
Return of the Future Parallel Timeline

Kibo sensed a deep and profound form of Destruction Dao surging throughout the All King of Destruction.

The foreign God felt as he was thrown into a black hole. All his attainments in the Dao and Laws of Destruction now seemed tiny and insignificant in comparison to the being known as Zeno.

"No! It's as if he is the very embodiment of Destruction Dao. Every last fiber of his being is comprised of and constructed from the laws of this universe!" Kibo thought as everyone else began to take notice.

"Z...z...z...Zeno Sama!" Beerus shouted as he made everyone look over.

"Hey who is this guy?" Goku asked Whis.

"He is the lord of everything, the God above all others," Whis mentioned with a gentle smile.

"Lord of All!" Champa's teeth started to chatter as they flew over to him.

The God of Destruction started to quiver as they bowed to Zeno. The Angels did so as well, only their bow was slightly different.

"My Lord, what brings y...you here today?" Beerus fumbled on his words.

"This event was held without my consent, so I came here today to give you both a warning," Zeno said with a child-like tone.

"We are sorry!!!" Beerus said as he lowered his head.

"Please forgive our transgressions!" Champa followed his brother's actions.

"But you see, as I watched, I found it interesting and fun. So next time we should do this with all the other universes together," Zeno announced.

"Yes, my lord!" Champa and Beerus shouted at the same time as they lowered their heads again.

"Seriously?" Goku shouted as he got in between the two Gods of Destruction, parting them aside.

Goku continued shouting in a cheerful tone, "That sounds awesome! Let's do it!"

"Goku!!! Don't you dare address..." Beerus was about to tell Goku off when Zeno interrupted him.

"Shut up. Do you want me to destroy you?" Zeno threatened with a monotone pitch in his voice.

The two Gods of Destruction coward as they slammed their heads back into the ground, apologizing while shaking like frightened rabbits.

Seeing Goku approach the Omni-King, his guards got ready to intervene when Zeno held his hand up and said, "Stay put. Or else."

The guards gulped as they bowed and backed off.

Zeno then looked at Goku's held-out hand as he said, "Um! Let's make it soon too!"

"Promise me!" Goku said with sparkles in his eyes.

For a second, Zeno was speechless. His guards frowned and veins appeared on their foreheads,

Beerus held his hands out, shaking in fear as he said, "Goku!!! Don't!"

Zeno smiled and trotted over to Goku. He held out his hand and shook Goku's before saying, "Yes! It's a promise!"

Beerus and Champa let out a breath of relief, and as the two separated, Zeno waved his hands in the air and said, "Bye, for now, I have to go."

As Zeno took his guards' hands Goku waved his hand side to side as he said, "I look forward to meeting you again. Bye!"

Zeno's guards said their goodbyes and teleported away.

Everyone besides Goku felt like a huge weight was lifted from their chests as they all let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

Beerus suddenly glared at Goku and yelled out, "Goku you fool! The lord of All is a supreme existence! He could obliterate all of creation if you so much as upset him."

"What? For real?" Goku shouted with a look of disbelief.

Vegeta chuckled and said, "Yes, but what difference does that make to us? We didn't do anything exactly wrong. His intentions were pure and without malicious intent."

Goku lifted his brow up as he thought with a pondering expression, "Yeah! Vegeta's right!"

"You two!" Beerus ground his teeth.

Vados and Whis chuckled.

"What interesting Mortals you have in your Universe," Vados complimented Whis.

"Thank you sister," Whis said as he looked over to the contestants of Universe 6, "Your universe has a wealth of potential as well."

Vados nodded her head as she set her eyes on Cabba, "Well then I guess you guys win the wish."

Champa just realizing he lost fell down in defeat, "It's not fair! I want a rematch!"

The contestants were getting to know each other while the Gods of Destruction did their brotherly spat skit.

Vegeta walked up to Cabba and chatted with him about the differences in their worlds.

Kibo went around with a piece of paper talking to everyone from the winning team.

"Well kid, this is goodbye for now." Vegeta held out his hand.

Cabba nodded his head and said, "Please come visit someday."

Vegeta nodded his head, "I give my word to visit your planet during the future."

Kibo walked up to Vegeta and said, "Vegeta, what's your wish?"

Vegeta smiled as he saw what Kibo was doing, "Hahaha! Okay, my wish is to give Cabba the knowledge of Ki and Spirit Control...but to do it in a way that allows him to experience it through training. Also, improve the strength of the Training Grounds made by my wishes to be able to keep up with the growth of our strength."

