
Reborn as the Flash's Twin Brother

Alexander, a teenage boy who hates the Flash TV series (Arrowverse), gets killed and is reborn as a twin brother of Barry Allen. This is a story about his adventures and the changes that he will bring as a sibling of the Flash. This is my first fan-fic novel. [Tags]: R-18, System, Hero who is not a hypocrite Current schedule: 3-5 chapters per week. Chapters will be released on any days. Bonus chapter sometimes if I am very free

eric69 · Others
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Near Death Experience

It has been a few weeks... a brunette boy was seen to be running around the street and was speed punching ogres to death.

Alex was training in his instance dungeon, killing off ogres and low-grade demons. At first, he had a hard time as the new monsters were much more durable and stronger than the zombies that he fought, his supersonic punch was not as effective as before. Gradually, he learned new tricks: speed reading, lightning throwing, phasing, speed punches (600 punches per minute), speed mirage, wind tunnel, and funnel and energy blast. There were still so much to explore from his powers - 'One with the Power' and Speed Force.

Alex: ' Summon my stats, system !"

Initiating... The system showed

System: Online

User name: Alexander Henry Allen

Age: 10 years old

Stats :

Power - 10 Luck - 0 (Author: 5 is the average human stat except for Luck )

Dexterity - 10

Constitution - 10

Intelligence - 8

Ability :

- Speed Force ( Level 2 )

The user is able to travel up to Mach 3 ( 1029m/s )

- One with the Power ( Level 2 )

The user is able to absorb energy and convert them more efficiently. The user is also able to energy blast.

- ID CREATE ( Level 5 )

Used to create an instant dungeon.

A stronger instant dungeon can be created at higher levels.

Current available dungeon list :

1. Empty Instance - monster : none

2. Zombie Instance - monster : zombies

3. Ogre Instance - monster : ogre

4. Demon Instance - monster : low grade demon

5. Mixed Instance - monster : ogre, low grade demon


Exit instant dungeon

Items : -

Currency : 0 GC


An announcement was made, disrupting the peace and quiet. 'BOSS ALERT! BOSS ALERT !'

WAAAARGGGGGHHHHHHHH !!! A shriek came and a large, hideous, man-like being appeared from a miles away. He was moving slowly towards Alex, dragging a large ax with him along the way. It was an ogre but it was different than the others, it was red-skin instead of green and was huge as a T-rex (size of 6.1 meters and mass 15,000kg ).


'New Mission: Kill the boss, Ogre King the Executioner'

Condition: Kill the boss. You cannot use ID escape until u kills the boss

Reward: 1 x Custom Superhero Suit

Failure: Death.

Alex: Death, huh. You kidding me. How can I be killed?; I got super reflex and super-speed.

Saying after this, he sprinted towards the BOSS and was going to lightning throw it to death. Alex ran in circles before throwing lightning to the BOSS, the lightning hit its target and ZAP. The ogre king was stunned for a while before shaking it off and shouting in fury and ran surprisingly fast while carrying its giant-sized ax.

Alex: " How was fast is it running, system? "

System: It is running at Mach 1. Alex was shocked for a few moments and sprinted towards it. As they met in the middle, the ax came swinging at his hips and it was a few milliseconds before Alex would be cut in a half. In a spilt-second of decision, Alex phased through the ax and it saved his life. Dodging the fatal blow, he speeds punched the ogre king; however, it only grazed it and made small cuts to it. Leaving it unfazed to the attacks, the BOSS swung the blunt part of the ax at Alex and he was flung and crashed to a nearby wall.

Alex struggled to get up and felt multiple sharp pain all over his body, especially on his chest. He asked the system: " Which part of me.....'Vomited some blood'... is broken, system? " and wiped the blood off his blood.

System: " You broke 2 ribs and have multiple fractures of your fibula." Alex got up and tried to shrug the pain off. Started off limping, he ran at his top speed away from the boss to think of a plan to defeat the ogre king.

Alex: " If I get hit by the ogre king again, I don't think that I will be able to get up from so I have to be smart !! Throwing lightning to it and speed punching it did no major damage to it, I can't keep phasing its attack as it drains my stamina. WAIT A MINUTE ... It breathes and it needs air to live. That's it, I will just run around it while dodging its hits and create a vacuum around the surrounding of it." After his decision was made, he ran off at Mach 3 and a tornado was created around the ogre king (BOSS), it tried to swing its ax to prevent Alex from causing it to choke. Despite its effort, it was still in vain and it took ten minutes before Alex stopped and the Boss laid lifeless on the ground.

Alex: " The boss, ogre king was a worthy opponent, it had high defense, attack, and speed. Its only weakness was only its intelligence, it only relied on its instinct. I will have to put more effort and start to use my 'Speed reading' ability to increase my intelligence! Oh, I have to claim the prize, my custom superhero suit."

He opened it, revealing ??...

What do u think it is his custom superhero suit ?

eric69creators' thoughts