
Universal Tournament Part 1

Vegeta stood forward alongside Goku, Kibo, Piccolo, and Naruto.

Since Fatt Buu was constantly sleeping, Vegeta knew not to rely on his appearance for this event.

Videl had given birth recently and Gohan was so busy with his new life as a parent. So, he opted out of fighting in this tournament. Thankfully Naruto wanted to join up.

Vegeta didn't mind as Naruto was plenty strong. So much so, that he wasn't worried about him losing against the candidates from Universe 6. Though, Vegeta did think that Naruto wouldn't get a chance to fight.

Goku ran around and talked with all of the old faces he saw. Vegeta nodded his head respectfully to the Elder Kai and current Lord of Lords.

Kibito, Shin, and the Dai Kaiōshin bowed and thanked Vegeta. Even knowing the last time they saw him, Vegeta scolded him harshly. Shin had learned much from his Elder and had to agree with Vegeta's assessment. The Kaioshin didn't know much about his own Universe nor his place in it.

"You're friends with mortals?!" The Lord of Lords from Universe Six asked.

"Yeah, the little one with spikey black hair saved my life," the Dai Kaiōshin announced.

"Which one?" The Kai from Universe six asked again.

"That one!" the Dai Kaioshin said as he pointed to Vegeta.

Kibo and his company also received many strange stares from the other Kais. The gods of creation could sense that they weren't normal humans. If not for their ability to hide their energies, the Kais would have sensed that everyone from the Narutoverse was on an even higher echelon of godhood than themselves.

"Hey, are you guys Saiyans?" Cabba marched up to them asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Vegeta smiled and nodded his head before saying, "Yes, and you must be one too."

Goku tilted his head, "Really? He's a Saiyan!? Where is his tail?"

Cabba noticed that all of the Saiyans of Universe 7 still had their tails and said, "Our ancestors used to have them, but it seems that we've lost them to time."

Vegeta nodded his head, he always thought that their evolution is what made their ability to transform into Super Saiyans easier.

Although he also wondered if they could even transform into a Primal Super Saiyan without the tail.

The Universe 6 Saiyans lost the ability to transform into their primordial form for an easier way to transform Super Saiyans. Vegeta didn't like that idea too much.

"Are you guys a warrior race like us?" Goku asked pointing to himself.

"Mn! We protect the universe by acting as a police force and bounty hunters. It's been that way for thousands of years now," Cabba announced with pride on his facial expression.

"Wow! So much different than the history of our race. From what Vegeta has told me, Saiyans used to conquer and sell planets," Goku mentioned as he tilted his head.

"We don't do that anymore, of course. Just like you, we use our talents to help people these days," Vegeta declared as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, King Vegeta here, really turned our race around." Goku laughed.

"King!" Cabba said as he pointed to Vegeta, "You're the King of Saiyans here?"

"Yes, and don't think we'll go easy on you just because you're a Saiyan too," Vegeta gave a quick nod and returned to the group.

"I wouldn't dream of asking you to! I look forward to our fight," Cabba said as he gave a quick bow.

"Well, at least that is the same. Saiyans should always lust for battle. It's what defines us!" Vegetan nodded his head before turning back to his team.

Everyone watched as the groups were getting acquainted with one another when Vados called out and said, "Everyone, the test is starting."

Just like in the cannon, everyone was to write up a simple test that covered simple things that even a moron like Goku could solve.

They finished up rather quickly and turned in their papers. Everyone had their papers graded and then handed back to them.

Surprising Vegeta, Goku got a 75 on the test rather than a 50 like he did in the original story. It appeared that this Goku was slightly smarter than his canon counterpart.

Everyone else scored a perfect result though. So, Kibo couldn't resist teasing Goku by saying, "Even a child can answer all these problems."

"Maybe I should ask Chi-Chi to tutor you," Vegeta followed up.

As Goku pleaded mercy with the Saiyan King, they shared a good laugh.

Vados interrupted them by shouting out, "It's time to begin! Please choose the order of which fighters will battle first."

Everyone from Vegeta's group played the rock, paper, and scissors game.

"Yahoo!" Goku cheered.

"Damn it!" Vegeta and Naruto growled.

"Eh.." Kibo shrugged his shoulders, not really caring what order the fights were.

"I'm with you, Kibo. Eh..." Piccolo crossed his arms as he stared at his position on the roster.

Goku went first, Vegeta second, Kibo third, Piccolo fourth, and Naruto was last.

Everyone looked across to see Goku jumping up in down as he said, "Yes, I go first!"

Vegeta grunted and said, "Don't let your guard down, and work off your meal before you get on the stage. I can't have you embarrassing us or our entire race out there."

Goku grinned and chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for coming here today, we are now starting the Universe Six versus Universe Seven's Gods of Destruction Invitational Tournament."