"So a planned training program for Ki and Spirit control and a better Timeless Training Grounds." Kibo dotted down Vegeta's wish as he ran over to Piccolo.

After gathering up all of team 7's wishes, Kibo ran over to Beerus and said, "Hey, write your wish down and ask the dragon to grant everyone's wishes here."

Beerus looked at the wish list and said, "Not a bad idea." His eyes scrolled over the already written wishes.

Goku - Training Equipment that can always withstand his needs, it has to be similar to the gravity room Bulma developed, as well as a fridge that could produce infinite meals that had been cooked by Kibo and Goku's beloved wife, Chi-Chi.

Vegeta - Give the Saiyan Cabba from Universe 6 a training routine to teach him perfect spirit and ki control. Also to enhance both Salada's and Earth's Timeless Training Grounds to the Dragon's fullest capabilities, this includes the energy, durability, and aid to the beings that train inside it.

Naruto - An Unlimited Supply of the universe's greatest most tasty Ramen Noodles, it must be in the form of a spatial ring and must contain at least 10,000 different types of ramen flavors.

Kibo - To rid himself of the Otsutsuki Patriarch's Marker on his Karma and to improve his Righteous Daolord Slaughtering Array to the peak of what the dragon was capable of.

This would allow him to not only remover the identification and tracking curse, but by improving the specific array he was thinking of, it should allow him to avoid being marked in the same manner in the future.

Piccolo - To learn of the Dragon God Zalama's methods of training.

Beerus wrote down his wish and rolled the paper up into a scroll. The angels then revealed that the asteroid was the last Super Dragon Ball and summoned Super Shenron.

The massive golden dragon appeared as entire galaxies were being created around his entire body.

Kibo took this chance to grab a hand full of powerful stars and galaxies and transport them into his Inner World.

The power rolling off of them was just too tempting not to snag a few.

After filling up his Tiny Universe of space, Kibo felt that he had gained a great boon to help him develop a certain technique.

After the dragon quickly swallowed the group, they were brought to Super Shenron's Inner Body.

A smaller version of the godly dragon appeared before them and he spoke in the sacred language of the Gods, "What is your wish?"

Beerus held up the piece of paper and said, "Make everything on this wishlist come true! Pretty Please!" '

The dragon's eyes glowed and said, "Your wish is granted!"

Beerus burned the paper and then everyone separated before they boarded their rides back to their homes.

Along the way, Vados was surprised to see that their Earth had suddenly returned to its former glory.

"My lord, it appears that Earth's and its humans have been returned to the point before it was destroyed. There are no evil souls residing on the planet either! They even have a culture that can create delicious meals."

"What did you say?" Champa said with wide eyes.

"Perhaps Lord Beerus wished for this," Vados said with a smile on her face.

Champa crossed his arms and said, "That Guy!" He then smiled before he said, "What a jerk, always annoying me."

On the way back with Vegeta's crew, Goku shouted, "This is going to be great! A fight between all the Universes!"

Goku's eyes then turned to Vegeta and said, "But first...let's fight, Vegeta!"

Vegeta held his hand out and said, "Sorry, Goku. Transforming into the half state has exhausted me mentally. Currently, at most, I can transform into that state twice a day."

Goku crossed his arms, "Then well fight later."

Goku then turned to Beerus, "Hey, Beerus! Let's fight!"

"No! I'm tired and going to bed when I get back!" Beerus shouted, "Your act with the Lord of All took ten years off my life."

"You're Immortal," Goku said making him pause as Whis chuckled in the distance.

Vegeta fell down and actually started to nod off on Bulma's lap.

Bulma chuckled and said, "It was a good fight, honey."

Vegeta smiled and didn't wake up until the next day. His body needed time to acclimate to the power he absorbed from the Omen State.

When he got up the next day he felt that his body was even stronger than before.

Goku spent the entire time since he got back training with Whis in the Timeless Training Grounds. So Vegeta got mad about him trying to rush ahead of him.

Goku also managed to get a pill from Kibo to restore his bone age and renew his inner potential.

Using his new training room that was placed inside his house residing in the Timeless Training Grounds, Goku had started to push his strength to new limits.

With the small amount of time Vegeta rested, Goku spent more than 5 Years inside his training room.

When he came out he was a completely different fighter, his eyes gleamed with the same glowing dark yellow irises as Vegeta's.

Goku sensed Vegeta had woken up and rushed to his side. He saw Vegeta sitting on top of his house with his eyes closed.

Goku landed next to him and saw Vegeta was trying to calm his entire body.

