
Reborn as the Sweetheart of a Paranoid Boss

"Even in death, you won't escape from me." His voice was terrifying, but his deep blue eyes held affection and obsession. In this second chance at life, Jiang Se was determined to break free from her past destiny. So, she willingly became the 'wife of a monster.' Rumor had it that the eldest grandson of the Nie family was ruthless and violent, with countless murders attributed to him. He was said to be obsessively possessive and would go to great lengths to get anything he set his sights on. But Jiang Se wasn't afraid of him, as she had seen the most terrifying side of him at her own grave. That man had stood by her grave, his eyes filled with emotions she couldn't comprehend as he said, ""We were destined to be involved with each other."" After her rebirth, at a banquet hosted by the Nie family, the cold and noble man naturally bent down in front of his wife, gently massaging her slightly swollen heels, indulgently saying, ""She's delicate and cares a lot about her appearance."

Langjiu Lishan · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 17 Quentin_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

An ordinary person wouldn't be able to tell that there was something wrong with Mary's "Autumn Wind", but any professional would be able to tell.

There were some parts of the melody that weren't right, and there were also some parts of the lyrics that weren't right.

Therefore, after the song was released, some diehard fans were still obsessed with it, but some people raised doubts.

Some people started to realize that this song was very different from the songs that Mary had posted before.

It was as if the previous songs were all complete versions, but this song was like a defective product.

Once there were questions, there would be more and more questions.

Serena had gotten the effect she wanted and did not care anymore.

Presumably, Mary would come looking for her soon.


The next day, the freshmen began their military training.

On the other hand, Serena, who was already in her third year, was free. She occasionally attended professional classes every day and spent most of her time learning from Zoey.

Since Tommy and Shelton got along well, Serena did not disturb them. Instead, she went out with Wendy and Quentin every day.

Wendy was studying performance, while Quentin was studying finance.

At first, Serena wondered why Quentin didn't go to the finance department of New York University. After all, it was the top finance department in the country.

Later, Serena found out that Quentin was doing this for Wendy.

He wanted to be closer to her.

Serena knew this, so she often created opportunities for Quentin.


That day, Zoey gave Serena a day off. Serena was bored, so she went to find Wendy.

Wendy was now in her third year, and there were already many third-year students who had started to enter the entertainment industry.

However, Wendy had not signed a contract. Plus, her family background was strong, so she was not in a hurry.

Wendy had told her that she would sign with Sparkling Star Entertainment after Serena took it back.

Wendy was in dance class this time. When Serena arrived, Quentin was already sitting there.

Serena raised her eyebrows slightly and walked over. "Well done, you're publicly skipping class."

There were many classes in the Finance Department, and Quentin had to attend classes and attend the Student Union. He must have skipped classes to go here.

Quentin snorted. "I'm on leave."

During the freshmen's military training, the student union members would patrol the campus from time to time.

Of course, it was not Quentin's turn to do such a thing, but he was so thick-skinned that he came to visit Wendy after taking the leave.

Serena was speechless and ignored Quentin. He looked at Wendy, who was practicing hard in front of the mirror.

When Wendy saw Serena, she stopped practicing. She hurriedly ran over.

"Baby Serena, why are you here?" Wendy hopped over and wanted to pounce on her.

However, Quentin stopped her halfway.

"I didn't see you so enthusiastic when I first came."

Quentin was a little jealous.

Wendy rolled her eyes. "Can you compare with Serena?"

Quentin was speechless. It hurt. Fortunately, he was already used to it.

"Teacher gave me a break, so I came to look for you," Serena said with a smile.

Wendy's eyes lit up. "That's good. I'm almost done! Let's go to the new steak house in the school cafeteria!"

Serena nodded.

When Wendy was almost done with her practice, she informed the teacher in advance and changed her clothes. The three of them walked out of the dance classroom together.

"Hey, baby, have you heard?" Wendy shared her gossip with Serena as soon as she stepped out of the classroom.

Serena shook her head. She had been studying with Zoey for the past few days and did not have time to listen to gossip.

On the other hand, Wendy's performance department was a place for gossip.