
Battle of the Gods End

Vegeta watched as Whis seated Beerus down next to the dining table and began to eat as if nothing had happened.

Kibo was being cared for by his family while they stared at Whis in abject horror.

"Who is this guy?" Naruto said while looking particularly freaked out.

"To think he can easily defeat Father! What level of power must he be at?" Genji said with a hint of awe.

Kibo started to wake up first.

When he opened his eyes and saw that Karin was letting him sleep on her lap, Kibo let out a smile and sighed, "I guess that Whis is far stronger than I first thought."

Kibo then sat up and bowed his head to Whis before he said, "Thank you for going easy on me, I'm sorry to have troubled you, please accept this as an apology,"

Whis let out a soft smile and nodded his head before Kibo pulled out a giant Pig-Type, God-Beast called the Cloudy Sky Pig.

Kibo then cut off its leg and roasted it over a golden fire.

Those who knew Kibo used his Pill Fire to cook the meat licked their lips in anticipation.

The Primordial Nine Yang Pill Fire was an alchemical flame. At heart, its purpose lay in making Godly Pills, but Kibo was using it to cook.

The type of Pill Fire he was using was an extremely nurturing flame. It could purify the most pill toxins and bring out the greatest properties of the Herb being used. It was the same for cooking too. The meat that is being cooked was filled with Godly Essence and the Nine Yang Pill Fire was sealing the energy inside it instead of burning it out.

A delectable scent spread out from the surface of the roasting meat, causing the unconscious Goku and Beerus to start sniffing the wonderous fragrance.

Drool started form the lips of the Dragon Ball Universe's main cast.

Whis clapped his hands together and waved his upper body side to side as he spoke with a cheerful tone, "What a well-behaved young man. You know how to treat your elders."

The angel reached out his hand to accept the meal, when all of a sudden, a still unconscious Goku and Beerus latched onto the piece of meat and tore into it.

"Hey, that's mine!" Whis said as he waved his the hand attached to the bone on the slab of meat.

The two gluttonous fellows hung on to the piece of meat with their teeth while being flung around wildly like a fish on a hook.

Kibo laughed and started to cook up the rest of the Cloudly Sky Pig. He also pulled out some God Tier Herbs and used them as spices.

The fragrance spread over the area, making the stomach of even those who have already eaten growl like starving lions.

Kibo handed the meals out to the group and said, "Well this is a party, right? Everyone, enjoy!"

Vegeta grinned and shook his head as he thought about a warrior like Kibo cooking, "Pathetic. Maybe he'd be stronger if he didn't have so many occupations. Cook, Pill Maker, Crafter...though...I suppose an Immortal God gets board of doing the same old thing," Vegeta mumbled under his breath.

However, even he, the Great Saiyan King couldn't stop his stomach from growling.

After Vegeta took a bite, the expression of sheer enjoy overtook his scowl and forced him to shout, "This is so much better than plain old regular meat!"

As they ate, a large quantity of pure God Essence filled their bones with incredible vitality. They group of people and gods devoured the food joyously while Kibo sat down next to Whis.

Vegeta's looked at the crowd. Bulma, Videl, and Chi-Chi were chatting away with the women, when suddenly Chi-Chi shouted out in joy, "You're having a babe!"

Videl's face was bright red as her secret had been spilled by Shion, "Yes, it will be a little girl with quite the destiny."

Vegeta looked over at them and smiled, "I guess Pan will be the first Half-Saiyan since I canceled that wish I made all those years ago."

Gohan was jumping up and down in joy as he said, "This is great! I'm gonna be a father."

Raunch grinned, "What does that make me...a second Aunt?"

"Congrats!" Trunks shouted.

Raunch, Goten, and Trunks who were teenagers at this point int time, looked at each other and said, "We're going to be Uncles/Aunts! We're too young."

Bulla laughed at them and said, "You're all grandpas and grannies if you account for your time in the Timeless Training Grounds."

"That doesn't count, we don't age in there," Trunks rolled his eyes.

