
Cell Games Part 2

"I'm bored, we're done fighting," Vegeta announced.

Cell froze in place, "What did you say?"

"I said that's enough, I'm bored. You're boring me. So, I'm done with you now," Vegeta announced again.

Vegeta powered up with his Kokoro-Ken Times 2 and started to wail on Cell.

Cell was shocked to discover that he was completely overpowered. No matter how hard he tried to block, Vegeta broke through his defenses every time.

A straight right into his face. Next came a dozen punches that rained down on his torso.

As Cell kneeled forward in pain, Vegeta landed a spinning kick straight into his neck. However, before Cell's body could go flying off, Vegeta grabbed his ankle and pulled him back into another barrage of blows.

Vegeta laid into him, hitting him over and over again, with each punch stronger than the last.

After a few hundred thousand earth-shattering attacks to vital points, Vegeta ceased his assault and threw the damaged Android to the ground.

Cell looked like a mangled mess. His arms were bent in awkward positions, his back bent backward, his legs twisted in off angles, and his face distorted in fear.

Vegeta crossed his arms and said, "Do you see the difference in our power?" Vegeta then raised his hand and shouted, "Hakai!"

Imitating Beerus's Destruction Ki, by fusing his most powerful Destruction Spell with his God Ki, Vegeta was able to recreate a weaker version of Beerus's Hakai.

"Blarg..." Cell coughed up a mouth full of green blood as his hand started to erode, "Error, unable to complete designated routines. Threat of destruction is imminent! 01000001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01010011 01010000 01010000 00101110 01000101 01011000 01000101, Gete Self Preservation Protocol activated."

Vegeta looked genuinely surprised, "The Gete A.I?! How did Gero get his hands on that?" Vegeta stopped attacking.

Cell's body floated into the air and began rambling like a computer, "Erasing Doctor Gero's Protocols, erasing mission parameters, deleting negative memories associated with hate or dislike for the Saiyan species, removing all orders to eliminate Z-Fighters!"

The Android's pupils were running a stream of green ones and zeros across their surface.

Vegeta tilted his head at the words Cell was speaking, wondering if it could be a trick.

"Hah! As if! That overzealous Cell wouldn't willingly erase his own memories. Besides, the Artificial Intelligence in the Gete Chip is still a computer. In the end, it will choose self-preservation no matter the cost of its programmers wishes." Vegeta laughed as Cell's body slowly regenerated.

He watched him rip off his own arm and regenerate the damage done to him completely.

Like string cut from a puppet, Cell went back to his base form and collapsed. As he fell through the air, Vegeta grabbed his arm and thought, "I guess, I should take him back to Bulma's, maybe she can fix him up, or better yet, reprogram him."

Vegeta smiled and shouted, "Hey, Kakarot!"

Goku teleported over, "Yeah?"

"I think we can still get a good challenge out of him! However, he'll need some work," Vegeta said as he teleported back to Planet Salada.

"Ahh! Wait for me Vegeta!" Goku shouted as he teleported after him.

Bulma was surprised to see the two Saiyans pop in with the unconscious threat known as Cell in tow.

Vegeta rubbed his nose and with an embarrassed expression said, "Well, I need your help."

Bulma sighed and scratched the back of her head in annoyance.

"You know I love you, right?" Vegeta said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Follow me to my lab," Bulma said as she walked outside.

The Saiyan Queen then pulled in a sphere of air with her Ki and flew to Luna from the surface of Salada.

Vegeta grinned and followed after her, they ended up on one of Luna's scientific bases.

It had been a while since Vegeta came here, and was surprised by seeing races from all over the milky way working about.

First, they just came here in order to study Bulma's technology. However, they didn't realize who they were messing with. Using a single piece of her time, Bulma's silver tongue managed to coax the new scientists to work for her company.

Needless to say, Bulma had made Capsule Corporation quite a lucrative enterprise for the Earth's business in the Milkyway.

They ended up in a large room full of mechanical wonders and unique technology from across the Milkyway.

Bulma had them set Cell down on a table next to a series of complex supercomputers.

Vegeta restrained him in case the Android woke up.

Using some kind of advanced scanning machine, Bulma ran the device over Cell's entire body, after a few minutes, she looked quite surprised by the data she was receiving on her tablet.

"Wow, this guy is crazy. First, all of his multiple genes have merged completely, no impurities or genetic damage is visible. You can classify him as an entirely new species instead of amalgamation of Cells stitched together," Bulma explained.

She then pulled out a file that showed Future Cell's genetic coding, "See how different the Genetic strands are. This one looks damaged, warped, prone to mutation. The one from our timeline is stable, orderly, and structured to...well perfection."

"Is that why he looks so different than the original Cell?" Vegeta thought as Bulma continued.

Bulma then began showing them the information on a larger screen, "His body isn't exactly made of flesh either, it's some kind of organic metal like the other Androids. Only, this guy is far more advanced. Also, the biggest mystery is the A.I chip inside his head. I've never seen a more advanced piece of such a technological wonder!"

