
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Battle of the Gods

Vegeta's attack sent Beerus' body flying back into the air before the enraged Saiyan God teleported behind him and intertwined his fingers together before slamming them against the back of Beerus' head.

The body of the God of Destruction was flung down into the ground while he felt the sting of pain tingle throughout his body.

Grinning, Beerus shook off the damage and jumped back up to meet Vegeta. He then licked his paws like a cat while wiping off the dust gathered around his face.

"Well, that took me by surprise, tell me Vegeta, why all the anger directed at me?" Beerus questioned as he continued to groom himself.

Vegeta grunted, "Back then I was but a mere mortal, and so I would have nothing to say over you ordering the destruction of my planet. After all, that's all we were, Mortals."

Vegeta cracked his knuckles, "However, now that I am a god, you should at least have to suffer through some pain. You can't just blow up a God's planet without some consequences..." Vegeta pointed to Beerus, "Just like my father not being able to get away with slighting a god, you can't get away with it either."

Beerus grinned, "Oh, so you know about that?"

Vegeta crossed his arms and said, "I do, and while I don't agree with what my father did, and it was the height of his stupidity as our King. However, I approve of your decision even less. To order the death of my planet just because of a Pillow!"

Goku was stunned, he looked over to Whis as if to ask if this were true, Whis sighed and said, "I told you that it was a bad idea to destroy planet Vegeta because of a pillow."

Hearing the ridiculous reason Planet Vegeta was destroyed, Goku couldn't help falling over in a comical manner, "A PILLOW!"

Beerus scratched his face and coughed, "Well, that wasn't the only reason I chose to do so. Saiyans weren't exactly innocent beings in all this. Your people are responsible for many evil deeds, not to mention your ancestry."

Vegeta grunted, "I can't deny that either. But, there were at least two of those Saiyans on that planet you chose to destroy. One was known to be pure of heart, and the other was desperately trying to change."

Vegeta looked over to Goku, and said, "The ones that are known as Kakorot, Gine, and Bardock, and not to mention all of our non-combative Saiyans. Most of them were pretty alright, not good, but not evil either. There were plenty of reasons not to destroy our planet."

Beerus growled, "Who do you think you are? A mere Mortal dares to scold me in such a manner!"

Vegeta powered up, "Not a mere mortal anymore! We are equals now, Beerus! AND YOU WILL SHOW ME SOME GOD DAMN RESPECT!" (PUN INTENDED!)

Vegeta powered up and caused the whole planet to sake again.

Beerus smiled and jumped towards Vegeta with a look of sheer excitement.

The two sent their fist out and connected, causing massive quakes to ripple throughout space. Several nearby planets were destroyed and turned to dust as they were sent ridding along the monstrous shockwaves made from their attacks.

Vegeta and Beerus continued to trade dozens of punches and kicks. Their arms blurred into bolts of lightning, their legs creating powerful explosions every time they moved or attacked.

Punch for punch, kick for kick, their attacks constantly canceled each other out. The two were constantly trading blows, locked in brutal combat and no apparent victor as blood spilled across the ground several times.

Vegeta backed off and placed his hands together as he started to power up.

Beerus was shocked at the sheer amount of power gathering at the center of Vegeta's hands. The God of Destruction then grinned before creating a massive ball of Destruction Energy at the tip of his finger, "Sphere of Destruction."

The ball of purple and black energy was flung towards Vegeta at great speeds.

"Final Galic Gun!" Vegeta roared as a giant crimson God Ki beam wreathed in golden lightning shot out from Vegeta's hands and clashed with Beerus' sphere of destruction energy.

As the attacks met, Cosmic waves of kinetic energy blasted throughout the galaxy and afterlife, shaking them to their foundations.

After a while of struggling, it showed that Beerus had the upper hand as he pushed Vegeta to his knees.

"What do you know, isn't this scene familiar? Bowing to me again are you, Prince Vegeta?," Beerus

"That's King Vegeta to you! I may have handed the title back to my father, but I am still the strongest Saiyan!" Vegeta shouted as he forced himself back to his feet and started to push back against Beerus' attack.