Goku and Beerus only woke up after they finished eating the Cloudy Sky Pig leg down to the bone.

Licking his lips happily, Goku popped up and saw that Kibo was talking to Whis. However, most of his attention was on the food. He couldn't believe his nose, it all just smell so good.

After he started to eat, he walked over to Kibo with a mouth and plate full of Kibo's delicacies before mumbling, "Muffle...So...grumble, it was a good...munch, fight! Let's...chew...fight again!"

Kibo laughed as Vegeta scolded him, "Kakarot, what are you doing, chew first speak second."

Goku quickly chewed up the food in his mouth and swallowed before shouting, "This is great! Did you cook it!?"

Kibo nodded his head, "Yep."

"Can you teach Chi-Chi how you made it?" Goku begged.

Chi-Chi appeared behind Goku and coughed in an ominous manner after she questioned, "Do you have a problem with my cooking? Honey?"

Goku's shoulders jumped as he looked over his shoulder and said, "I think you're cooking is the best tasting, but this is just..."

Chi-Chi sighed, "I understand...even I have to admit defeat. This is truly too good to be true."

"If you want to learn how to cook like me, you need a Heavenly Flame that nurtures and good materials, a.k.a, god-tier produce. The food you are eating came from a God-Beast known as the Cloudy Sky Pig. It's a creature that has cultivated to Godhood and doesn't exist in this world," Kibo explained as he leaned back and relaxed.

Closing his eyes under the shade, Kibo continued, "However, if you make a wish for a fridge of Infinite God-Beast and God Herbs, as well as a Heavenly Flame that's perfectly suited for Cooking and the method to cultivate the fire that doesn't conflict with the laws of your universe, then I suppose it's possible for me to teach you."

Goku had never really used the dragon balls for his own purposes because other than a good fight. He desired very little that he couldn't accomplish on his own. But, when Goku thought about Kibo's advice, the first selfish wish he wanted suddenly popped into his head.

"A wish for an Infinite Food! Why didn't I think of this before?" Goku said as he slapped his forehead.

"Genius!" Whis smiled as he thought of all the new goodies he'd get to devour.

"Infinite food! Yummy!" Goten licked his lips.

"There has never been a more important wish," Trunks grinned.

"If it's this stuff, I have to agree," Bulla said as she devoted another plate.

"I want more!" Raunch said as she wiped off the grease on her lips with a napkin.

Beerus, who was stuffing his mouth suddenly stopped and said, "Goku, go do that, I want to eat this every time I visit! If your wife cooks like him, I'll have a hard time leaving!"

Chi-Chi gave Beerus a cold scolding look as she said, "I'm not your wife! The only man I cook for is my kids and Goku! If you want to eat my food, you'll eat on my schedule and not yours!"

Beerus's ears folded back, "Listen, woman!"

Chi-Chi growled back at him with fire in her eyes.

"What?! Do you think that because you are a God that you can just bully me! If you even try anything, I'll sic my Goku on you!" Chi-Chi bravely declared while she waved a frying pan around from behind Goku's shoulder.

Goku laughed as he said, "Sorry, Beerus, but you heard my wife. Try anything funny and I'll put you down."

"You'll do what now?" Beerus questioned with his finger tapping his crossed arms.

"Hey! Don't mess with us! Who will cook or prepare meals for you then?" Bulma chuckled.

Kibo chuckled as he saw the fearless Chi-Chi berating the God of Destruction.

"Okay that's enough of that," Whis shook his head. He didn't want to lose such delicacies to Beerus' temper.

Beerus growled and thought, "What the hell is wrong with these Earthling-born Saiyan Women?!"

Kibo turned to Vegeta and said, "So, what do you guys do for fun around here?"

Vegeta grinned and said, "We could finish that fight we started all those years ago."

Kibo smiled before pointing to Whis while saying, "Sure, not an issue for me. But I think we should find a better place to fight."

Whis waved his hand and said, "Well you can't use the Timeless Training Grounds anymore. If you attempted to go all out now, your powers would destroy the foundation of the wish that created it."

