
Breakfast in bed for you (I).

Chapter 71: Breakfast in bed for you (I).

Kein's POV

"I said no sex."

I crossed my arms not budging but she giggled opening the easel drawer revealing some of my untouched paint and brush.

"Who said we're having sex?"

Oh Lord have mercy.


"Paint me! Come on! I know it'll be a lot of fun!"

Is what she said but...

I held the end of my brush looking over at the half finished canvas. The paint freshly coated, it hasn't dried. I've only done half of her naked body... and she's already tired from posing for only half an hour.


"Oh Rose... you little dummy." I let out an affectionate sigh, seeing her fall asleep on the sofa while she was trying her hardest to strike a sexy pose for me. It honestly felt like a scene from a certain titanic ship movie inside.