
Chapter 229 He Must Be a Good Father

Xiao Wen couldn't smile.

From childhood, he only had his mother as a relative. After her death, she entrusted him to the Princess Consort, who he then considered his family.

He knew he had a father, and other relatives on his father's side, perhaps a grandmother or someone else.

However, he had never considered his father and his relatives as his family; they were not even considered relatives.

When he heard his biological father speak of how his grandmother was, he felt no emotion nor did he react in any way.

He was merely curious about what content Lady Lu had falsified under his mother's handwriting that had enraged his grandmother to the point of spitting blood.

But the Prince of Yundian would not tell him.

Because he was still too young. The Prince of Yundian did not want him to hear of the dirty tactics within the inner courts too soon, fearing it would taint his mind and body.