
Reborn as the Tycoon: A Second Uncle's Fortune

The protagonist is unexpectedly reborn in China in the 1980s, but instead of returning to his former self, he assumes the identity of his second uncle. Armed with knowledge from the future, the protagonist navigates the challenges of this era, using his insight to alter the fate of his family. He gradually transforms from a common man into a successful business magnate, reshaping his family's destiny and building a powerful business empire

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Urban
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324 Chs

Chapter 294: Dominating the 89 Forest Farm

Li Xian was serious about pickled cabbage. He wasn't joking.

Although it was a casual thought, his experience from his youth made him quite aware of the value of this greenish-yellow pickled vegetable. In the Northeast, pickled cabbage was like a universal ingredient—whether for hot pot, barbecue, or home-cooked meals. It was indispensable. Just like people in Guangdong have countless ways to eat their food, people in the Northeast have their unique appreciation for pickled cabbage. It can be grilled, dipped in sauces, boiled, or eaten raw; it's a winter staple. So, in Li Xian's childhood, he always felt that wherever he went in winter, there was the smell of pickled cabbage.

However, things were different now. While households still made pickled cabbage, back then, it was already being sold as a packaged product.

The main target now wasn't households.

Where was the target?


One major reason for the economic stagnation in the Northeast was the long winter heating period. Many industries faced a seasonal slump during winter, with sales far below other seasons. But this environment had also fostered a huge industry—catering.

More than twenty years later, despite the dire economic situation in the region, the catering industry was exceptionally developed. The local internet used to joke that the Northeast was a place where light industry was barbecue and heavy industry was fast food. It wasn't just a joke.

In the Northeast, if there was a business that had no off-season throughout the year, it was the catering industry. Clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment were all basic needs of life. During the Northeast winter, a lot of idle time led to the rise of mahjong in the early reform era and short videos later. But in either era, going to restaurants in winter was the norm.

So, when Li Xian boasted about his idea, he immediately thought of the market for pickled cabbage—restaurants.

It was already 80% into 1993.

In the past ten months, Li Xian had traveled far and wide. But most of his time was spent in Bangye County, which, besides the forestry bureau, had become his second hometown.

Living there, he couldn't help but observe the changes occurring over time. In the past ten months, aside from the wineries and black pottery factories influenced by himself, the most striking change was the increase in restaurants. Home-style eateries, dog meat restaurants, and hot pot places had sprung up along the small crossroad in Bangye.

The catering industry was peculiar; it often thrived in poorer areas. The poorer people were, the more they liked to numb themselves with drinking and boasting, especially during the idle winter months.

A key point to note was that most medium-sized restaurants didn't prepare their own ingredients. They relied on large markets for supplies, and pickled cabbage was not yet available in the large markets at the current stage. 

It was too ordinary, too inconspicuous, and too widespread.

Just like many business opportunities of this era. Because of its ordinary and common nature, it was often overlooked until years later when people stumbled upon it while chatting or reading news, realizing it could generate surprising wealth and exclaiming, "Can this thing make someone a millionaire?"

From this perspective, this era was indeed a good one.

The entry barrier for pickled cabbage and similar fermented foods was very low. With a fermentation tank and a packaging production line, you could start the business. Even without a fermentation tank, a large jar would suffice.

With winter approaching, this business was quite suitable for the surplus labor at the 89 Forest Farm.

During breakfast, Li Xian was thinking about this. After finishing his meal, he had a plan in mind.

"Dad, go to the radio station today. Gather everyone, and we'll make pickled cabbage."

Li You was stunned to hear his son's idea. "Can it really make money? Nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense!" Li Xian waved his hand and shared his thoughts.

Li You was convinced by him.

"Son, are you sure this will work?"

Li Xian nodded. "Absolutely. We don't even need to build a factory. Just gather the local women and large jars. For packaging, we can send the pickled cabbage to the berry research institute, which has a packaging production line. We won't need to invest a penny to start. With winter coming, as long as we open up the market, we'll see returns quickly. Besides pickled cabbage, I can't think of another business that can quickly unite everyone."

Hearing this, Li You immediately stood up, took some cigarettes and a lighter, and excitedly went out.

Li Xian and Li Daoyun exchanged smiles and followed him out.


The loudspeaker at the forest farm sounded again.

But this time, unlike before, Li Changzhu was no longer calling for everyone to work harder on the mountain but was urging the villagers to rush to the pickled cabbage jars.