An alien species similar to Majin Buu's appearance shouted out. "But first! We'll begin with the Universal Anthem."

A small penguin-like creature wearing a bowtie waddled out onto the stage and with a microphone in hand. At the same time, all the Gods and the two Angels stood up with very serious expressions on their faces.

The penguin opened his beak and said only five words, "Our Universe is so~oo hu~ge!" and with that, everyone gave a quick bow, only those from earth seemed clueless.

Before they could say anything, the announcer called out and said, "Now let the tournament begin!!! The first fight is Son Goku from Universe 7 versus Universe Six's Batomo!"

The two stepped up onto the stage while their universes cheered their names loudly and with excitement.

Before Goku got up on stage, he started to do simple exercises and then ran around for a few minutes, "Goku! What are you doing?"

After a bit, Goku stopped and then said, "I ate too much, but now I'm ready."

Whis chuckled as everyone saw Goku hop on the stage with a child-like grin.

Botamo grinned as if he had already won, Goku walked up to him and said, "Let's have a good fight!"

"Begin!" The announcer shouted as Botamo swung his arm out.

Goku easily evaded the attack and sent a punch so powerful, that it made Botamo fly backward towards the edge of the stage.

Everyone on Champa's side was shocked at Goku's speed and power. However, Botamo landed safely and stood back up with a grin. There was no visible damage, and the confident expression on the bear-like alien showed he was perfectly fine.

"Wow! That didn't hurt you at all!" Goku shouted as he suddenly appeared in front of Botamo and grabbed his wrist.

Botamo tried to move, but Goku was too strong. With a simple flick of his wrist, Goku then lifted Botamo into the air and started to punch him like he was a punching bag.

After unleashing a flurry of furious blows, Goku finished his assault by performing a spinning jump kick.

Goku's foot stretched out Botamo's gut, making him look like a piece of rubber. Botamo's eyes widened in horror before he flew off like a sling-shot snapping.

Botamo suddenly bounced off the ground and stopped inches away from the edge. The large yellow bear grinned at Goku and said, "Physical attacks are..."

Before he could continue, Kibo shouted out, "Goku, what are the 4 attack types fists can grant?"

Goku looked over to see Kibo raise his hand outward and had shown his open palm. Kibo then gripped his fist and said, "Blunt!"

Kibo opened his hand into the shape of a claw, "Slash."

Next, Kibo opened his hand into the shape of a sword finger, "Pierce!"

Finally, Kibo ended his explanation as he showed an open palm and said, "Wave!"

When Goku heard Kibo's explanation, it was like a bomb went off inside his head, "I get it."

Goku quickly approached Botamo and with a power swing, his hand turned into a blur.

Suddenly, a loud slap echoed throughout the arena. Goku slammed his open palm into Botamo's gut in a movement so fast, even Hit was surprised.

The shockwave rattled through Botamo's body like a super-sonic boom. Botamo's body rattled and rippled like a body of water before he shot off the edge of the stage.

Botamo hit the barrier surrounding the arena and fell face forward. The giant bear-like humanoid's eyes spun like pinwheels before Botamo fell to the ground unconscious.

Everyone was shocked as they stared at Goku's easy victory.

Whis turned to Kibo and said, "Very intuitive, Kibo. Is that part of your Martial Intent Training."

Kibo smiled as he held up his fist. A strange aura in the shape of tiny fists gathered together around his hand as he said, "Martial Intent is just the overall classification of all Intents. Whether it's sword, spear, fist, or foot, when one reaches a high enough attainment in the arts, they will manifest Physical Intent."

Kibo flicked his hand back and forth, waving away the Aura, "I assume it's similar to your Ultra Instinct Training, only yours seems to cover the entire physique rather than focus a single part. In fact, I would dare say it should be called Ultra Intent rather than Instinct."

Whis tilted his head as he said, "Fascinating, doesn't this mean that you get the same effects as our Ultra Instinct by using your Martial Intent?"

Kibo chuckled, "No, it's not the same, I've only barely managed to reach the Minor Accomplishment Stage of my Martial Intent. If I could reach Major or Perfection, maybe it would be similar."

Kibo released the full might of his Martial Intent, using what he was most familiar with. It transformed into Sword Intent making Kibo seem as if his entire body had become a sword.

Both Champa and Beerus were stunned by Kibo's Martial Intent. They could sense the power radiating from his fist and its similarity to Ultra Instinct radiating from within the Minor God.

For the first time, Champa began to sweat.

"How fascinating," Vados said as she glared at Whis and Kibo, she then let out a soft giggle, "It seems my brother had made some interesting friends."

Goku raised his hand with a V for victory as he said, "Bring out the next guy, I might be able to win this whole tournament before anyone else gets a chance to fight."

Frost stepped up onto the stage with a smile and his whole faux innocent act.

