
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs


Chapter 101 - Rebuilding


"...W-What the hell is this?!"

At the moment of her waking-up, it was the first words that Astra uttered the moment she saw the place now unfamiliar to her. Besides her was Lemuen, who has her mouth agape, dumbfounded as she had her head raised upward the ruined building that now became a small tower. Man, I'm really loving their reactions. Maybe if only I have plenty of time, then I could have made this even better.

What about its looks, you say? Well, I made it with the mixture of stones and wood, hence creating a feeling of a small Medieval Watchtower. As for the inside, it was all just a simple furniture. A Wooden Table, Chair, Workbench, and a Storage Chest. I didn't bother pondering the insides. As long as it looks comfortable, I guess...

Anyways, during the time of their rest, I decided and committed myself into rebuilding the ruined building. The Superficial Cosmos is located on a very large crater, so I didn't get any problem collecting some Stone for materials. There are also many trees scattered around the area, so just a swoop of them nearby and I'm ready to go immediately. There are only few monsters who dared attack us in a span of their rest time so building the place wasn't really a hard time. At any rate, the place was beaming with exquisite vintage of a look. As a fan of the aesthetic of the old times, I find it beautiful.

"W-We were just sleeping for a few hours..." Lemuen mused. "Did you do this, Sai?"

"Yep." I replied. "Now we have a place to rest; no need for someone to watch while the others were resting. All is good."

"You sound so laidback as if it was only normal for you..." said Astra, who was looking at me in disbelief. "Ugh, I don't know anymore..."

I nodded. "That's how it is. Looking at both of your reaction, it looks like you're both have finally retained your energy. Shall we head back then?"

"What about you, Sai?" Lemuen asked worriedly. "You still haven't rested, right? Not to mention, the building you've built..."

"Nah, I'm good." I shook my head. "I have recovered some of my energy while I'm building so, I'm not really that tired. Moreover, I fight efficiently. Not really the type to waste vigor."

Uttering such sarcastic remark, I shot a look at Astra who was already looking at me, frowning. Oof, I wonder if she gets it...

"What?" Astra retorted, glaring in grimace. "Do you have some problem with my moves?"

"Nothing." I replied. So, she did get it... "So? Shall we head back to the Cosmos then?"

Looks like the girls was convince and didn't ask anymore at my condition. Everyone in compromise, we went to the Cosmos once again. I'm glad they didn't ask for an explanation on how I built that Tower. I doubt they would believe me after all. If you remember, I can see something of a HUD that I can use to bypass the laws of physics. I don't know how to further explain it but it's something like I can place something immediately to whenever I wanted it to. Just like playing a game...

* * *

Let's talk about the enemies from the Biome, Superficial Cosmos. This place was like an infection, with varieties of Alien-like creatures lurking around.

Let's start with an appearance of a floating eye called [Polaris]. Its skin is made of black substance that can't be distinguish in normal means. It has a common spawn rate and can be quite a hassle to kill since it floats and take some time until it attacks you with a slow ram.

The next is a mantis called [Mantis]. Yeah, that's what it is called. Anyway, this monster was the same size of a regular human and attacks you with its blade placed on its arms. Can also be quite a hassle to fight since it moves so fast.

The next is a big guy called [Juggernaut]. This big guy spans about 3m in height and can be dangerous due to its destructive strength that can possibly flatten you if you ever let your guard down. Though, it moves slow so it's not really that bothersome as long as you distance yourself.

Last but not the least is a maggot with feet called [Caprice]. I know what you're thinking: disgusting. Yeah, I also thought the same. This guy would leap towards a person in quite the larger strides, eating your flesh if they ever caught you defenseless. They were certainly dangerous, and scary...

There are also some varieties of enemies, but I won't describe them one by one. As long as you get the gist, right? Eh? You didn't read it? Okay...

"H-Hey...!! Aren't they more than before?!" Lemuen cried.

Stepping into the Cosmos once again, we were greeted with a swarm of Alien-like monsters. They were absurdly too many that we were being forced to fall back. Don't tell me, did they multiply and accumulated since were near the place where we rest?

"Isn't that better?" Astra replied. "We'll be able to finish faster if more of these bastards come to us. It's not like they can beat us with our current strength."

"Be vigilant, Astra." I warned, slicing the horde of monsters apart. "It might look like that were in ease but just a wrong move and we'll be devoured immediately."

Swinging my sword and eradicating the monsters, killing them with only 3-slash feels so satisfying. Not to mention the lightning bold that beautifully struck the horde of rear enemy was something worth seeing. I fully get the excitement Astra is feeling.

"Mou!" Lemuen pouted, shooting a continuous magic spell towards the enemies, demolishing them completely with explosions. "Sai, you're not really convincing us with what you're doing!"

