let's give it up for the first winner of the Salada's Tenkaichi Budokai, SON RAUNCH!!"

The crowd went wild and cheered like crazed fanatics, whistles and people chanted her name with roars like thunder.

Everyone applauded.

Radditz and Blond-Launch ran up on stage to lift her up and paraded her around with Launch sneezing halfway through yet not stopping.

All of her family and friends congratulated them before the top three were given their prizes.

Vegeta handed out the awards to Raunch, Rad, and Terra, in that order.

Everyone on stage then bowed to Vegeta and set off to celebrate with their friends while the primaries for the adult league took place.

After eating the fruit, Raunch grinned as she felt her power swell up, she thought about her little rag-tag team and said, "Time to develop a pecking order. Maybe now, I can knock some sense into those two buffoons."

Vegeta nodded his head at his God-Daughter's words and agreed it was for the best.

Vegeta let the old rules stand. 100 people to a ring for ten different arenas. Each of the platforms had its own buildings so that one could keep other contestants from seeing their fighting style.

Vegeta and Goku didn't enter as it would be unfair to those who did. However, they did have an agreement to challenge Whis as Gogeta later on.

The two were in a very particular stage of their training; a bottleneck of sorts. They could feel that they were on the front door to achieving Ultra-Instinct, and fusing might be able to provide some insight to help them cross that threshold.

The only problem with fusion was that they didn't experience the events in a straightforward manner. When they fuse, the persons known as Goku and Vegeta cease to be, and in that place, an entirely new being is born.

When they defuse, their memories of Gogeta's actions and the sensations they feel, remain, but the thoughts and creativity of the fused being don't carry over.

Gogeta's mind; is Gogeta's mind. His thoughts, personality, all of it comes from a newborn being.

This is why you never see Goku or Vegeta using Vegeto's or Gogeta's moves. They have no experience in them, no solid foundation to base the skills off of, just the sensations they experienced while using it.

Zenkai's are also pointless as a fused being. After defusing, they don't get any of the additional power gained as Gogeta, and the next time they fuse, the previous Zenkai is gone, because it is a reborn version of Gogeta.

The deal was, Whis would agree to help them understand the way Gogeta uses their combined powers and would explain his techniques after their fusion wears off.

In return, they have to secretly give Whis a feast without Beerus finding out.

Even without having a training session set up, both of them had other problems to keep them from participating in the tournament, Majin Buu being one.

Returning his thoughts to the situation at hand, Vegeta informed them about Buu and simply played it off as a premonition from a prophetic Alien race known as the Kanassan.

He told his allies that during his travels, he met with a member of the Kanassan race and saved him. In return, that Kanassan member gave him a glimpse into the future.

The Z fighters had no reason to mistrust Vegeta, so they went along with his lie and were prepared for Buu's arrival.

Since Vegeta and Goku had nothing to do while the prelims were ongoing, Vegeta decided to meet with the Kais.

After inviting them into the King's chamber, Vegeta nodded his head respectfully and said, "Welcome Supreme Kai, I hope you came here to help me track Babidi."

Shin was thrown through a loop, he wasn't expecting Vegeta to know the purpose of his visit, much less his position.

Vegeta smiled and said, "I already have someone monitoring Bibidi's minions, it's only a matter of time before they realize that the contestants are too overpowered to attack. With no other choice but to seek a weaker fighter to assault using steath. They'll probably go after one of the spectators or Saiyan guards."

"How do you know all this?" Kibito questioned.

Vegeta then used the same Kanassan excuse before he continued on, "Buu isn't the real problem. In fact, I can even save your Grand Supreme Kai. The real problem is Fu, a Demon King that likes to play with my timeline."

Vegeta then pointed to their chests before saying, "Also, you two shouldn't be here."

Vegeta then used his instant transmission and teleported the two Kaioshins back to their celestial world, surprising them greatly and in awe of how he knew where their planet was.

"Give me the Z sword, I'm going to free Elder Kai because you are severely lacking a teacher. If you died, you would also kill this universe's God of Destruction," Vegeta went on to scold Shin for not knowing jack shit about his own Universe and his position in it.

Kibito was forced by Shin to bring the Z sword which, Vegeta easily snapped into two pieces.

Before Kibito could complain, the Elder Kai appeared in a puff of smoke while Vegeta said, "I'll return with your Grand Supreme Kai. Until then, stay away from danger you moron. If you find an evil that you or the rest of the Kai can't handle on your own in the future, take your problem to Beerus! It's his job, and it's your responsibility to make him do his job."

Vegeta teleported back to Salada leaving the two Kai's flabbergasted, and now with an additional Elder Kai to teach them.

During the short time he was gone, Vegeta saw that the preliminaries for the Adult League had finished, and the ten fighters were already through their introduction.

"The grand prize for this tournament is 10 Million Zenny, 3 Tree of Might Fruits, 3 Bottles of Immortal Elixir, a single bottle of Might God's Wine, which is said to increase one's power by 30 times its original."

The crowd gasped, "Second Place will receive, an Outside Year-Long access pass to the Saiyan's Timeless Training Ground Library, 3 Million Zenny, and a Space Ship designed by Bulma Brief herself!"

"Lastly, third place will be rewarded with 1 Million Zenny and a ten-year supply of Senzu Beans." The Announcer's words shook every martial artist in the area.

Looks of desire and envy shot towards the ten who made it past the preliminaries.

Krilin, Tien, Lazuli, Videl, Gohan, Grandmaster Zihei from Planet Metamor, Radditz, Bardock, Vegeta Senior, and Gardnia all stood side by side, each full of expectation.