
The Son Family Reunion

Back on Mount Paozu, Raditz stood next to Goku and smiled awkwardly as he watched Chichi let Gine hug her grandson with affection.

"You're my Grandma?" Gohan said with a smile on his face.

"Yep! That's your Grandpa Bardock!" Gine carried him over to Bardock.

"Hi, kid!" Bardock patted him on the head, "I see your hair looks like a mix of more like Gine's and your mothers, but you've got your father's eyes though."

Chichi smiled as she watched Gohan greeting his family, "This is your uncle Raditz, that's your grand uncle Turles."

Gohan showed a bit of fear and grabbed on tightly to Gine's arm. Seeing his reaction, Gine smiled and tried to calm him down by saying, "King Vegeta wiped his memories so he could try to live a good life again, so he doesn't remember anything about what he did early. Besides all his strength is gone, even your mommy could beat her up."

Gohan hid his face in his grandmother's shoulder when Raditz gave him a harsh stare. With a grunt, Raditz patted him on the head before saying, "Listen up kid, you're a Saiyan, you should never show fear to any opponent, only a desire to overcome them in combat."

Suddenly Raditz felt a chill run down his back, "Excuse me, Raditz, was it? Please don't tell my Gohan how to behave! I'm raising him in the hopes he becomes a scholar, not a fighter."

Raditz looked at Chichi and thought, "Why does she scare me? She only has a power level of 350 or so."

"So where is Goku now?" Chichi asked.

"Um, Kakarot is training with the King right now," Gine said holding Gohan up on her arm.

"Well, then we'll wait right here until he returns," Chichi said nodding her head at Bulma.

Bulma smiled and pulled out some Dyno-Capsules and made a few houses appear.

Until the two came back out, all of Goku's friends had decided to set up camp outside the singular door standing in the center of a grassy field.

Inside the training grounds, the two rival Saiyans continued to train together for 5.6 years, meaning 2 days had passed outside.

Although they called it training, up to a certain point, it was more like a one-sided bashing.

However, regardless of how badly Goku was beaten, Vegeta had to admit his martial arts and battle senses were truly top-notch. If they were of equal power level, no doubt Goku would be providing much as an excellent training partner.

Goku paused in a ready position, his clothing made by Vegeta so that they were more durable and had more weight.

Currently, both Goku and Vegeta were standing with 500x earth's gravity pressing down on them and their weighted clothing.

Goku was put through a truly hellish experience, life and death were always hanging on by a mere thread, but Goku never once let the threat of death place a shadow in his heart.

Even though Vegeta pushed him to the absolute brink of death countless times, he still maintained that glare of innocence and a goofy happy expression because he was fighting someone strong.

He had continued to grow, unceasingly and without end, Goku took to the training, like a sponge absorbing water.

Time and time again, Goku had proven his talent for evolving and transcending his limits, and now he had surpassed Vegeta, "Worthy to be my rival." Vegeta thought as he sensed Goku's Ki.

Goku truly surprised Vegeta by almost becoming a Super Saiyan during one of their fights. Goku had only managed to hold the form for a couple of seconds, but because his body wasn't ready for it he couldn't complete the transformation and ended up in the Pseudo-Super-Saiyan form.

Goku went from around a power level of 900,000 to that of around 22 Million as his hair spiked up and didn't change gold.

For around ten minutes the Training Ground helped him sustain that form, Goku had for the first time in their fight managed to start hitting Vegeta back.

For these ten minutes, Goku wailed on Vegeta who in return got stronger to fend him off.

However, the damage Goku was inflicting was piling up faster than Vegeta could heal.

For Vegeta to win the fight, he had to transform into a Super Sayain before knocking Goku into oblivion.

But he didn't stop there.

After turning Goku's bones into powder, Vegeta used a Galik Gun blast almost killing the Saiyan raised on Earth.

Vegeta landed next to his opponent and sensed Goku's heartbeat with his Ki, waiting for the moment he would heal him.

Vegeta was so in tune with his senses that he waited to the absolute moment before Goku's heart began to flat-line, giving Goku the biggest Zenkai boost of his life.

Goku's newest Zenkai put him at 2.1 Million, thanks to his endless stamina and tenacity, Goku had finally breached that million power level threshold.

Vegeta was a slouch either. He still kept up his own training and constantly spared with Goku, and after that last Zenkai that he got from Goku's Pseudo-Super-Saiyan Assault, it allowed Vegeta's base power to reach around 22.3 Million.

Vegeta also noticed that the Zenkai's were powering him up less and less these days, he needed Goku in Super Saiyan form to even really start his own unique idea of training.

Vegeta smiled and said, "I think we should take a short break, there is someone I wish you to meet!"

Vegeta then used his Zoom spell and because he learned how to transport to another universe, he incorporated his knowledge into the spell.

