
Dismantling the Frieza Force!

Vegeta watched as Frieza's ship appeared on the horizon, anticipating the slaughter to come.

Everyone gathered around him noticed that as soon as the ship touched down, just mere seconds later, countless PTO troops started to crowd around the ship.

Vegeta and the rest flew over and landed a few feet away from them. The Saiyan King could see Frieza standing next to Dadoria and Zarbon, smirking with his usual overconfident expression.

"Well, well, well," Frieza said as he moved his floating chair towards the front of the line. "If it isn't the traitor, Vegeta. I was very disappointed to learn you joined the Galactic Patrol."

Vegeta could feel the icy tone in Frieza's voice, lacing it with killing intent as he continued, "I'll tell you what, you bring me these Dragon Balls and I'll forgive you past transgressions and allow you to return to the PTO."

Vegeta started laughing, "You don't get it, do you Frieza? You're going to die here."

Vegeta looked back at everyone and said, "Show them what you got."

Everyone powered up and charged at the Frieza Force.

It only took a few seconds before their scouters blew up and they were all on the ground. Most of them had died, but Goku, Gohan, and Chichi chose to only knock out their opponents.

Vegeta shook his head. While he understood Goku's methods and attitude, he was still slightly disappointed.

Raising his hand, Vegeta shot a Ki Beam through everyone but Frieza's body.

"Vegeta, NO!" Goku shouted, but it was too late.

Goku gripped Vegeta by the collar strap and shouted, "They were defenseless!"

Vegeta gripped his wrist and shouted back, "Do you know how much innocent blood is on their hands?!" Vegeta shouted out.

"These guys slaughter worlds Kakarot! WORLDS! Every man, woman, and child that isn't killed off in the initial invasion, are either exterminated or sold into slavery while their planets are sold to the highest bidder!"

Vegeta pointed to the dead members of the PTO, "If you had let them live, they would've gone on to do the exact same thing all over again."

Throwing his hands into the air in frustration, Vegeta then pointed to Frieza and shouted, "Are you going to be responsible for the deaths of everyone they'll continue to kill in the future as well? Killing them now will save the countless they will kill later."

Goku looked down at the bodies lying on the ground.

Vegeta turned to Krillin who had cut down several of the Frieza Force members and nodded his head, "Even Krillin understands the severity of the situation, and I respect him far more than I do you right now Kakarot!"

Krillin looked surprised, he quickly gave a Buddhist prayer to those he slew and sighed, "Goku, I have to agree with Vegeta on this one. You once thought similar too. Remember, you've killed before, destroyed an entire army when you were young. I get the whole not wanting to kill, but people like the PTO can't be allowed to get away with their crimes."

Goku took another blow to his ego. He sighed and really started to reflect on the things he had done in the past. He then scratched his head and said, "This is too confusing to think about! I just want a good fight!"

Frieza was still stunned by their sudden increase in power. He knew it was well above a million because of how fast they moved. The Frost Demon couldn't help but show a bit of frustration on his face as he hopped out of his floating chair.

Frieza forced himself to calm down before he landed on the ground and smiled.

"Tell me Vegeta how did you and your monkey friends get so strong?" Frieza began to think that Vegeta wished for ultimate power or something along those lines.

Vegeta laughed, "We trained!"

Frieza blinked suddenly and then said, "Pupostrouse, as if you could get so strong through training!"

Vegeta started to laugh again, "You think I used the dragon balls?"

Frieza paused, "Did you?"

Vegeta shook his head, "Frieza while the dragon can grant wishes, it is not omnipotent. The dragon can't grant your wish for real immortality. If someone stronger than the maker of the dragon balls exists, then they can negate the power of the dragon's wish and kill you anyway."

Frieza frowned, "Well then I guess I'll just have to wish for eternal youth instead."

Vegeta nodded his head, "That would be the way to go. However, you won't be going anywhere other than hell."

Personally, Vegeta thought hyper-regeneration would be the way to go for an immortality wish. Repairing the damage would be easier than resisting the destruction of someone stronger, but he wasn't about to tell Frieza that.

Frieza lifted the back of his hand towards his face and laughed mockingly, "Hohoho! To think you dare speak to me this way, I admit you've gotten stronger Vegeta, but that doesn't mean you've gotten stronger than me. I'll have you know, that this isn't even my..."

