
Reborn As The Blind God In The Multiverse Of Madness

Visual evidence of Wang Lui murdering a reporter is uploaded online and his father, who already has a strained relationship with him, strips him of his position as the President of Weng Hu Group. Worse, a delivery boy arrives with a package at an inopportune time and it's almost like the world is conspiring against Wang Lui. Upset, he opens the robotic package and it blows him into pieces. But this is a whole new beginning for Wang Lui. His soul is transported into a multiverse where he’s reborn as a God whose fragrance alone is extraordinarily endowed with powers bestowed from his mana. But he’s blind. Wang Lui is forced to adapt to his new circumstances and face challenges in the chaotic multiverse teeming with several other gods, beasts and demons, and mere mortals.

SavagelyYourxx · Fantasy
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8 Chs

An Uncanny Rebirth

A tiny ball of purple light appeared in the dark multiverse with a massive pressure gradient and drifted alongside a thousand others of various colors. But this one appeared unusual, as it was quickly chosen by a half-man, half-beast with four black horns. His mouth was already set in a menacing grin.

'In the supreme parallel universe, death is the only way to live. I have waited two hundred years to have you in my grasp, good thing you arrived in the absence of my brothers, Minoppio isn't here to claim you for the 20th time,' the entire space trembled as the surviving levitating souls scattered from each other at the sound of Dhamdax's voice. He was the fifth deity in the upside-down multiverse, famous for creating terrifying beasts, but this time he wanted something rather unique and different.

'He should be banished into the Toxicverse, where he will never know peace. It's a prison for cruel souls like him,' suggested Pexxasux, his beast side.

While Dhamdax pondered over this, he rested his scaled hand on his chin.

'If you want to make him a mere mortal, weaken his mana from the start because his heart was evil till death,' Pexxasux added.

"No," Dhamdax interjected, letting the soul float in front of him, "I have great plans for this soul. He will reincarnate as Kai, the Blind God of the multiverse, with a unique type of mana. Something I had already planned beforehand."

'Why should he be a blind god?' Pexxasux was curious.

"He'll have to fight with me in the end."

"So it's just a game for you?"

Dhamdax inhaled deeply and flung the soul into the flat multiverse.

"We'll find out," he concluded as he watched the soul incline downward.


Oraura, the young goddess of the air, removed her golden cloak and stripped naked before leaping into the sea. It was her daily practice, right before the Indigo moon would arrived, leaving that region of the Multiverse grimy and eerie. The sea was cursed by her father, Cobohr II, the god of air.

Something which bloated fishes and killed them along with other aquatic creatures.

War broke out between the Sea god and the Air god. Mydnia and Cobohr II.

When Cobohr II prevailed, the rivalry lasted for centuries. And Cobohr II, who still nursed a grudge against Mydnia, forbade his family from going near the sea because he was afraid of losing them.

But Oraura, his youngest and favorite daughter, liked the sea. She was prone to sneaking out of the sky castle to swim. This was an act she had been carrying out for some time without getting caught, until that fateful day.

Upon resurfacing the water, Oraura realized her stomach was bloating momentarily.

"What's happening?" She exclaimed as her fingers moved to feel the lump in her stomach.

She swam out of the water and slid on her clothing in a hurry. She was afraid that if she stayed in the water any longer, she would be affected by her father's curse, something she couldn't afford.

While flying back home, she noticed her stomach began to protrude, and when she stopped to inspect it, she was terrified.

Because her tummy was swollen to the size of a pregnant goddess due for delivery.

"Oraura!" The voice of Maui, her oldest brother, stopped her dead in her tracks.

"What in the hellverse, is that?" He was utterly horrified to see his sister in that state.


"She has white blood instead of red blood, and she has been in labor for sixteen hours." Someone informed an incensed Cobohr of this ill news. He was floating at the entrance with his three sons, still trying to process what he had just heard. Despite his warnings, his only daughter went swimming in the sea, and she became impregnated by a mere sea god.

Inside, when the midwife saw the gleaming white veins running through the young goddess's belly, she gasped because it was extinct.

Oraura's cries rang out and bounced off the walls. She was saturated in her own sweat, pushing as hard as she could until she ran out of strength. The entire bed was smeared with the same white blood.

"Float, Oraura, float," Maui urged through the window, "make use of your powers."

She quickly did this.

Pushing at the same time and floating from the bed.

Until the baby slid through her.

The midwife was quick to grab it before it struck the ground.

The sight of the child awed all of the women present. It was a boy with generous white hair. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, but the grimace on his face was intense.


"White-haired demon with no pupils. Get that thing out of here!" Cobohr II yelled at his daughter, pointing to the child she was holding.

"He's my son, father!" A persistent Oraura recoiled and took a step backward, the infant on her hip. He'd only been born a few hours, but he was already the size of a year-old infant.

"This is Mydnia's retaliation; he wishes to bring ill-omen to the air gods," Cobohr II added, his countenance solemn.

"Gods and mere mortals have given birth to beasts, trolls, and even worse creatures." Oraura couldn't trust her father's words.

"Take that thing back to where it came from, or I'll make you lose your powers for a season."

When she heard her father's warning, Oraura's heart fell in her stomach.

"Uenar, Elotl, Maui, do something," Oraura urged as she cradled her son's head, looking from one brother to the other.

"You need to listen to father, he knows best," Uenar, the eldest, advised. And it appeared that the remaining two agreed with him.

"Please, Father, don't let me put him away," Oraura knelt, still clutching the kid, thinking she had no choice but to plead.

"You have less than two hours to put him away, or I'll take away your powers and exile you so you can breed that thing however you want." The tone of Cobohr II left no space for further argument.

By the time Oraura flew to Blackbay seashore, the child was already five years old. But she didn't mind because her heart was already interwoven with affection for this mysterious being that sprung from her. It didn't matter that he arrived in such an unusual manner, that her fellow air gods mistook him for a doom sent from the sea god.

He'd outgrown the clothes she'd worn him. They were ripped and stuck to his body like rags. Despite this, his white hair was gleaming and brightening the space around him.

Oraura knew he was more than just a divinity. He appeared to be a direct descendent of an unknown god with more power than all the air gods combined.

Her overbearing and controlling father wanted him gone, and despite her maternal impulses, she couldn't because she was already under pressure to fulfill her father's demands.

"I won't name you because I'll be constantly reminded of being a coward," she mumbled.

"I hope we meet again, under different circumstances, where I won't have to cast you away, but can keep and train you as my own son." As Oraura placed him on the seashore a dull pain went across her chest.

The child had yet to utter a sound. He kept moving his head in all directions as if he was already expecting someone. His eyes were still lacking pupils.

Oraura took off her necklace, wore it around his neck, pressed a tight kiss to his forehead before flying a few feet away from him.

She gave him one last look, sighed in regret, turned into the wind, and took off.

The child was left alone at last.

Still having no clue of what happened, he sat on the sand, dragged his knees up to his chest, and supported his chin there. He was blind and couldn't see anything, but he remained calm. His memory was blank since he was still growing.

For the first time since birth, he yawned before letting his eyelids flicker till they closed. Then he let sleep overwhelm him.