"Oops, my bad." I apologized. Come on, I might not look like it but I'm being vigilant. Despite their varieties, I know every enemy we're fighting with. It's not like we'll end up in a really bad sit—

Bam! I was forcefully woken-up inside my thoughts when a loud impact exploded behind me. No, it was louder than Lemuen. Turning myself to the source of the sound, I saw the struggling Astra as she defends herself from the fist of a Giant with a golem-like feature as it tries to bury her under.

Shit! Astra is focused on defending herself from being buried so she's completely vulnerable.

"Astra!" I immediately used my Grappling Hook to Astra and pulled her into me. Few seconds late and Astra will get killed by the horde of monsters coming and be smashed from that giant's fist completely.

We took a few steps back to rearrange ourselves. Anyhow, I was in a surprise.

"Thanks." Astra replied. "But hey, Sai! You didn't mention any monsters like that."

"That's..." I looked at the Giant monsters slowly walking its way towards us, along with the horde of varieties of monsters. The Giant was like of a superimposed of stone that stood at least 5-meters in height. As for the reason of my surprise, that golem...is a new face unknown to me until now. Hm, I guess it's best to use ⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ here.

『Titan HP: 5000/5000』

Titan, huh. It has an absurdly amount of HP, but I doubt it's considered as a Mini-Boss. Nonetheless, it was strong.

"Let's talk about that later." Astra replied. "For now, let's start on how we'll deal with that Big Guy. I'll focus on reducing the number of the enemies."

"I'll be your support, Astra." Lemuen shoots the two [Mantis] that tries to attack Astra in her blind spot. "Leave your blind spot to me."

"That left me with that Giant, huh." I replied.

I leap into the horde of monsters, stepping on their heads as so I can quickly approach the Giant. Once I got into its range, the Giant swept a strike using its huge arms, it's not really that fast, but I doubt I'll be able to stand straight if ever I got hit by that.

I grappled into its moving arms and propelled myself midair—a double jump to be exact. Being huge might give you quite the upper hand especially in terms of destruction. But as a guy who prioritize mobility, you were just an easy target.

I let myself get pulled by my hook. Once I've gotten a great amount of momentum, I spin myself and roll around the body of the Giant while slicing it as I move. I move and slice so fast that multiple lightning bolt rained down on the enemies. But I still didn't stop. I kept on spinning, rolling myself from the Giant's body as I slice it brutally, coupled with the lightning strikes. Not long after, it finally falls from the ground with its body sliced apart. It didn't manage to do anything. It was utterly helpless.

"Amazing..." Astra said, visibly astonished. "Damn, I won't get left behind!"

"Me too!" Lemuen agreed.

Oh! Looks like they're motivated. But I hope it kept longer, though. Since there's more other Giants coming this way. Sheesh! I can't help but strain a smile just by looking at the battalions of monsters approaching...

Bang! Bang! Bang!


A thunderous hail of gunfire suddenly reverberates the place. I was startled but the same time, was relieved. That gun... They're here!

"Woah! Look at their numbers..." An Orange Fox Demi-Human wearing a jacket, holding a gun leaped into the horde of monsters, annihilating them with her rain of bullets. "Perfect timing, I can test how strong this weapon is against a horde of monsters."

Huh? Is that a bolts of water? Moreover, it homes into the enemies... Don't tell me?!

"Hey, Seia!" I shouted. "Didn't I told you to retreat if you ever encounter the Elder Crystal Turtle?!"

That's a Gun you can get after you defeated the Elder Crystal Turtle. This girl didn't listen to me!

"What's the harm? We manage to defeat it, thought." Seia replied. "Before that, how about you check your surroundings."

"—?!" What came through my peripheral was a trio of [Mantis] that's about to slash me. I quickly took my Serpent's Edge, and brace for the upcoming slash. It would be late to defend myself after all. I let my guard down.

But then, someone slashed the single [Mantis], cutting it apart. Moreover, something came from that sword—an electric shock that ricocheted to the other two, paralyzing them in the process. Not wasting the chance, I quickly unsheathe my sword and slice the two apart.

"I'm back, Master." Luna greeted, holding her new weapon—a Scimitar with a blue blade. I see, she finally gets it. "Uhm, as for Seia... I tried to stop her, but she keeps being stubborn..."

"Don't worry about it. For now, let's focus on what's in front of us." I replied. "Regardless, we'll be having some serious talk about it later."

"Ugu..." Luna gulped. "Yes..."

And thus, we continued to kill as many monsters as possible. Now that they're here, it's only about time before we finish. After this and we'll do another minor preparation then lastly, a set of to the Artic. Sigh, there's so much work left for me to do...