Bulma then gritted her teeth before saying, "There's no way Doctor Gero built this thing. It's way too alien in nature compared to his other works. I refuse to believe it that mad man was capable of such beautiful complexity."

Vegeta nodded his head, "Can you do anything about the programming done to him?"

"Actually, the A.I's self-preservation protocols seemed to have erased all of Gero's data. Can you tell me what happened to activate it?" Bulma asked.

Vegeta quickly explained how Cell was completely outmatched, and what he said moments before Vegeta was about to kill him.

Bulma placed her hand on her chin while her blue tail twirled around her back, "I got it! It must have realized that its best chance at survival would be to abandon its current objective, and since Gero wasn't the one who made this technological wonder, it could override his commands."

"What, so Cell isn't a problem anymore?" Goku asked innocently.

"There are no files pertaining to any Z-Fighter, also, it seems all memories concerning your fight have been erased as well. The A.I's preservation protocols are very thorough," Bulma moved over to her keyboard and began typing in a bunch of data.

"So what are the plans for this guy?" Bulma asked as she turned back around.

Vegeta shook his head, "Well, to be honest, I'd rather not kill him, he hasn't done anything wrong."

"Then I'll create my own set of protocols. For one, instead of hurting the Z-Fighters, let's turn this guy into an ally. To Work with and defend innocent life and those allied with the Milkyway alliance. I don't want to interfere too much in another being conscious, it feels a little wrong, so let's stop here." Bulma said as she scratched her head.

Then with a blur of speedy hands, she typed in an entire set of multilayered coding in a matter of seconds.

"Well, I guess that's one training method that improves hand-to-eye coordination. I bet construction and working on your pet projects have gotten far easier too." Vegeta grinned as he stared at his wife.

"Yep!" Bulma smiled and said, "I can build a galactic spaceship with my bare hands now! You have no idea how cool it is to say that!"

Vegeta chuckled, "I can imagine."

After turning back to her work Bulma spoke up, "Okay! He should be done now. Do what you have to do. I'm going to spend some time here and study this A.I Chip."

Bulma used a piece of technology that created a beam of light to remove the Gete A.I from Cell's brain without harming him or using surgery.

At the moment, Vegeta couldn't be more proud of his wife. He enjoyed seeing her work at what she loved, and she always managed to impress him.

Vegeta then smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you excelling in this place."

He knew that the advanced space-age technology and meeting fellow scientists from all over the universe had allowed her to advance her own technical knowledge and skills by leaps and bounds.

Bulma nodded her head and kissed him on the cheek before saying, "Thanks, I really like this place. I know you Saiyans love fighting like I love technology. So I really appreciate what you did for me Vegeta, this lab is everything I dreamed of."

Bulma gave Vegeta a kiss on the cheek, "Now go do what you have to."

Vegeta smiled and teleported Cell back to Mars. As they stood on the surface, Vegeta slapped Cell a couple of times to wake him up.

"Who? What?" Cell shouted as he woke up.

"Hey, Cell, remember me?" Vegeta asked as he waved his hand in front of him.

Cell tilted his head as he tried to remember, "You're, King Vegeta. Right, I see my programming has been overwritten. However, I still wish to challenge you."

Vegeta laughed, "Okay, better than before. The Gete A.I has been removed from your brain so you're a free creature now; you're a real boy now. Anyways, I can't keep calling you Cell. That's Gero's name for you...let's see you are part Andriod Zero...so how about Cero?"

"Cero...not a bad name," The Android said looking at his hands.

"Anyways, Cero, I'll tell you what. I will give you two years to train. When you return from your little trip, we will hold a tournament in your name. The Cell Games, we'll let it signify the end of your old ways and a good by to your old name. In return, we will bring you the most powerful fighters in the Milkyway to test your skills against."

Cero's brow lifted up, "Ohh, this does interest me, will Son Goku and yourself be there as well?"

Goku grinned before pumping his fists and saying, "Would I? Of course, I will!"

"I wouldn't mind fighting again. However, I think it's the next generation you have to worry about. They will be fighting first," Vegeta notified while he grinned.

Goku thought of Gohan, "Ohh, so you saw Gohan's potential and want to use this to tap into it?"

Vegeta laughed, "Sometimes I think you're just faking your stupidy."

"Hey!" Goku shouted in his defense, "Oh, wait, that was a compliment right!?"

"And then you have to ruin it by opening your mouth again." Vegeta shook his head.

"Are you picking a fight, Vegeta?" Goku yelled out again.

Vegeta butted heads with Goku and said, "H~u~h! You coping an attitude with me?!!! I think someone needs to be reminded of who has the lead in victories."

"It's at 1,038 Wins for me, 4,751 Ties, and 1040 Wins for you, you have two...so...yeah, only two wins more than me. Don't think you're stronger just because of your cheap shots." Goku pushed back against Vegeta's forehead with his own.

