
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game: I will become the Strongest

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantasy
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136 Chs

That Time of Confrontation

Chapter 88 - That Time of Confrontation


[Astra Redwillow POV]

It's been 3 days since the Tournament has ended. Thinking about it, it was a very memorable time filled with myriads of emotions and scenes which won't be forgotten easily. But what stuck in my mind—was the time something strangely happened to Sai.

It was of that time Sai passed-out and lose his match against Davis. Just as how mostly everyone was focused into the others, I was one of the people who was focused on Sai who had lay senseless on the ground. But it was at that moment...

"Eh? Did he..."

I saw a glimpse of a small movement under his unconscious state. I was beginning to doubt myself whether of what I saw was just me imagining things, but my doubt was immediately shattered when Sai—who was visibly unconscious slowly rose himself into the ground.

Some of the audiences also started to see the strange behavior of him. Even Davis who was about to leave also had noticed it—or rather, sensed it. Bewildered, Davis looked at him in wary.

"You..." Davis brows narrowed as seemed like he was wary of something. "This feeling... still can't accept your defeat? I'm sorry but that's—?!"

Without giving any ounce of reminder, Sai surprised Davis with a diagonal slash that was faster than what a naked eye could see. It also seemed like Davis didn't manage to react fast but fortunately, he was able to defend at the last second with his sword.

"You...?! Are you crazy?!"

Davis uttered his anger at Sai, but seemed like it didn't hear him whatsoever. Davis counterattack by forcingly slipping Sai's weapon down and striking a counter. But to Davis's surprise, Sai dodged the slash with the least of movement he can possibly make. After Sai's dodge and he hastily went for a kick through the liver which made Davis gritted in agony.

It was the time that the guards came to stop Sai who is currently on the rampage. One guard went and tackled Sai on the back while the other one went on a direct knee kick into his face. Everything was so fast that I don't know what's happening anymore. In any case, as expected of the Kingdom's guardians, they sure act hasty.

But such awe had disappeared like a bubble when I saw the next few seconds. The two guards had their eyes widened not at the sight of Davis who was already on the floor—visibly knocked out, but the fact that their attack didn't land an inch into Sai who bended his knee to counter the tackle and his palm who blocked the knee of the guy. And before they know it, Sai knocked the two off them cold by spinning himself and punching the two at the same time.

After he went back into his feet and Sai quickly catches something. By carefully looking at it, it was a shuriken thrown by Jett who had his face split in surprise and disbelief.

"You're kidding...?!" Jett bewilderedly shouted. "How did you even catch that you monster."

Every strong people that was currently present at the Tournament came at the centerstage to stop the rampage. People coming close at Sai while also being shot with myriad of projectiles and magic—everyone who dares close themselves into him gets instantly knocked out while dodging everything like it was an automatic response. He was unstoppable.

But it was of a great luck that the chaos had ceased finally. To everyone's relief, Sai after a while had finally collapse on the ground. It should have ended peacefully right there but unfortunately...

"That bastard. Losing then rampaging all he wants, kill him! he's too dangerous to be kept alive!"

One of the nobles of the VIPs who had a face of an ugly bastard had come and uttered his demand to execute Sai. Fear began overwhelming me when the other had also agreed in unison to that guy's appeal.

Just as I thought, nobility is the worst.

I immediately leaped from the audience seat near Sai to confront the others. It was very fortunate that I was not alone luckily—as Luna, Lily, Seia, Akari, Rina-san, Sora, and Aoyuki had also came encircling Sai with their weapons out and is also going for a confrontation. As for Aedan, he still can't carry his weight so he's running towards us as fast as he can.

"Move aside if you don't want to get the same fate as him." The middle-aged nobleman said so.

"Not happening," Luna retorted. "My life was solely dedicated only for Master. The time my Master met his demise will also end mine."

Luna directly answered as if the social hierarchy didn't exist. Damn it, Luna! I really admire your devotion, but you just made it worst!

"What loyalty you have. Sadly, for you I—"

"Please wait a moment!"

A nerve-racking confrontation was abruptly halted when someone had finally stepped in. A black short-haired matured woman had come in great timing in order to stop the ordeal between the oppositions. Looking at it, isn't that...?!