If this had been half a month ago when Li You first took office, such a broadcast would have made people secretly criticize him as mentally unstable.

But this time, despite the implausibility of the pickled cabbage idea, when Li You announced that those interested in earning extra income during winter should gather at the forest farm headquarters, people put on their clothes and rushed to the headquarters.

Li Changzhu's words now carried weight.

At the farm headquarters.

The biting north wind was chilly, but within an hour, most of the families in the area had gathered in the courtyard.

Even the notorious lazybones, Old Five Lai, stood there with his hands in his sleeves, his runny nose hanging long, waiting in the autumn wind. Surprisingly, he didn't make any sarcastic remarks.


Because someone had calculated that Aunt Ma and the others from the initial processing plant had already made 800 to 900 yuan from selling mountain products they collected, not including the money they made from gathering and selling Schisandra and Acanthopanax to the processing plant!

What did this mean?

In less than twenty days, Aunt Ma and others earned as much as a medium-sized family's annual income at the forest farm!

Remembering the past to avoid repeating mistakes, when Li You called for everyone to get rich together before, no one responded. If they didn't show up this time, it would be a big problem.

Seeing that most people had arrived, Li You, accompanied by Li Xian and Li Daoyun, put down his large tea mug and walked into the courtyard.

The crowd, which had been buzzing, fell silent instantly upon seeing Li You.

Seeing the effect, Li You straightened his back a little more.


He cleared his throat, picked up the megaphone, and waved his hand. "The general situation has been covered in the broadcast. Now, I'll just add a few points about our pickled cabbage factory."

"First, this pickled cabbage factory was set up because I saw that everyone had no income in winter and, considering the local ties, I asked my second son, Li Xian, the investor of the factory, for this. Everyone, keep this in mind."

The emphasis on "keep this in mind" was made with a raised tone.

Hearing this, someone started clapping, and soon the courtyard was filled with applause and praise.

"Li Changzhu is righteous!"

"Your family is great, you care about the farm!"

"Li Changzhu, if this works out and everyone really makes money, we'll definitely set up a longevity tablet for your family!"

"Everyone, be quiet!" Li You was delighted and tried to suppress his laughter, raising his hands. "Second, for the sake of local ties, I've asked Li Xian to set aside 15% of the factory's shares as collective shares for all participating villagers. The employee shares will only be used for dividends and personal accumulation, with no share certificates issued. Ownership belongs to the collective. Employees have only the right to profit from basic shares without ownership rights, which cannot be inherited or transferred. Once they leave the company, the basic shares will automatically be forfeited. As for myself, I will act as the collective legal representative for the distribution. Does anyone have any objections?"

Since the number of employees and who would or wouldn't work hadn't been announced, who would dare object?

Naturally, there were no objections.

Li You was very satisfied. "But these employee shares are not free. Our pickled cabbage factory needs people, raw materials like cabbage, and production equipment, meaning large jars. This…"

"Li Changzhu, we have large jars at home!"

"Yeah, Li Changzhu, that's not a problem! We have plenty of cabbage too. No need to worry about that!"

Li You nodded, smiled, and waved his hand. "Alright, we've covered everything. Now, everyone, line up. If you want to work at the pickled cabbage factory, come to my office to register!"

The crowd immediately moved, and after a brief commotion, they quickly lined up in the courtyard.

Seeing everyone queueing up orderly, Li You turned and went back inside.

But just as he reached the door of the office, three figures blocked his way.

It was none other than Deputy Factory Director Cong Gui, Women's Director Sun Fulai, and… Cashier Zhang Dayou!

Seeing these three, Li You frowned.

"Why are you three blocking the way?"

Since he took office, these three had been scheming behind his back. Li You had resolved to deal with them. He thought about dealing with these obstacles to win over the hearts of the forest farm people.

Seeing the three blocking his way, Li Xian's eyes narrowed.

If these three were still causing trouble now that they had no popular support, it seemed necessary to visit Xu Chaoyang and ask for a favor

 to remove these stones and clear the obstacles.

The three of them looked at Li You and the somber-faced Li Xian for a while. Just as Li Xian was about to speak, the three suddenly took a step forward!

"Li Changzhu, give us a chance. This time… include our three families too…"


Looking at the suddenly softened three, Li Xian's expression froze, having prepared for a confrontation.

Was the leadership of the 89 Forest Farm truly dominated by Li You?