"Final form..." Vegeta interrupted, "Yes, yes, yes, we all know that you have three other forms next to this one."

Frieza was blinking with a clueless expression, "How did you..."

Vegeta grinned, "You'd better jump into your final form and spare yourself the embarrassment."

Frieza grinned, "That won't be necessary." Frieza powered up shaking the atmosphere around them. As he appeared in his second form, the Frost Demon stood up and said, "I think this will be more than enough to deal with you all."

Vegeta was about to step forward, when Goku stopped him, "Wait a minute Vegeta, you should let me fight him,"

Vegeta frowned, "No way, this is my fight!"

"Come on Vegeta, he looks strong. Please let me fight him. Ooh, I know, I'll play him for you." Goku held out his hand.

Vegeta growled, "Fine whatever!"

"What the hell am I watching right now?" Frieza said out loud.

The two started playing a game of rock, paper, scissors.

Vegeta and Goku placed their arms to their sides and hid their hands as they shouted, "Jan-Ken-Pon!"

Goku had paper, Vegeta had scissors, "Hah! Take that Kakorot!"

"Aw~man!" Goku's shoulders drooped.

Vegeta then turned to face Frieza and said, "Okay then, sorry about the wait."

Frieza's brow was twitching as he said with a normalized tone, "I'm going to kill all of you..."

Vegeta appeared in front of Frieza and slapped him across the face, Frieza's body went tumbling across the ground and shattered a large portion of the earth.

Flying out the crater, Frieza showed a pissed-off expression as he stared down at Vegeta and shouted, "Lucky shot, monkey!"

Frieza jumped down at him and started to attack with a flurry of punches and kicks, only for Vegeta to sidestep them within mere inches of space between him and the attacks.

Frieza continued to attack like crazy, then he snapped when noticing that Vegeta had his eyes closed, "You! Just what is your power level at?"

Vegeta tripped Frieza over and punched him in the gut sending him flying across the air, as Frieza came to a stop, Vegeta appeared beside him and said, "Why don't you transform again and try out. I'll wait."

Frieza laughed, "You Monkies and your love for battle. You know it's quite the handicap as a species, it will be your downfall."

Frieza started to power up and once again powered up to 3rd form, and then his final form.

After the smoke cleared, it revealed Frieza at his restricted final form, Vegeta grinned, his blood began to boil as he let loose all his power.

Vegeta's aura skyrocketed. As his new power level had reached 35 Million, it shook the atmosphere.

He shot over, kicked Frieza's chin, and sent his body flying through the air.

Frieza was taken by surprise and quickly decided against only using ten percent of his strength.

Bumping it up to twenty percent, Frieza's power grew, giving him a power level of 24 Million as punched out a Vegeta who appeared in front of him.

Vegeta took a punch straight to the face and didn't even move.

Frieza growled, "Impossible, how can you be so strong?!"

Powering up to 30%, Frieza increased his power level to 36 Million and hit Vegeta with a spinning kick to the waist.

Vegeta's body went tumbling into the ground with nothing more than bruises. With only a numerical difference of one million in their power levels, Vegeta didn't take much damage.

With a shout, Vegeta unleashed his power and used a Galic Kamehameha aimed straight at Frieza.

The sudden jump in his Ki made Frieza frown as the blast had reached at least 87.5 Million in power level.

Feeling the threat, Frieza shot up to 75% of his full power which placed him around 90 Million.

With an intense burst of speed, Frieza flew forward with his leg pulled back. Using all his strength, the Frost Demon kicked the giant beam into the air slightly hurting his leg in the process.

The beam was sent it flying towards the sky and shot out of the atmosphere and into the vast void of space.

While Frieza was growling in anger, Vegeta took this chance to appear beside him and shouted, "Kokoro-Ken times 2"

Vegeta's power level shot up 70 Million as the blue aura surrounded him. Punching out, Vegeta landed a powerful punch to Frieza's gut before performing a spinning kick to the side of Frieza's neck.

As Frieza's body flipped backward, Vegeta blasted him point-blank with a Big Bang Attack.

As long as Frieza's power wasn't more than double of Vegeta's, then the Saiyan King could still inflict some damage through superior martial arts skills.

Frieza's body tumbled toward the ground in a puff of debris and smoke from the explosion.