Vegeta grunted, "Okay that's it, you wanna throw down, Kakarot!?"

"Bring it on!" The two glared at each other before Cero interrupted.

The Android placed his hand between them and separated the two before calling out, "Excuse me?"

The two suddenly turned their heads to Cero and shouted "What?!" at the same time.

Cero's head moved back, "Okay...I just wanted to know if you were going to fight here? It doesn't look like this planet is very strong."

Vegeta grunted, "Of course, you don't remember your fight with me so why would you know?"

Vegeta then teleported Cero to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's door and told the Android that he could get 2 years of training done in one day.

After leaving Cero there for his own training, Vegeta teleported back to Mars and told Goku to meet him at the training grounds.

"We're going to finish what we started earlier!" Vegeta butted heads with Goku.

"Prepare to lose!" Goku butted back.

Once again the two Saiyans returned to planet Salada and marched into the Timeless Training Grounds to settle their match.

The two had sworn off using their transformed states and restricted themselves to base form only.

Standing across from one another, Vegeta took Goku's stance, and Goku took Vegeta's. It was the mirrored opposite of their first fight.

The two charged at one another and attacked with everything they had. They started with a fierce exchange of punches that shocked the space around them with constant quakes.

The surges of hurricane-force winds shot out every time they blocked each other's attacks with perfect timing.

Vegeta kicked out causing Goku to jump up and power up a Galic Gun.

Vegeta, in return, used the Kamehameha.

Their blast met and canceled each other out with a massive explosion.

Vegeta then appeared behind Goku and punched out at his head.

Goku disappeared as Vegeta's fist passed through an after image.

Reappearing behind Vegeta, Goku attempted to reach out and grab his opponent's neck. However, his hand passed through Vegeta's afterimage, grabbing nothing.

They continued to try and attack each other only to pass through one another like ghosts.

Vegeta then threw out a wave of rapid-fire Ki blast that Goku easily flew away from, dodging them by a hair's breadth while navigating through them as if he was walking through a stream of water.

However, the moment Goku made ground, Vegeta flipped his hand and showed Goku that the blasts didn't hit the floor,

Hundreds of Ki-orbs were floating inches away from its surface.

Vegeta waved his hand and shouted, "Homing Flare Mines!"

Like they were locked on to the carefree Saiyan's Ki, all the blasts Vegeta fired off earlier came flying towards Goku's position with frightening speeds.

Goku flew up to escape the blasts, but the very moment he left the ground, Vegeta clenched his fist and shouted, "Detonate!"

A massive explosion erupted around Goku. However, Vegeta didn't have time to celebrate the brilliance of his technique.

Sensing danger, Vegeta jumped forward, starting a front flip while aiming both his hands between his legs.

Vegeta then released a Kamehameha, shooting out at his earlier position while the beam caused him to do a few flips in the air before landing.

In a burst of intense speed, Goku shot out of the smoke caused by Vegeta's Ki blasts and dodged the beam attack before trying to use a flying kick aimed at Vegeta's stomach.

Vegeta spun, dodging Goku's kick by a narrow margin and placed his open palm out before striking at Goku's chest.

Goku blocked, raising his hand before grabbing Vegeta's wrists and keeping the palm from landing against his chest.

A loud gust of wind shot out everywhere while their faces turned red. Veins formed along their forearms, showing the intensity of the struggle the two were experiencing.

Vegeta then head-butted Goku, breaking the deadlock. The blow caused the two to fall back and rub their head like it really hurt them both.

"Ow! Seriously? What the hell is your head made of? Vegeta said still rubbing his forehead.

"I could say the same..." Goku shouted only to be interrupted by Vegeta's sudden attack.

Barely dodging to the side in time, Vegeta's fist came down and narrowly missed Goku, taking a piece of his Gi instead of connecting,

As Vegeta's punch slammed into the ground, a massive crater formed around them while shaking everything in a few dozen miles.

"Hey, that was cheap, Veg..." Goku was once again attacked before he could finish speaking.

Vegeta then landed a solid punch against Goku's gut before saying, "You're too loose again! Tighten up your form Kakarot!"

Vegeta's words instantly snapped Goku back into battle mode.

They continued to attack each other with every last bit of energy and stamina contained within them. It got to the point that neither of them could avoid each other's attacks anymore and began trading blows.

The two Saiyans continued to wail on one another without reserve, breaking several dozen of their bones in the process.

By the time both of them realized they were worn out, they stood across from one another covered in dreadful wounds. Blood dripped more than 60 percent of their body, and they looked like they could barely speak much less move.

Vegeta healed himself with a spell and charged towards Goku, thinking he had another win in the bag.

However, it appeared Goku had a bit of a surprise for Vegeta this time. He raised his hands and collected energy from the plant life around him.

Goku's wounds began to heal rapidly, and his energy was restored as well. He then met Vegeta's fist with his own punch and caused a massive whirlwind of force to push back on the surroundings.

"I can heal now too!" Goku declared with a sly grin.