Both Vegeta and Kibo showed displeased expressions when they noticed that everyone was falling for it.

Vegeta then shouted out, "Kakarot, don't fall for his Good Guy B.S! Just kick his ass and be done with him!"

Everyone was a bit speechless, Cabba especially, as Frost had a good reputation in Universe Six.

However, what Vegeta said next made Frost frown and shake in furious anger. "He starts wars and jumps in acting as a savior. That bastard playing hero and protecting people out of the so-called, 'Kindness of his Heart' is all just an act. Frost does that in order to profit from their fears and distress. It's all so he can offer them up a fake protection service."

Vegeta pointed to him and said, "This piece of walking scum is the one responsible for sending in the armies and bandits to attack in the first place."

Everyone gasped.

"I hope you have something to back up your slanderous words!" Frost shouted as he glared at Vegeta like he going to kill him.

Vegeta laughed and was about to use Lord Zuno as a reference to back up his words, when suddenly, Kibo raised his hand and said, "Proof? If that's all you want."

Kibo activated his Shintengan and used his ability to project the history of Frost in front of everybody. Without being able to stop him, Frost's entire life was displayed for everyone to see.

All of his wicked deeds were put out into the open. Everyone was disgusted by his actions and showed a disdainful expression as Frost shouted, "This must be some magic trick, an illusion!"

Vados chuckled and said, "No, this is all real."

"Interesting! An ocular technique...no. An ocular ability that is capable of displaying past events!" Whis said studying with a gleeful expression.

"You can't fool angels," Kibo chuckled as he saw the shocked expression on Frost.

Cabba's eyebrows twitched as visibly cringed at what he saw. Countless cycles of planning attacks on troubled planets, having him swoop in to be the hero after countless people had already died, and then gaining all the trading rights of the planets he lorded over.

One, however, shook the young Saiyan to the core. It was the scene of Frost planning an attack on Sadala.

The young Saiyan remembered that attack on his planet. Many innocent people died before the Saiyans managed to defeat and kill off most of the invaders.

However, it led to a hostage situation with the royal family and a group full of citizens. At the last second, Frost swooped down and argued with the villain about the colossal fuck up.

They appeared to have come to an agreement and the pirate captain seemed to calm down.

Frost then promised to kill all the Saiyans and get him out of there. However, that was far from what he did.

The Frost Demon killed off the pirate in the back and then proceeded to kill the rest of the hostages/witnesses in cold blood.

"To think he was just covering up his tracks! He told us they were already dead!" Cabba growled. His energy was spiking and his killing intent soared.

Frost sighed and shook his head before saying, "Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag."

An evil grin spread across his face as he then shouted, "That's right, it was all part of my plans! But don't think that this makes any difference! I'm the strongest person in Universe Six! There's nothing you can do about it."

"Not really. Hit is standing right next to you," Kibo thought while rolling his eyes.

Goku sighed, "Man that's boring! You're nothing like Frieza. That guy is evil too, but at least he doesn't hide behind a fake faceade."

"Facade, Kakarot. The word is Facade!" Vegeta corrected as he slapped his forehead.

Kibo chuckled as he listened to Goku's antics. The rest of the crowd did as well while Goku rubbed the back of his head and laughed with an embarrassed tone.

Frost turned to Goku and said, "Enough, I came here to fight and get my prize from Champa." Frost then turned to Champa and said, "The agreement is still in effect, right?"

Champa growled in anger.

Frost had played them all, and the entire time, he was none the wiser, "Damn you, Frost! Don't think I'll let you live if you fail!"

"You know, if you ever bothered to ask, I could have told you his history?" Vados informed, making Champa even angrier as he pulled on his fur around his ears.

"Why did you tell me?!" Champa shouted.

To which Vados responded with, "You said get the strongest guys you can find, and I repeat, strength is all that matters."

Champa turned all his anger to Frost and ground his teeth as he thought, "It's all his fault! I'll kill him when this is over. I'll save a Hakai, just for you!"

Frost shook his head with a confident expression. The Frost Demon knew that Champa wouldn't just kill him. He believed himself to be the strongest being in his universe, and killing him would result in lowering their mortal level.

Frost knew Champa wasn't willing to put up with lowering their Mortal Level.

Seeing Frost's true nature had made Goku rather angry. All those suffering people, yet he had the audacity to act like a hero.

Goku placed his hands out and got ready to fight. However, unlike what happened in the original timeline, Goku powered up to his regular Super Saiyan form and shocked everyone from Universe 6.

"What?! Saiyans can transform?" Champa shouted as he looked over at Cabba, "Cabba! Can you do that!?"

Cabba shook his head, "No, I've never seen this before. His powers multiplied by tens of times!"

"It appears these Saiyans aren't as simple as they seem," Vados mentioned as she studied Goku's sudden surge of strength.