Before Frieza could pull himself from the rubble, Vegeta had appeared in front of the Frost Demon with a fully powered Galic Kamehameha, ready to fire.

Frieza shouted, "Enough!" as a bubble of purple energy surrounded him, deflecting the blast.

Vegeta then appeared above Frieza and tried to smash the back of his skull in with an axe-hammer blow.

Unfortunately, he was too slow. Frieza managed to wrap his tail around Vegeta's leg and pulled him underneath his body to come face to face with the Saiyan King.

As Frieza started to lay into with dozens of punches and kicks, Vegeta realized that the evil space emperor was going at it with 90% of his power.

The Frost Demon was trying his hardest to kill Vegeta with his attacks, punching and kicking the Saiyan with everything he could muster at the moment.

Vegeta continued to take the blows with a smile on his face. Each attack was breaking him down piece by piece.

Frieza then lifted him up blasted him with a Death-Ball that caused a massive explosion in the sky.

The shockwaves rocked the surface of the entire planet, Frieza continued to lob attacks at Vegeta over and over again, shooting dozens of finger beams at the Saiyan while laughing maniacally.

"Hahah! So much for me dying here, Vegeta!" Frieza remarked before creating several orbs of Ki and throwing them at the smoke cloud he made.

Vegeta's body took 10 massive Ki explosions before Frieza felt that was finally enough to kill off the annoying monkey.

Panting in rage for a few seconds, Frieza calmed down started laughing, "Ohohoho! You see that?! Your power was nothing compared to me, it never was!"

When the smoke cleared, it revealed Vegeta covered in countless wounds. Blood dripped from his hunched-over form, countless bruises and burn marks littered his body, his haggard breathing showed many of his ribs punctured his lungs, and his limp motions divulged the many broken bones inside his limbs.

Frieza looked surprised to see him still living. Amused by his resilience, the Frost Demon gave an innocent chuckle before saying, "I must admit, Vegeta your talent to take a beating is incredible. Come work with me again, I could even make you my right-hand man!"

Vegeta grunted and started to laugh as loudly as he could before saying, "I don't think so. Full Heal!"

All of Vegeta's wounds quickly recovered, his base power level shot up again. This time, however, 75 Million was his new base PL.

"What did you just do!?" Frieza shouted.

"I used MY magic to heal my wounds. Magic I was born with, by the way," Vegeta said grinning.

Frieza was positively livid, "Magic! When could Saiyans use magic?!"

After panting a bit from his outburst, Frieza calmed down and said, "No matter, I'll just kill you before you can heal the damage!" Frieza shouted as he charged towards Vegeta.

"Vegeta got even stronger!" Goku shouted in surprise.

"Goku didn't you listen to what King Vegeta said?" Gine slapped him in the back of the head.

"The greater the threat we're facing, the greater the gain," Bardock said as he gripped his fist. He too wanted to smash Frieza into oblivion.

Vegeta shot back at Frieza and started to trade blows with him, the Tyrant Emperor started to get angry because the more he hit Vegeta, the stronger the Saiyan became.

"What madness is this!?" Frieza shouted as he punched and kicked Vegeta in a repeated combo.

First was a brutal gut punch, followed by a knee to the face as Vegeta leaned into the attack, then a jumping spin kick to the face that caused Vegeta to destroy the landscape around them.

Throwing out a massive Ki Ball, Frieza destroyed a large chunk of the earth with the massive explosion that followed.

Thinking he was finally done with Vegeta, Frieza watched on in horror as the Saiyan King flew out of the crater, fully recovered from the wounds and even stronger than before.

Frieza was starting to worry.

Vegeta blasted towards Frieza continued to attack like a wild beast. He punched Frieza in the gut, while in response, Frieza kicked him in the chin with a backflip kick.

When Vegeta's chin turned up by the force of the blow, his senses allowed him to narrowly dodge Frieza's attempt to impale his stomach with his tail.

Grabbing Frieza's tail in retaliation, Vegeta pulled him towards himself and punched the Frost Demon in the jaw.

Frieza recoiled from the attack and swung his elbow into the side of Vegeta's face, cracking the Saiyan King's cheek and forcing him to lean to the side.

Spinning around with his tail and freeing it from Vegeta's grasp, Frieza quickly wrapped it around Vegeta's waist and held him in place as he started to punch.