"President Bellatrix, huh..." The middle-aged nobleman sneered. "You're just a student president of the Academy and a commoner at that; do you think you can do anything?"

"Yes. that guy might have caused something that went against the regulations but he's still a student of our Academy." After her remark then came a bow from Bellatrix. "As for the latter, I would like to express my sincerest apology from you all."

"Hmpf! Do you think a sorry will just do?"

"No. But in exchange, as the student president of the Imperial Academy, I would instead like to take responsibility for everything and be the one to give this guy the punishment he deserves."

Bellatrix still had her head lowered. The Middle-aged Nobleman and the others had paused as if pondering to make their choice. As for us, we still had our weapons out while looking at the Nobleman in wary.

"Hmph! You—a president of the strongest Academy bowing your head just for that guy... You better give him the punishment he deserves then. Let's go boys!"

And with that, The Middle-aged Nobleman along with the others had left the place and thus the ordeal had come to an end. I breathe a sigh of relief as the tension inside me began to dissipate. Please let it end like this...

"Get all the injured person as quick as possible. It'll be a very busy day but please do your best." Bellatrix began commanding her helpers then shifted her attention to us afterwards. "And you guys, I ask of you to come with me. It'll be a bit of a long talk but please bear with me."

And thus, really came the end of the ordeal. I was glad it ended with both in agreement. I guess President Bellatrix is someone to be thankful for that reason.

"Astra?" I was abruptly came back from reality when Sai had called me. "Is something wrong? You seem to be in deep thoughts..."

Oh, right. We're about to leave the place, right?

"I'm good," I replied while straining a smile. "Just remembering about the Tournament."

"Hm... Is that so? ...Now that you mentioned it, what happened to Sora? I'm sure he won, right?"

"Ah..." Luna looked at Sai dejectedly. "Master, about that..."

Luna began telling Sai what happened at the remaining fights of the tournament after he passed out. Unfortunately, Sora didn't make it to the finals and lose to Jett in their fight. What's worse, is that after that fight, we never saw Sora again...

"Oh boy... he must have felt devastated..." Sai worriedly said. "I'm also at the same boat as him... to be honest, I still feel bitter to my lose—and worse, is what came after..."

"Sai..." Everyone looked at him dejectedly. I guess we can all relate to him... I mean, all of use lose to the tournament.

"Well, never mind that. I promise I will go back stronger." Sai confidently shrug the topic as he takes a stretch, then added. "So, who won the tournament?"

"It was Jett. It was a close call match but just as expected, Jett always had something on his sleeves."

"As expected of the current strongest in the Academy, huh." Sai complimented. "But I'll be the one to take that title—not only in the Academy but the whole world."

"Haha, that sound so stupid." I frankly said with a laugh.

"You'll be impressed after you actually see it in the future."

"Alright, if you say so..."

This guy read too much fantasy book... is what I currently think about his remark. Little did I know that the guy who had stated that promise will be the one to climb the ladder and be the one who sit on the top of the world—as the strongest.

But that's a story for the future.


Ah... were nearing the exit gate. Just a little longer and we'll each take to our own destination. I still have some extra money in here so maybe I'll sleep at an Inn—

"Astra, are you okay?" Once again, I was forced to return to reality when Sai called me. "Be honest with me, are you in some kind of predicament right now?"

"H-huh?! What are you suddenly saying—"

"Just tell me."

Everyone began shifting their attention to us as we walk. No, more than that, how did this guy know? Is my face just that easy to read?

"Sai? Is something wrong?" Lily confusedly asked.

"...Since when?" I anxiously asked. "Was my expression just easy to read?"

"Since the time I saw you earlier."

Really?! Does that mean that I've been having a such expression since at the infirmary?

"You don't need to force yourself to tell us if you don't want to." Sai compassionately replied. "But just to inform, in any case you need someone to seek help with, we'll always be there with you."

This guy... No wonder the girls were flocking at him like a bird. He was very compassionate and understanding. I've been living from the other side of the world so aside from Sora, a guy like him was unusual.

"That's right. We're all friends here so helping each other is a given." Luna assured.

Haha, what good friends I have... Really, they're hundred times better than my family...

"You guys... It can't be helped." I gave a timid smile before I continued. "About that, I..."