Beerus tremble with excitement before saying, "Not bad...for a new god that is."

Laughing, the Beerus created several dozens of Destruction Spheres and added them to his attack.

It looked like the Destruction Sphere was absorbing tiny suns as it started to grow in size.

Vegeta grunted as he felt the Sphere grow heavier. However, Beerus wasn't the only one holding back.

Vegeta waited for the sphere to get as close to his body as possible and smiled as he heard Beerus' taunt, triggering his signal to act.

"What a shame is this all a super Saiyan God is capable o..." Beerus didn't even get to finish speaking as Vegeta used his instant transmission to appear behind Beerus.

Before the God of Destruction could react, Vegeta hit him with a full-powered, point-blank, Final Galic Gun.

Beerus didn't even manage to gasp as took the full brunt of the attack. His body flew off into the ground and caused a massive crater to appear on the surface of Planet Beerus.

Goku went wide-eyed at the power that was being thrown around and grinned, "This is such a fun fight! Me next Vegeta!" Goku shouted into the air.

Vegeta turned to Goku and shouted, "Quiet, I'm trying to focu..." Vegeta quickly raised his arms to barely block a kick Lord Beerus sent out.

Vegeta's arm snapped under the pressure of the purple cat's attack. His bones and muscles turned to dust and went limp while his body was flung through the air at near light speed.

The God of Destruction appeared behind Vegeta and kicked him in the back of the head, changing his direction again before Beerus appeared in front of him and kicked him in the gut.

Vegeta flew into the air as Beerus then appeared beside him and kicked the Saiyan King in the gut.

For a while, Beerus turned Vegeta into a kicking-ball as he knocked him around the sky repeatedly, smiling like a feline on cat-nip.

Vegeta's entire body felt numb, blood pooled from his mouth and several wounds on his body. He was doing his best not to lose consciousness while Beerus continued to pulverize him, but things weren't looking too good.

Beerus didn't even look like he was putting in that much effort, making Vegeta grit his teeth while he fought through the pain. With all of his strength, Vegeta punched out at Beerus.

However, Vegeta only got to see his fist passing through the faint leftover image of Beerus sticking his tongue out at him.

Vegeta couldn't even sense him coming. Beerus appeared behind him and hit him with a triple frontflip heel kick to the top of his shoulder.

However, while Vegeta screamed in pain, the back of Beerus' foot kicked into the side of his head while he flipped around again and slammed both of his heels onto the top of Vegeta's head.

The Saiyan King felt his neck sink into his collar bone while his body blasted off towards the ground.

A loud explosion occurred as Vegeta collided with the planet, shaking every planet within their region of space.

Before Vegeta could get up, Beerus raised his finger and created a star of molting plasma.

"Destruction before Creation," Beerus said, throwing the ball into the ground. At the moment of impact, the sphere of destruction energy suddenly inflated like a star.

Goku and Whis heard Vegeta screaming out in pain as a super-massive explosion rocked the entire solar system.

When the smoke cleared, Vegeta could be seen panting heavily in the center of all the destruction. His entire body was covered in wounds, some of his muscles were exposed to the open air, as one of his arms slumped, the corner of it tore, nearly falling off.

While his other shattered arm was over his knee and kept him from falling over.

"I'm impressed you managed to stay alive, much less conscious," Beerus said as he showed that the damage he had received was all but superficial.

Vegeta stood up and laughed loudly and said, "This is what I've been missing, hahaha! If you think this fight is over then you're sorely mistaken!"

"Full Heal!" Vegeta's body glowed golden as all his wounds recovered and his base power level shot up dozens of times, "A challenge so far ahead of me that my Zenkai Boosts are useful again, I must thank you Beerus."

Vegeta then used his Kokoro-Ken Times 100 and appeared beside him, "Oh, and I don't hold any harsh feelings towards you choosing my old planet's fate."