Goku sat next to him and said, "Hey Vegeta! How have you been."

Vegeta smiled and said, "I'm fine, Kakarot. Why are you here?"

"I thought we could spar and train for the Tournament," Goku replied.

Vegeta stood up and said, "Sure, but I'm wondering if we should invite Kibo to join."

Goku nodded his head, "That's a great idea."

Vegeta then flew over Kibo's house and invited him into the Timeless Training Grounds.

Kibo nodded his head and decided to join them for a while.

In the meantime, their kids and friends went off to journey out in the vast universe.

Goten, Trunks, and Kibo's youngest, Kazuo and Shina, managed to find a way to travel to the neighboring universe and decided to check out the Saiyan Vegeta fought with.

A few weeks after the Universal Tournament, Vegeta and the rest would exit from the Timeless Training Grounds, leagues stronger than before.

Vegeta had a smirk on his face as if he had accomplished something great. Goku showed a similar smile while Kibo seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough in his Martial Intent Mastery.

They returned to Bulma's place and saw Beerus was there enjoying the meal.

Vegeta and Goku immediately got in on the meal.

While they chatted, Beerus looked them over and said, "Good, it appears you made some headway towards becoming future Gods of Destructions."

"Do either of your want to take up the mantel when Beerus retires?" Whis asked before eating a plate of eggs and beacon.

Goku and Vegeta lifted up a brow and said, "Nah! That's boring!" at the same time.

Vegeta paused as he looked at Goku and thought, "Been spending too much time with this moron, I'm starting to talk like him."

Beerus chuckled before saying, "Don't mock it, there are lots of perks to becoming a God of Destruction. For one, you live forever, and get to sleep and eat when and whatever you want. All you have to do is destroy a couple of useless planets every once and a while."

"That sounds terrible. Why would I want to do something so wicked," Goku said as he chowed down.

"Kakarot, you should know that it's deeper than that. The Gods of Destruction are like gardeners. If you let a bunch of rotten leaves remain on your vegetables that you like to grow, what do you think would happen to the plant itself?" Vegeta said as he ate an entire plate of rice and meat.

"It rots or speeds disease...Ohh! I think I get it. Still, destroying entire planets, can't you just destroy the wicked ones?" Goku asked as he pulled apart a pork leg.

"What if the whole planet has no innocent beings on it?" Whis said as he ate some pudding.

Goku lifted a brow in confusion, "That can't happen, can it? I mean, isn't that kind of impossible."

Whis shook his head before he continued, "I understand your point Goku, but you must know that although it is rare, it sometimes happens. If it's not that specific scenario, the other reason a God of Destruction destroys is that their most evil actions would spread and infect the rest of the universe."

"More often you'll be destroying such evils in such a manner individually as you described. However, even with that, every once and a while, you will have to destroy an entire planet," Beerus said before he ate a whole cow-leg.

Goku continued to stuff his face as he said, "Still, it's not for me. I don't think I could pass judgment like that and destroy a whole planet."

Kibo smiled and said, "Without destruction, how can true creation take place? Life will renew itself. Do you not use compost to feed the earth? Once a planet is destroyed, I'm sure the Kai's will make another to replace it."

Just as Whis nodded his head, and was about to confirm Kibo's statement, suddenly, a familiar time-ship appeared out of the sky near the crowd.

As everyone gathered around it, Bulma noticed that an older Goten was unconscious and wounded.

Vegeta had Bulma pop the time machine's hatch before healing the teenager with a spell.

Adult Goten opened his eyes and saw Vegeta floating before him.

With a look of rage on his face, Future Goten transformed into a true Super Saiyan God Red and charged towards Vegeta in anger.

Vegeta frowned as he grabbed the boy's fist and said, "Calm down, boy!"

Goten paused as he saw everyone around him looking puzzled, he saw Goku and cried out, "Dad! You're alive!"

Goku pointed to himself and said, "Wait, am I dead?!!! Wait, no, I still feel alive."

Vegeta looked at Goten and said, "Calm down, you moron. He's obviously talking about your future self. You came from the alternate timeline right?"

"I made it!" Goten flew over to Goku and hugged him. Tears formed around his eyes and he suddenly felt light-headed before he collapsed from sheer mental exhaustion.

Goku patted the Future-Goten's back and said, "I wonder what happened."

Beerus pointed a finger at Bulma and Goten and said, "Hey, that boy's not from this timeline, explain!"

Vegeta gripped his fist as he thought, "That bastard! It has to be him again!"