My family—the Redwillow had a very strict tradition throughout their lineage—and that is, to be born as a Redwillow is to be born talented. But for some misfortune, I—who was the youngest of the 3 sisters didn't bestow as being one. Ever since then, I was considered a freak—an anomaly to the family. It was the sole reason of that, my sisters, along with my parents didn't considers me as their own. Being bullied by my two sisters while casually being ignored by my parents. It was at that time that I promised to myself to become stronger than them so that they can recognize me as their family.

Now, it was the afternoon after the last tournament had ended. I had already expected what my sisters, along with my parents will say to after I arrived but nonetheless, I can just endure it just fine.

But what I will experience about now was worse than I anticipated.


Shocked, I dumbfoundedly stood at the front of my isolated house that's separated from the family, was being burned joyfully by my sisters.

"W-what are you..."

"Ah, there she is." My red-haired wicked older sister informed my other sister. "You sure had the nerve to come here after you lose, huh."

"Look at her face!" My other sister with a mischievous demeanor beamed as she insults. "What's wrong? Going to cry?"

"You...?! How dare you?!"

Just as I was to leap at the two in anger, my father who had arrived at that time came to stop me.

"Hm... Astra, was it? You dare show your face here after you lose the tournament wearing the name of our family?!" My black-haired father with a stern look reprimanded me. "You have no right to be here.

"F-father! I—"

"Astra, as of today, I hereby banish you to the family." My father declared. "Now get the fuck out of here before I be the one to end you!"


Utterly heartbroken, I slowly walk away with a blank look on my face. It was very devastating that felt like I was hit by a raging bull. I had thought that it'll continue this way but by the time I left outside the territory of my former home, I...

"Sob... Sob... Ugh..."

I wept immediately as I tried to organize my thoughts who was now in complete disarray. The fact that they even forget my name before they banish me told me that they never cared for me ever since. Just what was all I had done even worth for...?

"That's how it is." I cheerfully told with a small laugh. "I'm currently staying at an Inn. Everything is going smoothly for now, but I doubt it'll last for a long time. That's why I'm planning on dropping off the Academy and start working as an Adventurer."

I was only planning on telling them what happened but here am I telling everything from them. I'm not begging for pity or anything actually, I just wanted to release all the things that's accumulating inside my heart. Really, I should stop this...

Look, they're starting to look dejected because of me. Ugh, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I think I'm going to go crazy... J-just what did I deserve to get this... I—

I just wanted to feel the genuine warmth of a family...

"Hey Astra," As I anguish inside my thoughts, Lily suddenly called me. "Do you want to stay in our house?"

"Eh?" I was briefly nonplussed in response to Lily's sudden offer. "Haha, you don't need to worry about me, I think I—"

"Acting tough will get you nowhere, Astra." Lily interjected. "Your mind was probably hectic right now, but you don't need to worry about it. I was the one who offered after all, right Sai?"

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about."

Lily sarcastically remarked as she looks at Sai to tease him. This made Sai blush mildly in response. I see, so he is...

Still in doubt, I shot a look at Rina-san who seemed to immediately notice my look towards her.

"You're still probably in doubt but you don't need to worry about it. I have no reason to refuse my daughter since it won't really bother me much. Moreover, Sai has been a big help for us so..."

"Rina-san, I don't think there's any connect on mentioning me about your remark." Sai replied with a strained smile.

"Fufu~ Is that so?"

"So, what do you think, Astra?" Lily once again offered me with a cheerful broad smile. "Do you want to come to our home?"


"C-can I really come with you...?"

Their mouth began to curve into a smile. Mostly might have overlook it but what I saw into those smiles of them was truly genuine.

"That settles it then?' Lily declared with a broad smile. "Let's go Astra. We'll going on a feast to celebrate Sai's awakening and you being a member of our group."

"But I haven't said anything yet?" I replied but with a faint smile on my face.

"Haha, I don't care!" Lily vigorously runs around like a little kid.

I took a deep breath and began walking the same direction as them, wearing a smile. "Please take care of me, you guys..."

This now marks the end of this volume. Just to inform, this tournamet arc was seperated from the volume 4 of the story. The Volume 5 or presumably, the tournament arc should have began at the 69th(Nice) chapter of the story but I forgot to change it so here we are.

Shinmon_Homuracreators' thoughts