Beerus went wide-eyed as he almost couldn't keep up with Vegeta's speed. However, he couldn't stop what was about to happen next.

Vegeta slugged him in the side of the gut, causing the cat's eyes to widen and his air to escape his lungs.

Beerus leaned forward as Vegeta raised his foot and kicked him in the chin, sending the God of Destruction hurling back through the sky.

While his body flipped backward several times, Vegeta grabbed his tail and swung him around until a tornado appeared around the two Gods.

As Vegeta let go, he powered up another Final Galic Gun Blast and sent it hurling into Beerus.

Before it collided, Beerus smiled happily before suddenly kicking Vegeta's attack, causing it to shift direction and blast through the corner of the planet.

The edge of Beerus' planet suddenly exploded with the force of a tiny super-nova that got so hot, it actually produced raw materials such as metal and gas.

Beerus appeared behind Vegeta and wrapped his tail around his throat, all while gripping Vegeta by the shoulder.

Flexing his arms, Beerus went to toss his opponent by sticking his feet into his spine and rolling with the toss. However, before he could throw Vegeta, Beerus noticed that a vibrant red tail was wrapped around his ankle.

"Let go!" Beerus struggled against Vegeta's tail just as hard as Vegeta was struggling against Beerus' tail.

"No, you let go!" Vegeta barked back.

The two struggled for a while, desperately trying to overpower one another. With neither of them gaining any headway, it looked like they were stuck in the sky.

That was before Vegeta seemed to have thought of something.

Letting out a sigh, Vegeta grumbled, "Guess, I'll take a note from Kakorot's style."

With a sudden and loud 'Chomp!" Beerus yelped out in pain, unwrapping his tail while he started to blow on the bite marks left by the Saiyan King.

"You bit me!" Beerus shouted as he felt his body being pulled by Vegeta's tail.

Swinging the God of Destruction around by his tail, Vegeta pulled him in to kick him in the face.

Beerus' head snapped back before he felt Vegeta pull him back in and hit him in the gut with a powerful punch.

Vegeta started to go crazy as he pummeled Beerus with everything he had, turning the Cat-God into a punching bag as he hit him with hundreds of punches in less than a second.

Beerus suddenly laughed as he stopped Vegeta's next attack by catching his fist.

"Warm-up's over now," Beerus announced as he exploded with a powerful, dark, and sinister energy. His body was encased in pure Destruction God Ki that shot into the heavens.

Beerus then started down Vegeta and said, "Well done, I haven't had to use this ability on a Mortal such as yourself in a long time. Sorry, I mean pseudo-god."

Red blots appeared on his chest and took the shape of a circle and three diamonds beneath when suddenly all of the black smoke-like energy started rolling into Beerus' body.

The aura of Destruction God Ki around Beerus started to recede until it was sealed perfectly inside his body without any leakage whatsoever.

Beerus then smiled before saying, "I hope you can survive this."

Vegeta was stunned, he never saw any of this in the Canon, but then he thought of how Toppo used the God of Destruction Ki and realized he had never seen the Offical Gods of Destruction do something similar.

Vegeta was shaking all over, part of it fear, the other part, excitement.

Since both his Ki and Physique are on a god's level, his Saiyan Blood was that much more potent. The surge of power he was experiencing could even continue to allow Vegeta even more rapid growth.

"I just need to continue facing stronger gods," Vegeta mumbled as his Aura surged wildly.

Vegeta then laughed hard. He laughed to drown out the fear the God of Destruction's energy instilled in him.

With one final glare, Vegeta looked to Beerus and took his fighting stance as he said, "Come, show this King what it means to be a God of Destruction!"

Powering up as high as he could go, Vegeta Aura skyrocketed as he pulled all of his power out to the surface.

It was probably less than just a single nano-second since Vegeta shouted to raise his power when Beerus suddenly appeared in front of him.

Raising up his hand before Vegeta could react, Beerus flicked him in the forehead, causing Vegeta's body to slack like a puppet that had its strings cut.