He could only teleport to places he's been before, but unlike the instant transmission, this one could even target anyone he designates and shift through dimensions. The Spell allows him to step outside universe 7 and reappear at the targeted location.

Goku stood in front of the large elder and saw, Vegeta talking kindly to the giant Namekian.

After a light introduction, Guru was pleased to see a Saiyan with such a pure heart and placed his hand on Goku's head to unleash his potential.

His power level shot up, by 7.8 times almost instantly, giving him a power level of 14.9 million. It only started to stop growing around 22,890,000.

By the time it settled down, Goku's total modifier gained by him being a 10.9 boost.

Vegeta was happy with Goku's progress, more so than anyone else Vegeta had trained with. He even didn't mind the fact that Goku was slightly stronger than him right now. After all, it would only make him stronger in the end.

Vegeta thanked Guru and returned to the Training Grounds, Vegeta spent the next few months teaching Goku how to align his Soul and Body.

By giving Goku the same training he received on Yardrat, Goku's power jumped up in quality.

Vegeta then told Goku to focus on becoming a Super Saiyan, instead of hinting at what was needed, Vegeta coached Goku through it by telling him to focus on his anger and pull out his greatest fears.

This time Vegeta saw the Training Grounds at work, as Goku focused on imagining the worst-case scenario, the space around him began to blur.

Suddenly the pure-hearted Saiyan's mind was assaulted by powerful illusions so real, Goku truly believed what he saw was real.

In that vision he watched everyone he loved being killed, and he was helpless to stop the evil-doer, and when he thought of the dragon balls, the illusionary scenario shifted focus.

That mysterious unstoppable entity that was plaguing Goku's mind destroyed the dragon balls. The shadowy figure then began to laugh and blame Goku for his weakness.

Taunting him and saying even "Even if you brought them back, I would make you watch all over again!"

Like a tidal wave and a nuclear explosion clashing, a vibrant Golden Ki erupted from Goku's body and flew into the heavens.

Vegeta laughed, "Congratulations Kakarot, you've become a Super Saiyan!"

Goku looked at his hands, with a tight squeeze of his fist, the space around it lashed out.

"Incredible! So much power!" Goku looked to Vegeta with a huge smile.

"I know you want to test it out the limits of your power, but so do I" Vegeta responded turning into a Super Saiyan and taking his fighting pose.

The two could feel their Saiyan blood screaming for the fight that they've been building up to.

Vegeta started the match. Launching out first with incredible speed, he placed his elbow out and flew at Goku like a missile.

Goku placed his hand out and deflected Vegeta's force to the side slightly while the impact created a sonic boom that echoed out with shock waves.

Vegeta turned into a blur as he lowered his body to do a spinning low-kick.

Goku jumped up dodging the kick by a mere inch before powering up a simple Ki blast and shooting it towards Vegeta.

With a wave of his hand, Vegeta smacked the Ki blast away and jumped after Goku.

Their bodies turned into blurs as countless explosions made of pure kinetic energy rippled throughout the Timeless Training Grounds.

Within nano-seconds, the two fighters exchanged hundreds of blows, both of them making perfect blocks and counterattacks.

Every time their fists connected, the countless shock waves of force rumbled around them like thunder.

The two seemed equal, Vegeta had already caught up to Goku's strength and was pushing his fellow Saiyan to get stronger himself.

Kicks, punches, elbows, knees, grappling attempts the two fought like a wild and instinctual beast without a care for their safety or death.

"Solar Flare!" Goku yelled.

Vegeta shouted, "Augh! My eyes!"

Goku got cocky and charged out toward him. When he was halfway there, Goku's senses screamed "Run!" making him stop and jump back.

"You almost got me there! Stop feigning weakness Vegeta. Acting in the middle of a serious fight, really? That's playing dirty," Goku said stomping his feet and raising his fist.

Vegeta opened one eye and laughed, "Sorry, I know that stance, I wasn't going to just let you blind me." Vegeta placed his finger up and said, "Oh, yeah, never forget, deception is a part of combat too."

Vegeta used his instant transmission and appeared behind Goku. Only, when he went to punch, Goku's body disappeared.

"When did you learn it?" Vegeta asked as Goku appeared a few feet away.

Goku scratched his cheek and smiled before saying, "A little after you explained the basics of the technique."

Vegeta laughed, "Excellent! You actually managed to master the second stage of Instant Transmission with just a few hints."

"Your not mad I copied your technique?" Goku looked a little surprised.

"No, this is the Kakarot I wanted to fight! You're really a martial arts genius. I have to give it to you. I may be more methodical about how I learn, but your instincts and natural talent are really out of this world." Vegeta started to store up power inside his body.

Vegeta's grip caused his knuckles to crack as he said, " You really are the best person to help me grow."

Vegeta wasn't lying. Goku could really help him push his power to new levels constantly. Even now as they fought, they both started getting stronger.