Vegeta scratched his head and said, "I guess it's about time that I upgrade that place anyways."

Kibo blinked with a confused expression before he asked, "You haven't found the Super Dragon Balls yet?"

Everyone looked to Kibo and said, "Super Dragon Balls?!"

"Wait, there are more Dragon Balls out there? What makes them super?" Bulma asked.

Kibo laughed, "Yes, it's also the reason I came here."

"Hey! I asked a question!" Bulma fumed.

Vegeta looked at Kibo with a funny expression before asking, "You want to use the Super Dragon Balls? What for?"

"Hey! Quit Ignoring me! What do you mean by Super Dragon Balls?" Bulma and the rest were shouting.

Kibo laughed and then created an image of the super dragon balls that floated over everyone's heads.

"These are the super dragon balls. They were made by the Namekian Dragon God Zalama a very long time ago. However, this set of dragon balls are the sizes of small planets, and unlike the Dragon Balls you know of, these don't have a limit to the wish it can grant."

Everyone was more than shocked.

With wide eyes, Bulma turned to Vegeta and asked, "You knew about this?"

Vegeta nodded his head while saying, "Yes, but it wasn't important at the time."

Vegeta then turned back to Kibo and said, "What do you want with the Super Dragon Balls?"

Kibo smiled and said, "Well, I have my own, but it appears that Zalama put restrictions on my Dragon Balls. So, they can only make wishes that match my own power."

Everyone was shocked to hear Kibo had his own Super Dragon Balls.

Piccolo was even more surprised when Kibo was speaking of the Dragon God as if he knew him, "You speak as if you've seen him."

"I haven't seen him, but I've felt his presence," Kibo replied, thinking back to when he obtained the Super Dragon Balls.

"So you want to remove the limit on your dragon balls?" Vegeta questioned.

Kibo shook his head and answered simply, "No."

He then summoned out his Karmic Ties; the very strings of fate that are attached to everything and everyone.

Grabbing onto a polluted string of Karma, black smoke began wrapping around Kibo's hand when flowing up from the tainted string of fate.

As he channeled some of his godly power, Kibo revealed the cursed tracking marker on his Karma, allowing everyone to see it with their own eyes.

"A very powerful God has...tagged me with this horrid thing. It's a curse mark of sorts. I want to wish this away. As long as I'm in this universe, I should be able to use the Super Dragon Balls to wash away the marker," Kibo mentioned while shaking his head downward.

"A god more powerful than you exist in your universe?" Vegeta said with wide eyes."

"Yep, in fact, I'm only a Minor God. You see, there are nine levels of godhood in my universe," Kibo then went on to explain that in his world was a Heavenly Plane full of all the pantheons from various religions.

There were countless gods that roamed that plane.

Whis was particularly interested in hearing of the other pantheons.

After listening to his story, the blue-skined angel spoke with an inquisitive expresson, "To think such powerful beings exist. You say you're a Minor God? It's far below the same level as an Anointed God, but it's equal to a God Candidate."

Whis looked over Kibo with intrested stare and said, "Vitality Levels, good. Physique level, also a pass. No complaints about the energy he uses either. Yep, you're a God Candidate level for sure."

"God Candidate?" Kibo raised a brow.

Whis nodded his head and explained, "Yes just like you, there are levels for mortals, first is the most basic, Mortal Level. Second, is Earth Level which can decide the fates of entire solar systems; Frieza is a good example of an Earth Level Talent. Heaven Level can decide the entire fate of a galaxy, I believe young Bulla is at that level now."

(Base Form Bulla is around the level Super Saiyan 3 Goku during the Buu arc. And Frieza never trained so he's still just as weak as he was on Namek Saga.)

Whis pointed to Goku and Vegeta, "As for further levels, the cycle repeats. Mortal God, Earth God, and Heaven God. Ascenders like Vegeta and Goku are considered to be below God Candidates by just a few levels. However, with their Super Saiyan God Ability, that's an entirely different story. It allows them to act as a Pseudo-God Candidate Level of strength. Though if they ever get their base forms up to Heavenly God, they may be able to overcome the barrier between the level of God Candidate."