Vegeta turned into a blur as his body shot into the ground, sending up dust and debris into the sky.

The worst didn't come from the physical attack itself, but the destruction energy flooding Vegeta's body.

That innocent little flick was breaking Vegeta down on a microscopic level from the inside out.

The Saiyan King screamed out in pain as he felt his blood boiling away. Bones shattered into dust, his muscles fragmented into particles, and his skin eroded into ash.

Vegeta's body, still somehow able to resist the energy because he had achieved the True Super Saiyan God form, fought back against the power of destruction with all of his might.

However, the Saiyan God felt like he was turning into a puddle of mush. His skin continuously flaked and floated away like ash in the wind. He quickly willed the spell Full Heal, but it wasn't working.

Vegeta's mind turned into a white haze. Beginning to panic, the Saiyan King started to continuously cast his Full-Cure spell in rapid succession.

Somewhere along the few minutes of pain-riddled screams of agony, Vegeta's mind started to come back from the haze, only to be hit by a wave of ungodly pain.

He started screaming again as he noticed that his bones had started to pull themselves back together.

"Full Cure, Full Cure, Full Cure!" Vegeta shouted over and over again.

When he regained some of his body's control he waved his hand and summoned a pile of Senzu beans.

Inhaling the pile and crunching on them like popcorn, Vegeta swallowed around 50 of them as he continued to cast his Full Heal Spell non-stop.

After a grueling hour of screaming in pain, Vegeta finally managed to fend off the God of Destruction Energy before feeling extremely weak and lethargic.

Immediately reverting back into his base form, Vegeta fell face-first into the dirt, unconscious from both Mana Exhaustion and stamina exhaustion.

As he collapsed into a pool of his own sweat and blood, Goku flew over to check his condition.

Several hours later, Vegeta woke up to hear the sounds of hundreds of explosions going off nearby.

He looked around but then stopped as he sensed his body's new power level. At Base Form, Vegeta's power level had soared to an astonishing 10 Trillion.

As a plain Super Saiyan 4 that would give him a power level of 80 Quadrillion, even just using Kokoro-Ken Time 50 would be enough to slaughter all of the Androids now.

He didn't know just how much stronger True Super Saiyan God was, but he knew it was thousands of times stronger than Super Saiyan 4.

"Hmm...maybe I should refer to the Super Saiyan God Red form as simply Saiyan God. It just converts all the Ki within the body to God Ki," Vegeta noticed as he easily accessed the from.

"I see...honestly, I feel millions of times stronger. If I had to put it this way, It turned my 10 Trillion points of Mortal Level Ki into 10 Trillion points in God Ki. It's a qualitative change to one's Ki."

He powered down and took out his scanner before pointing it at Goku who was sparing with Beerus in the distance.

Goku's stats came up like this.

[Name: Son Goku; True Name: Kakorot]

[Base Battle Power: 8.3 Trillion]

[Current Battle Power: Mid Tier Mortal God Raking.]

"Mid Tier Mortal God Ranking? What no more numbers?" Vegeta smiled as he looked at Beerus. However, nothing came up at all, he sighed and thought of what the dragon would say, "It is beyond my power! Maybe I should ask Super Shenron to upgrade these."

He then saw Goku pull out a fist full of Sensu Beans as he jumped back into the fight even stronger than before. His power was now ever so closer to Vegeta's when it finally caught up, Vegeta appeared next to them and shouted, "My turn Kakorot!"

Goku stopped a second away from hitting Vegeta and said, "Vegeta, your okay now!"

Vegeta nodded his head and turned to Beerus, "So you've been playing nice with him, what gives?"

"Goku is a great deal more respectful than you, King Vegeta." Beerus shot back with a playful look.

"I guess Goku has filled you in on my actions He probably bribed you with good food, didn't he?" Vegeta crossed his arms.

Beerus smiled and said, "Well, he did share some tasty food with me, so I couldn't just go back on my word."