
Reborn as Tobirama Senju grandson

Hey this is my first fanficition so beat with me if there’s some bad grammar I need to work . This is mostly to help me with some of my writing skills Anyway this book is about a guy name Justin reborn in the world of Naruto with 3 wishes and the grandson of tobirama senju. This is the story of Justin and his journey of tradegy , sorrow , pain , greed , and happiness. ————————— I don’t own Naruto only my OC I’ve made

Sneaky_lion · Anime & Comics
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My name and s just and this the story of how I was recarnated into the Naruto world

There was a teenager walking in the city to his job which was a cafe.During this walk he saw a kid playing with a soccer ball while not paying attention to his surroundings, and while playing with that ball the kid walk into the middle of the street.

As soon as Justin saw this he jumped into the middle of the street and push the kid out the way. By doing this he ended up saving the kid but a was smash but the truck unfortunately died.

*Justin * POV

Is this really how I have died the there so much more the that wanted to do. I guess this what my parents meant when they said I would have regrets when I died

*Back Story*

During Justin's life he didn't really have that family anymore. His family never really treated him well and kind of neglected him because of his older brother was more talented and had multiple business.

So because of this just has always felt like an outsider, so he started to slowly lose his love for them or so he thought. He truly relised how much he loved them after they died along with his brother. They died buy a set up by his brothers greedy friends.

Since his family died and his brother friends took all the money and gave him nothing he ended up having to drop out of school and get a job to feed himself. How ever one of the only things that kept him going was watching Naruto and other anime because he aspired to be as strong as them one day so he can get revenge for his family.


After 24 hours I wake up in an all white room with a mane with a long white beard with a god like presence. Then he says " ,Human you were not supposed to die it was my mistake so I'm offering you to be reborn in any fictional world with 3 wishes."

After hearing this I have multiple questions but decide not calm down and think about it because I know the world and wishes I choose will affect the rest of my new life.

After thinking for 20 minutes I'm ready to state my wish and where I want to go. I decided I want to go to the NARUTO WORLD because I know the most information about the world and I can live and survive there. Now my wishes are -

1. To have a sword that I can build I bond with that is unbreakable and grows stronger with me.

2. Have a strong kekkai genkai that is mixed with water and lighting the is very powerful with unlimited potential

3. Have unlimited potential to the point where I can can keep getting stronger and have no limits me

Also I would like to have the appearance of tobirama senju the second hokage


Those are some very good wishes that will help you survive for a long time in that world Now Good luck !!!! I say then send the human off

To be continued….