Goku got into the Kamehameha stance and said, "No holding back now."

Vegeta used his Galick Gun and the two started powering up. With a loud shout of their attacks, vibrant colors of purple and blue smashed into each other from a distance.

A cataclysmic explosion occurred at the center of the beams the two struggled for a while and put everything they had into the attack.

Vegeta and Goku refused to give up. They continued to pour all their energy into the attack until the Kamehameha and Galick Gun attacks exploded like a gargantuan bomb going off.

The two waves of pressure exploded outward and shook the space around them like a massive earthquake. The buildings and land shook beneath their feet, the sky darkened, and lightning bolts shot off randomly.

Goku and Vegeta jumped into the destructive remains of their Ki blasts and punched each other's fists.

The wind pressure gathered from the attack, dissipating the lingering Ki from the explosion and turning the previous scene of chaos and destruction into one of tranquility.

Suddenly the two began exchanging fierce blows, Goku punched Vegeta in the side of his stomach, causing Vegeta to gasp for air.

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta recovered, lifting his body back up and punching the bottom of Goku's chin with all of his strength.

Gritting his teeth as well, Goku stomped his feet to the ground, keeping his body from flying off from the force of the attack.

As Vegeta's punch snapped his neck upward causing it to literally stretch before almost breaking, Goku suddenly grabbed his opponent's shoulders, and with all his strength, he slammed his head straight down on top of Vegeta's skull.

Vegeta grunted and felt his whole body shake, his knees startled to wobble and his vision grew hazy.

To remain conscious, Vegeta bit his tongue, using the pain to snap him out of his woozy and his half-collapsed form. Vegeta recovered as he started placing all his weight on his toe and focused all his strength into his arm.

Twisting his fist as he jumped into the punch, Vegeta landed a spinning hook into Goku's gut.

Goku coughed up a mouthful air and felt weak before he shook his head, quickly snapping out of his daze. He then raised his knee in a twisting motion.

Spinning around as he jumped back slightly, Goku kicked Vegeta in the side of the head, letting out a loud 'whap' noise as the attack connected.

Vegeta's body tilted over as he placed his hand on the ground and used all his strength to launch a leaping one-two punch into Goku's face.

A fist hit the lower part of Goku's jaw and then the second one hit him in the side of the dome.

Goku's head tilted sideways as he returned a heavy punch to Vegeta's forehead making his head snap back.

Vegeta's body was pulled back by his head, and with one foot on left the ground, Vegeta used all his focus to regain his form and stomp his foot back to the ground before shrinking his form with a traditional boxing peekaboo stance.

Vegeta rushed into Goku's space and punched Goku in the ribs with a running right-handed uppercut.

As Goku keeled over, Vegeta twisted his body and shot out his left straight.

A loud 'PAP' was heard as Vegeta's fist landed dead center between Goku's eyes.

Goku fought against the pain as he forced his body back and threw out his arms with open palms.

Before Vegeta could move, Goku slapped Vegeta's ears with a fierce thunderclap and gripped his head before kneeing Vegeta in the kidney.

Vegeta leaned forwards and jumped head-first into Goku's chin.

Goku leaned back from the damage while Vegeta landed a quick spinning back kick to his waist, sending Goku flying into the distance.

As Goku was launched into the air, he saw Vegeta chasing after him with a blazing purple Aura behind him.

With Goku sending dozens of Ki blasts at Vegeta, the Saiyan King started dodging and smacking his way through the barrage of wild and chaotically placed explosions.

Vegeta shot a beam of energy through the bombardment of Ki blasts, causing hundreds of tiny explosions around them to form in a progressing line.

Goku then used his instant transmission technique to appear above Vegeta before stomping both his feet into Vegeta's back.

Vegeta's body bounced off the ground, but he didn't stop moving. The moment he hit the ground, he threw all his weight to the side and dodged out of the way of the quickly used Kamehameha he sensed behind him.

Vegeta's body disappeared and reappeared with a fierce kick to the side of Goku's face.

Goku hit the ground in a similar manner while Vegeta volleyed a Big Bang Barrage at Goku.

"Super Kamehame..."

"Galick Kamehame..."

"HA!" The two shouted engulfing each other in a massive explosion that shook the entire realm.

The two had continued to attack and beat each other down for so long, and by the time they realized they could no longer continue, they both notice that more than three days had passed.

With Vegeta's Mana completely drained and left unable to heal, their last attack nearly ended them both.

Almost all of their bones were either fractured or broken, they had severe internal bleeding, torn muscles and ligaments, countless cuts, bruises, and several dozen burn marks.

Vegeta and Goku had to work together in order to crawl to the nearest house. Once they pulled their broken bodies inside, they ate a Sensu Bean and gained a crazy Zenkai Boost in the process.