Turning Vegeta into a punching bag, Frieza grew closer and closer to using his one hundred percent while Vegeta took a defensive stance and cast Re-Heal on his body.

Every time Frieza struck him his power level jumped up a bit growing closer and closer to surpass his opponent's.

Everyone watched as Vegeta continued to take a beating and shook their heads.

"Man, he's a glutton for punishment isn't he?" Krillin said as he felt Vegeta's power level reach around 100 million.

Vegeta started to laugh making Frieza pause, "You, what are you laughing about?"

"I've had enough now, my Zenkai's aren't giving me a suitable gain anymore," Vegeta declared as he powered up.

With a massive explosion of golden light, Frieza's tail lost its grip on Vegeta's waist while his body sent tumbling back by the fierce shockwaves of the Super Saiyan's Ki.

Looking at the golden form of Vegeta, Frieza started to shake, "No this is impossible, what is this form! I thought that the only thing Saiyans could transform into were giant apes? Wait, is this the... NO! I refuse to believe it, it's only a legend!"

Vegeta smiled and said, "That's where you are wrong!"

With a bolt of insane speed, Vegeta appeared in front of Frieza and stood face to face with the space tyrant, "You're worse fears have come to fruition Frieza! I have indeed become the legendary Super Saiyan."

The winds blew by as Frieza's mouth gaped open like a fish gasping for air.

"Well...not the legendary, but still a Super Saiyan," Vegeta corrected his earlier statement.

Frieza started to back off a bit, "So what, your hair turned golden, that doesn't mean anything, I'm not even at my full power!"

Vegeta laughed and said, "Your full power is around 120 Million. My current power level is around 7.5 Billion. My Mastered Super Saiyan State allows me to multiply my base power level by 75 Times."

Frieza gasped in disbelief, "Impossible! You're lying!"

Vegeta chuckled, "Can you understand the difference? Even if I let you transform, you wouldn't be able to give me a challenge."

Vegeta gripped Frieza's neck and raised his hand as he said, "For my planet!" With a thunderous slap to Frieza's face, Vegeta began to slap him back and forth repeatedly.

"Please! Stop, Vegeta! Forgive me!" Frieza pleaded. However, Vegeta knew better so it fell on deaf ears.

After Frieza could no longer feel his face, Vegeta gave one last taunt as he flipped Frieza off and the Frost Demon in the gut. Bringing the Emperor to his knees while the air fled from his lungs, Vegeta grinned at the sight.

Bowing in front of Vegeta, Frieza desperately tried to stand while clenching his stomach, "You...you can't do this to me! You're just a filthy monkey!"

The Saiyan King put his foot against Frieza's shoulder and forced him back into a bowing position. He then leaned in and said, "By the way, Frieza, I have a magic spell that allows me to increase my power level by 20 times and higher than my current level."

Unable to breathe from the force of the Saiyan's last attack, Frieza's eyes widened terror when Vegeta asked, "Do you know why I'm telling you this?"

"Vegeta!" Frieza gritted his teeth, "Please! Have mercy! Spare my life and I promise to leave you alone!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes, "I'm not Kakarot. I told you that so you understand how hopeless your situation is. This is what happens when you mess with a Saiyan."

Vegeta then grabbed Frieza by the neck and squeezed tightly.

Frieza let out a wail of pain as he felt his spine cracking a bit. The Frost Demon's arms and legs went limp before Vegeta pulled him up and began punching out several times.

Each attack was focused on vitals and breaking all of Frieza's limbs. Freiza continued to beg, "Please, Vegeta, it wasn't even my idea to destroy your planet, I was ordered to by the God of Destruction!"

"I know! Still don't care," Vegeta said before tossing him into the air

"Kokoro-Ken times twenty! Galic Kamehameha!" Vegeta shouted as the indigo blasted Frieza and shot out into the depths of space.

Vegeta raised his head to the sky and smiled and landed next to a scouter.

"I know you heard the whole thing. Let my power be a lesson to anyone who was watching, Earth is protected," Vegeta raised his hand shattering all the scouters with simple air flicks.

It's done." Vegeta looked to the sky, the memories of his past history has finally been resolved.

Even though the torture and enslavement never happened in this timeline thanks to his reincarnation, the thought of any version of himself going through that kind of shit, was more than enough to fuel his hate.

Now that it was over, Vegeta felt a sense of relief as he said, "I finally got my revenge."