Whis then pointed to Beerus, "When we first met, Beerus was at the peak of God Candidate level. After becoming an Anointed God, however..."

Whis stared at Beerus with a disappointed expression and shook his head, sighing as he said, "Just thinking of Beerus in his youth was quite something."

Whis's glare was beginning to burn a hole through Beerus's head, "Good lord, how did someone so studious become so lazy?"

"What? I achieved Immortality! That was my goal! The job that comes with it is just bothersome. Once I master Ultra Instinct, I'll retire after becoming a True God!" Beerus shouted making Kibo more confused.

Whis chuckled before informing the group, "Once one becomes an Anointed God, they can get a free pass to avoid Godly Tribulations. However, they have to master Ultra Instinct to retire. I guess the Immortality granted by the Will of the Universe has spoiled Beerus. He's gotten so much weaker in recent years."

Whis then turned to back to the two strongest Saiyans, "That's why I'm glad you met Goku and Vegeta. Having them around forced you into some intense workouts."

"Who cares how slow I achieve my goal. Besides, I just haven't had anyone good to challenge me. Who can get worked up over fighting a weakling?" Beerus shouted out in complaint.

Kibo laughed before he asked, "So, is a True God stronger than Anointed God?"

"Not necessarily, to become an Anointed God is to become part of this Universe and its laws. Even if Beerus becomes a True God and gives up his position, he will lose a great deal of power in the process."

Whis tilted his head to the side, pondering before he continued explaining, "Though if he continues his training, I suppose he could eventually surpass the power of a True God."

Kibo nodded his head and then mentioned how the power rankings add up in his world, "The strongest person I know of is my mother. She is something called a Profound God; a level which is above all father/mother ranking. I wonder how you stack up against the Profound God Ranking."

As Kibo mentioned that Nuwa was his mother, Whis showed a strange expression.

The Angel scratched his head as he tried to think, "Nuwa, now where have I heard that name before?"

Shaking his head, Whis thought, "Odd. How can I find her name familiar,"

Whis then closed his eyes and thought, "It is as if I'm not permitted to know her history."

Kibo continued to talk about his world when Vegeta suddenly sent a mental message to Kibo, "Well, it should be close to the time when Champa pays us a visit. Your chance to make your wish will come soon enough."

Vegeta then walked over to Kibo and spoke out loud, "You're more than welcome to stay until your chance arrives."

Kibo smiled and nodded his head before responding, "Thanks, I'll take you up on your offer, but where can I stay?"

"You can come live with us. We have more than enough room. If you want, we can even let you all use our spare houses," Vegeta said bragging about how rich his family was.

Goku then said, "I see what you doing, Vegeta! If he lives with you, you can fight him anytime! Kibo come stay at my place, my Dojo has hundreds of rooms."

Kibo held his hand out before he shook his head and said, "I'm fine on my own actually. I can make a place to live at anywhere. There must be some nice unowned islands around here somewhere."

Kibo then flew up and sent his senses running across the surface of the planet.

Smiling, Kibo found a small piece of land on an island in the shape of an eye. At the center of the island was a large hill that had a flat top with around 100 feet in all directions.

Kibo raised a hand and cut open the space in front of him with the tip of his finger. On the other side of the opening, a large hill popped into view as Kibo said, "I'll be living here for now."

After waving his hand, a decent-sized house appeared at the center as Kibo used arrays to set up the house's sewage, electricity, and water systems.

Seeing him work his magic, everyone, including Whis, was intrigued.

Vegeta, however, showed a confused expression. He was sharp enough to notice Kibo was using his Jutsu without hand signs.

"Why did you use hand signs in battle when you can use your powers without them?" Vegeta asked.

Kibo smiled as he walked through the portal, "Two reasons. First, because it increases my focus and even improves the power of the technique. Secondly, because it just looks so damn cool."