
Chapter 12 Major Reversal (1)

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Yao's words stirred her three older brothers to rush forward and comfort her. How had Xiao Yao, with neither outstanding merits nor talents, merited such affection and doting from the Xiao family in ancient times? Yet, it was because at the age of ten, she declared her intention to help Xuanyuan Jinxing ascend the throne that her eldest brother became a general, her second brother a merchant, and her third brother joined the Imperial Guards, becoming Xuanyuan Jinxing's support inside and out. But in the end, it turned out to be a deceitful trap conceived by Xuanyuan Jinxing when she was just fifteen years old.

This time, Xiao Yao truly shed tears for her parents, her three brothers, and all those in the Xiao Family who loved her.

"Father, mother, brothers, I'm sorry. It was Yao'er who misplaced her trust and brought calamity upon our family. Please accept Yao'er's three kowtows of apology!"

"Yaoyao, there's no need, get up!" Xiao Chengguang and Bai Xuelian's eyes reflected panic, and their hearts were even more frantic and sorrowful, while her three brothers felt heartache and regret. Yaoyao did not rise, continuing to kowtow.

"With the first kowtow, I thank you, father and mother, for your nurturing grace!"

"With the second kowtow, I thank you, father, mother, and brothers, for your affection, which allowed Yao'er to live fearlessly and joyfully in the face of the world's scrutiny!"

"With the third kowtow, I apologize for Yao'er's mistakes, which have brought disaster upon the Xiao Family. Not only did you not blame me, but you also generously and magnanimously forgave me!"

After completing her three kowtows, Xiao Yao solemnly looked at her three brothers, her gaze switching to Chang Hongwei, and spoke in a voice only he could hear.

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother, don't worry. The Xiao Family will not perish like this!"

Upon hearing this, Chang Hongwei panicked. Others might not know of Xiao Yao's capabilities, but he and the Empress's daughter were well aware. Now that it had come to this, and Xiao Yao could still utter such a statement, it was likely she had a backup plan. While maintaining a composed exterior, his heart raced as he hurriedly sent a message to His Majesty and his daughter.

Her three brothers internally thought that Yaoyao was surely just comforting them. On the execution grounds, with the execution impending, what could possibly stop the Xiao Family from being wiped out? Could it be that Xuanyuan Jinxing had a change of heart, or that someone was coming to raid the execution site? They wanted to believe it, but outwardly, they nodded as if to reassure themselves and also to comfort their sister Xiao Yao.

"Mhm, Yaoyao, we believe you. But, Yaoyao," Xiao Yilin suddenly spoke as if struck by a thought, "I heard from Chang Liying that His Majesty, out of past sentiments, will spare your life. Little sister, you must survive, understand?"

If Xuanyuan Jinxing could spare their sister, it showed he still had a trace of conscience. Otherwise, even as ghosts, they would not let him off.

It was then that Xiao Yao realized her brothers knew she could survive, afraid that she might lose hope of living because of the Xiao Family's demise, they thought to urge her to keep living. However, her brothers did not know the torments that Xuanyuan Jinxing and Chang Liying had arranged for her to endure while alive. Otherwise, they would have surely cursed out loudly, wouldn't they?

Xiao Yao was even less aware of her three brothers' inner thoughts. If it weren't for the inappropriate setting, she would have rolled her eyes, even sneering at Xuanyuan Jinxing. Could someone as poisonous as a viper and scorpion have a conscience?

Seeing the expressions on her three brothers' faces, Xiao Yao knew they didn't believe her, but it didn't matter. All three brothers were highly skilled in martial arts, and their ability to retreat and protect themselves was not a problem at all. Xiao Yao didn't bother to emphasize or explain further.

She watched Xuanyuan Jinxing's movements closely. By now, Xuanyuan Jinxing must have been informed of what she had just said. Although he remained composed, Xiao Yao saw the fleeting look of panic when he first heard her words, and even noticed the his grip on Chang Liying's left hand as his veins bulged. Chang Liying, after hearing the messenger's words, struggled mightily to maintain a calm facade, but inside, she was in turmoil. She knew Xiao Yao never spoke idle words or took unsure actions.

Her eyes filled with panic, she softly called out to Xuanyuan Jinxing.

"Brother Xing?"

"Yingying, don't worry. By now, the execution site is surrounded by the Imperial Guards, the security is tight. Xiao Yao and the Xiao Family cannot escape even if they had wings. I'll order the execution now, to prevent any mishaps," Xuanyuan Jinxing said, seemingly calmly reassuring Chang Liying.

"Okay!" Whether it was Xuanyuan Jinxing's consolation or the order for execution that had an effect, although Chang Liying still felt a bit of panic, at least on the surface, her anxiety was not apparent.


"Bring in more guards and begin the execution!" Xuanyuan Jinxing ordered.

"Yes!" Imperial Guard Chang Ping responded.

The executioner took his position.

"The time has come, begin the execution!" Eunuch Li announced.

Upon hearing Eunuch Li's announcement, Xiao Yao faced Xuanyuan Jinxing.

"Xuanyuan Jinxing, do you truly have to be so heartless, to exterminate the entire Xiao Family on charges of falsehoods?"

"Xiao Yao, the crimes committed by the Xiao Family, the crime of plotting rebellion, are evidenced beyond doubt!" Xuanyuan Jinxing stated righteously, clearly distinguishing between public and private interests.

Chang Hongwei, who was initially panicked inside, received the order and hurriedly carried it out. He picked up the execution plaque, threw it down, and said, "The criminals of the Xiao Family have been identified, the time has come, carry out the execution!"

As his words fell, the handcuffs and leg shackles of Xiao Yao, Eunuch Li, and the three hundred thirty-six people at the execution ground, apart from Xiao Family's Three Brothers, instantaneously shattered.

At the same moment the chains on Xiao Yao's hands and legs broke, she utilized her superior Qinggong, and in the blink of an eye, with a flash of red light, she flew towards Xuanyuan Jinxing. She encircled Xuanyuan Jinxing's neck with her left arm and pressed a delicate small dagger against his heart with her right hand.

While Xiao Yao flew towards Xuanyuan Jinxing, Eunuch Li, who was standing closest to Empress Chang Liying, suddenly seized Chang Liying by the neck with his hand.

The three hundred thirty-six people whose handcuffs and leg shackles had shattered instantly pressed the executioner's pressure points, seizing their executioner's blades and swiftly forming a protective circle around the Xiao Family's Three Brothers.

Some onlookers at the execution ground, who were part of the ordinary crowd, retreated from the execution ground much faster than usual.

In just an instant, the execution ground witnessed an earth-shattering change, a complete reversal of the situation.

His Majesty Xuanyuan Jinxing was stunned!

Empress Chang Liying was dumbfounded!

Chancellor Chang Hongwei was frozen in shock!

The leader of the Imperial Guards Chang Ping and the other Imperial Guard members were even more dumbfounded and frozen.

Not to mention the onlooking commoners at the execution ground.

Such swift action and such a rapid change in the situation left them all unable to react.

The Xiao Family's Three Brothers were also dumbstruck, just moments ago their sister had told them that the Xiao Family would not be exterminated, they thought it was just to comfort them, but now it seemed that their sister had long been prepared to prevent the extinction of their family, although it seemed a bit rebellious on the surface.
