Guy reborn as Ares
Deimos POV—
When dawn touched Deimos's window sill with yellow light, he sensed it through closed eyelids, opened them, hearing then the renewed bustle and hurry in his home, seeing the familiar patterned beams of his bedroom ceiling.
The hall door opened and his mother peered in, her face emotionless and brown eyes staring solemnly.
"You're awake," she said. "Did you sleep well?"
He studied the tallness of her, saw the hint of tension in her shoulders as he summoned clothe for himself. Another might have missed the tension, but she had trained him in the Warriors Way - in the minutiae of observation.
Neith spoke without turning. "Ares is waiting in our room. Please hurry."
Ares sat in a tapestried chair watching his wife and son approach. Windows on each side of him overlooked the curving southern bend of the river and the green farmlands of the island, Themyscira, but he ignored the view.
"Zeus has called a council. Im sure you have sensed the alien invaders approaching."
Neith's hand went to Deimos's shoulder, tightened there. For a heartbeat, fear pulsed through her palm. Then she had herself under control. "He will be ready. You have taught him well, just like his brothers."
"Teaching is one thing," he said, "the basic ingredient is another. We shall see." His eyes darted a hard glance at Deimos.
"Once the mortals deal with the pest's, you will lead you brothers against their divine forces." He arose from his chair and walked up to him. "I believe in you, the question is…do you believe in yourself?"
He entered deep thought at the question. His power had always been powerful in its own right. Deimos, God of Terror, along with his brother, Phobos, God of Fear and Panic had been a powerful duo. And yet they could never defeat their father.
All along the island, if you pointed at an amazon at random, chances are they were either defeated by Him or his twin. That doesn't mean the amazons were push overs, in their earlier years they could stand no chance against the aged and veteran women, but that had changed as they grew into godhood.
Faster, stronger, more durable, more stamina, more endurance and also magic that instilled debilitating effects, they had proven immensely hard to defeat.
Unless you were talking about their brothers, mother and father. While they could defeat their brothers if they teamed up on one, their mother and father were different animals.
Even with Kratos, God of Fury and Rage could not capitalize a win….at all.
"I do." Deimos said to his father.
"Good." Was all he said before teleporting them to Olympus.
A place I had not been to in some while. Not since I turned 100 and meet all of my brothers for the first time. Thanos, the eldest, along with the other two, had spread their names across the galaxy.
Thanos had conquered a galaxy, Baithos was a renowned hero of the Universe and Maetos was known as the greatest warrior in the universe.
While me, Phobos and Kratos simply hang around on Earth, roaming the Earth.
"Don't worry, you'll do fine." Phobos, my twin brother and best friend.
I rebuffed him. "Im not." And by the look on his face he didn't believe me.
"Come, father and our brothers are already in the throne room."
Once we teleported to the room, we found ourselves in the middle of thousands of gods and goddesses. Heracles had bumped into, what I suspected was on purpose while many of Dionysius children pranced around drunk.
"Over there." Phobos pointed to our direction. Father in his divine form. He looked like carnage given physical form. "And they call me the god of fear."
"There they are." Mother had detected us in the sea of gods and pointed the rest to our location.
"Finally." Kratos was the first to speak.
Thanos looked us up and down. "You have grown."
"Have they?" Baithos questioned.
"No, they're still tiny, like babies!" Maetos opes his big, stupid fanged mouth.
"Bigger than your-"
"Stop." Mother stopped me before I could retort. "Its starting."
Huge soundwaves biunced around the room as a certain god appeared out of a bolt of lightning. "HELLLLOOO FELLOW OLYMPIANS!!!!!!!"
My GOT/Samurai fic is going good so is my JJK/HxH. They each have 7 chapters so far. They'll be posted when I have alot of chapters to post. When I write out 15 chapters ill post 10 so I don't fall behind.
MC for GOT/Samurai fic-
MC for JJK/HxH fic-